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add routines to convert collision/selection boxes from nodes to objects
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fluxionary committed Nov 4, 2023
1 parent f032f29 commit db364b5
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Showing 2 changed files with 132 additions and 8 deletions.
138 changes: 131 additions & 7 deletions minetest/box.lua
Expand Up @@ -50,13 +50,137 @@ function futil.is_box(box)

function futil.is_boxes(boxes)
if type(boxes) == "table" and #boxes > 0 then
for _, box in ipairs(boxes) do
if not futil.is_box(box) then
return false
if type(boxes) ~= "table" or #boxes == 0 then
return false

for _, box in ipairs(boxes) do
if not futil.is_box(box) then
return false
return true
return false

return true

-- given a set of boxes, return a single box that covers all of them
function futil.cover_boxes(boxes)
if not futil.is_boxes(boxes) then
return { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

local cover = boxes[1]
for i = 2, #boxes do
for j = 1, 3 do
cover[j] = math.min(cover[j], boxes[i][j])
for j = 4, 6 do
cover[j] = math.max(cover[j], boxes[i][j])

return cover

for nodes:
A nodebox is defined as any of:
-- A normal cube; the default in most things
type = "regular"
-- A fixed box (or boxes) (facedir param2 is used, if applicable)
type = "fixed",
fixed = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
-- A variable height box (or boxes) with the top face position defined
-- by the node parameter 'leveled = ', or if 'paramtype2 == "leveled"'
-- by param2.
-- Other faces are defined by 'fixed = {}' as with 'type = "fixed"'.
type = "leveled",
fixed = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
-- A box like the selection box for torches
-- (wallmounted param2 is used, if applicable)
type = "wallmounted",
wall_top = box,
wall_bottom = box,
wall_side = box
-- A node that has optional boxes depending on neighboring nodes'
-- presence and type. See also `connects_to`.
type = "connected",
fixed = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
connect_top = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
connect_bottom = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
connect_front = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
connect_left = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
connect_back = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
connect_right = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
-- The following `disconnected_*` boxes are the opposites of the
-- `connect_*` ones above, i.e. when a node has no suitable neighbor
-- on the respective side, the corresponding disconnected box is drawn.
disconnected_top = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
disconnected_bottom = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
disconnected_front = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
disconnected_left = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
disconnected_back = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
disconnected_right = box OR {box1, box2, ...}
disconnected = box OR {box1, box2, ...} -- when there is *no* neighbor
disconnected_sides = box OR {box1, box2, ...} -- when there are *no*
-- neighbors to the sides
for objects:
collisionbox = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, -- default
selectionbox = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, rotate = false },
-- { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax } in nodes from object position.
-- Collision boxes cannot rotate, setting `rotate = true` on it has no effect.
-- If not set, the selection box copies the collision box, and will also not rotate.
-- If `rotate = false`, the selection box will not rotate with the object itself, remaining fixed to the axes.
-- If `rotate = true`, it will match the object's rotation and any attachment rotations.
-- Raycasts use the selection box and object's rotation, but do *not* obey attachment rotations

futil.default_collision_box = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }

function futil.node_collision_box_to_object_collisionbox(collision_box)
if type(collision_box) ~= "table" then
return table.copy(futil.default_collision_box)
elseif collision_box.type == "regular" then
return table.copy(futil.default_collision_box)
elseif collision_box.type == "fixed" or collision_box.type == "leveled" or collision_box.type == "connected" then
if futil.is_box(collision_box.fixed) then
return collision_box.fixed
elseif futil.is_boxes(collision_box.fixed) then
return futil.cover_boxes(collision_box.fixed)
return table.copy(futil.default_collision_box)
elseif collision_box.type == "wallmounted" then
local boxes = {}
if collision_box.wall_top then
table.insert(boxes, collision_box.wall_top)
if collision_box.wall_bottom then
table.insert(boxes, collision_box.wall_bottom)
if collision_box.wall_side then
table.insert(boxes, collision_box.wall_side)
return futil.cover_boxes(boxes)
return table.copy(futil.default_collision_box)

function futil.node_selection_box_to_object_selectionbox(selection_box, rotate)
local selectionbox = futil.node_collision_box_to_object_collisionbox(selection_box)
selectionbox.rotate = rotate or false
return selectionbox
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mod.conf
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ website =
author = fluxionary
license = LGPL-3.0-or-later
media_license = CC-BY-SA-4.0
version = 2023-11-01
version = 2023-11-04
min_minetest_version = 5.7.0
supported_games = *
depends = fmod

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