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FluxNinja Aperture
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Rate Limiting for Java Applications

The aperture-java SDK provides an easy way to integrate your Java applications with FluxNinja Aperture. It allows flow control functionality on fine-grained features inside service code.

Refer documentation for more details.


Follow this link to install the Aperture Java SDK.

Create Aperture Client

The next step is to create an Aperture Client instance, for which, the address of the organization created in Aperture Cloud and API key are needed. You can locate both these details by clicking on the Aperture tab in the sidebar menu of Aperture Cloud.

import com.fluxninja.aperture.sdk.ApertureSDK;
import com.fluxninja.aperture.sdk.EndResponse;
import com.fluxninja.aperture.sdk.FeatureFlowParameters;
import com.fluxninja.aperture.sdk.Flow;
import com.fluxninja.aperture.sdk.FlowStatus;

  String agentAddress = "";
  String apiKey = "API_KEY";

  ApertureSDK apertureSDK;
      try {
          apertureSDK =
      } catch (IOException e) {

Flow Functionality

The created instance can then be used to start a flow:

Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<>();

// business logic produces labels
labels.put("userId", "some_user_id");
labels.put("userTier", "gold");
labels.put("priority", "100");

Boolean rampMode = false;

FeatureFlowParameters params =
// StartFlow performs a flowcontrolv1.Check call to Aperture. It returns a Flow.
Flow flow = this.apertureSDK.startFlow(params);

// See whether flow was accepted by Aperture.
try {
    if (flow.shouldRun()) {
        // do actual work
    } else {
        // handle flow rejection by Aperture
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Flow Status captures whether the feature captured by the Flow was
    // successful or resulted in an error. When not explicitly set,
    // the default value is FlowStatus.OK .
    logger.error("Error in flow execution", e);
} finally {
    EndResponse endResponse = flow.end();
    if (endResponse.getError() != null) {
        logger.error("Error ending flow", endResponse.getError());
    }"Flow End response: {}", endResponse.getFlowEndResponse());

The above code snippet is making startFlow calls to Aperture. For this call, it is important to specify the control point (featureName in the example) and business labels that will be aligned with the policy created in Aperture Cloud. For request prioritization use cases, it's important to set a higher gRPC deadline. This parameter specifies the maximum duration a request can remain in the queue. For each flow that is started, a shouldRun decision is made, determining whether to allow the request into the system or to rate limit it. In this example, we only see response returns, but in a production environment, actual business logic can be executed when a request is allowed. It is important to make the end call made after processing each request, to send telemetry data that would provide granular visibility for each flow.