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Ignite Timer 🚀

🚀 Ignite Timer is an countdown application.
This application was developed by watching Rocketseat Bootcamp.
As a developer I can never stop learning, I added some new functionallities to take the application to the next level, the functionallities are Dark and Light mode of course, I made E2E tests with cypress.

Tabela de conteúdos

Getting Started

This application is being built using the following technologies:


- [x] Start/Stop Exercice cycle
- [x] Keep informations in localStorage
- [x] Dark/Light Mode
- [x] Accessibility


I created this application to apply some new knowledges and tecnologies.

- light and dark mode with Styled-Components.
- Use useReducer Hook.
- Share informations through the application with Context API.
- Tests E2E with Cypress.

You can see the final application here:


picture of Flavio Santos
Flavio Santos

Built with ❤️ by Flavio Santos 👋🏽 get in touch!

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