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Rank Degree Influencer Core Sampler (RaDICeS). A Twitter follow network crawler for influential accounts using the cost-free Twitter API.


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This software prototype creates an explorative sample of core accounts in (optionally language-based) Twitter follow networks.

If you use this for your research please cite the article and/or cite the software itself.

Why is this useful and how does this work?

In this journal article we explain the underlying method and draw a map of the German Twittersphere:

This talk sums up the article:

A short usage demo that was prepared for the ICA conference in 2020 can be found here:

(PLEASE NOTE: The language specification is not working as it did for our paper due to changes in the Twitter API. Now it uses the language of the last tweet (or optionally the last 200 tweets with a threshold fraction defined by you to avoid false positives) by a user as determined by Twitter instead of the interface language. This might lead to different results.)

A large-scale test of the 'bootstrapping' feature regarding the preservation of k-coreness-ranking of the sampled accounts is presented here: (video for IC2S2 2020)

A test of the sampling method across language communities (Italian and German) can be watched here: (video for AoIR 2020)

Please feel free to open an issue or comment if you have any questions.

Moreover, if you find any bugs, you are invited to report them as an Issue.

Before contributing/raising an issue, please read the Contributor Guidelines.

Installation & Usage

  1. Create a Twitter Developer app
  2. Set up your virtual environment with pipenv (see here)
  3. Have users authorise your app (the more the better - at least one) (see here)
  4. Set up a mysql Database locally or online.
  5. Fill out config.yml according to your requirements (see here)
  6. Fill out the seeds_template with your starting seeds or use the given ones (see here)
  7. Start software, be happy
  8. (Develop the app further - run tests)

Create Virtual Environment with Pipenv

We recommend installing pipenv (including the installation of pyenv) to create a virtual environment with all the required packages in the respective versions. After installing pipenv, navigate to the project directory and run:

pipenv install

This creates a virtual environment and installs the packages specified in the Pipfile.


pipenv shell

to start a shell in the virtual environment.

Authorise App & Get Tokens

This app is based on a Twitter Developer app. To use it you have to first create a Twitter app. Once you did that, your Consumer API Key and Secret have to be pasted into a keys.json, for which you can copy empty_keys.json (do not delete or change this file if you want to use the developer tests). You are now ready to have users authorize your app so that it will get more API calls. To do so, run


This will open a link to Twitter that requires you (or someone else) to log in with their Twitter account. Once logged in, a 6-digit authorisation key will be shown on the screen. This key has to be entered into the console window where is still running. After the code was entered, a new token will be added to the tokens.csv file. For this software to run, the app has to be authorised by at least one Twitter user.

Configuration (config.yml)

After setting up your mysql database, copy config_template.yml to a file named config.yml and enter the database information. Do not change the dbtype argument since at the moment, only mySQL databases are supported. Note that the password field is required (this also means that your database has to be password-protected). If no password is given (even is none is needed for the database), the app will raise an Exception.

You can also indicate which Twitter user account details you want to collect. Those will be stored in a database table called user_details. By default, the software has to collect account id, follower count, account creation time and account tweets count at the moment and you have to activate those by uncommenting in the config. If you wish to collect more user details, just enter the mysql type after the colon (":") of the respective user detail in the list. The suggested type is already indicated in the comment in the respective line. Note, however, that collecting huge amounts of data has not been tested with all the user details being collected, so we do not guarantee the code to work with them. Moreover, due to Twitter API changes, some of the user details may become private properties, thus not collectable any more through the API.

If you have a mailgun account, you can also add your details at the bottom of the config.yml. If you do so, you will receive an email when the software encounters an error.

Indicate starting seeds for the walkers

The algorithm needs seeds (i.e. Twitter Account IDs) to draw randomly from when initialising the walkers or when it reached an impasse. These seeds have to be specified in seeds.csv. One Twitter account ID per line. Feel free to use seeds_template.csv (and rename it to seeds.csv) to replace the existing seeds which are 200 randomly drawn accounts from the TrISMA dataset (Bruns, Moon, Münch & Sadkowsky, 2017) that use German as interface language.

Note that the seeds.csv at least have to contain that many account IDs as walkers should run in parallel. We suggest using at least 100 seeds, the more the better (we used 15.000.000). However, since a recent update, the algorithm can gather ('bootstrap') its own seeds and there is no need to give a comprehensive seed list. This changes the quality of the sample (for the worse or the better is subject of ongoing research), however, it makes it a very powerful exploratory tool.


PLEASE NOTE: The language specification is not working as it did for our paper due to changes in the Twitter API. Now it uses the language of the last tweet(s) by a user as determined by Twitter instead of the interface language. This might lead to different results from our paper (even though the macrostructures of a certain network should remain very similar).

Run (while you are in the pipenv virtual environment)

python -n 2 -l de it -lt 0.05 -p 1 -k "keyword1" "keyword2" "keyword3"


  • -n takes the number of seeds to be drawn from the seed pool,
  • -l can set the Twitter accounts's last status languages that are of your interest,
  • -lt defines a fraction of tweets within the last 200 tweets that has to be detected to be in the requested languages (might slow down collection)
  • -k can be used to only follow paths to seeds who used defined keywords in their last 200 tweets (keywords are interpreted as regexes, ignoring case)
  • and -p the number of pages to look at when identifying the next node. For explanation of advanced usage and more features (like 'bootstrapping', an approach, reminiscent of snowballing, to grow the seed pool) use
python --help

which will show a help dialogue with explanations and default values. Please raise an issue if those should not be clear enough.


  • If the program freezes after saying "Starting x Collectors", it is likely that either your keys.json or your tokens.csv contains wrong information. We work on a solution that is more user-friendly!
  • If you get an error saying "lookup_users() got an unexpected keyword argument", you likely have the wrong version of tweepy installed. Either update your tweepy package or use pipenv to create a virtual environment and install all the packages you need.
  • If at some point an error is encountered: There is a -r (restart with latest seeds) option to resume collection after interrupting the crawler with control-c. This is also handy in case you need to reboot your machine. Note that you will still have to define the other parameters as you did when you started the collection the first time.

Analysis (with Gephi)

It is possible to import the data into tools like Gephi via a MySQL connector. However, Gephi apparently supports only MySQL 5 at the time of writing.

To do so, it is helpful to use create_node_view.sql and create_dense_result.sql to create views for Gephi to import.

Then you can import the results, in the case of Gephi via the menu item File -> Import Database -> Edge List, using your database credentials and

  • SELECT * FROM nodes as the "Node Query"
  • SELECT * FROM result as the "Edge Query" if you want to analyse the walked edges only (as done in the German Twittersphere paper)
  • SELECT * FROM dense_result as the "Edge Query" if you want to analyse all edges between collected accounts (which will be a much denser network)

Other tables created by RADICES in the database that might be interesting for analysis are:

  • result: edge list (columns: source,target) containing the Twitter IDs of walked accounts
  • friends: cache of collected follow connections, up to p * 5000 connections per walked account (might contain connections to accounts which do not fulfill language or keyword criteria)
  • user_details: user details cache, as defined in config.yml of all accounts in result and friends (might contain not deleted data from accounts which do not fulfill language or keyword criteria)

Other tables contain only data that is necessary for internal functions.


For development purposes. Note that you still need a functional (i.e. filled out) keys.json and tokens indicated in tokens.csv to work with. Moreover, for some tests to run through, some user details json files are needed. They have to be stored in tests/tweet_jsons/ and can be downloaded by running

python -s 1670174994

where -s stands for the seed to use and can be replaced by any Twitter seed of your choice. Note: the name tweet_jsons is misleading, since the json files actually contain information about specific users (friends of the given seed). This will be changed in a later version.

Before testing, please re-enter the password of the sparsetwitter mySQL user into the Then, rename it into If you would like to make use (and test) mailgun notifications, please also enter the relevant information as well.

Local mysql database

Some of the tests try to connect to a local mySQL database using the user "sparsetwitter@localhost". For these tests to run properly it is required that a mySQL server actually runs on the device and that a user 'sparsetwitter'@'localhost' with relevant permissions exists.

Please refer to the mySQL documentation on how to install mySQL on your system. If your mySQL server is up and running, the following command will create the user 'sparsetwitter' and will give it full permissions (replace "" with a password):

CREATE USER 'sparsetwitter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<your password>'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'sparsetwitter'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Tests that will fail

For the functional tests, the test FirstUseTest.test_restarts_after_exception will fail if you did not provide (or did not provide valid) Mailgun credentials. Also one unit-test will fail in this case.

Running the tests

To run the tests, just type


and / or

python tests/ -s

The -s parameter is for skipping API call-draining tests. Note that even if -s is set, the tests can take very long to run if only few API tokens are given in the tokens.csv. The whole software relies on a sufficiently high number of tokens. We used 15.


By submitting a pull request to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license (as this project is).

The "Logo" above is from and licensed as being in the public domain (CC0).


Rank Degree Influencer Core Sampler (RaDICeS). A Twitter follow network crawler for influential accounts using the cost-free Twitter API.



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