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➜ flyctl apps create grafana-example

Selected App Name: grafana-example

? Select organization: Demo Sandbox (demo-sandbox)

? Select builder: Image
    (Use a public Docker image)
? Select Image: grafana/grafana

? Select Internal Port: 3000

New app created
  Name         = grafana-example
  Organization = demo-sandbox
  Version      = 0
  Status       =
  Hostname     = <empty>

Wrote config file fly.toml
➜ flyctl volumes create grafana_storage --region ord
      Name: grafana_storage
    Region: ord
   Size GB: 10
Created at: 02 Nov 20 19:55 UTC

Edit fly.toml to add mount information. Grafana defaults to /var/lib/grafana for persistence, so we can just mount it directly.

source = "grafana_storage"
destination = "/var/lib/grafana"


This is all you need, just run flyctl deploy and watch what happens.

Once that's done, run flyctl open to launch the Grafana UI in your browser. Grafana defaults to admin for both username and password, enter those, change the password, and you're set.


Grafana has a number of interesting plugins, like the Worldmap Panel. The Grafana Docker image will install plugins from an environment variable. You can configure environment variables in fly.toml like so:

GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS = "grafana-worldmap-panel,grafana-clock-panel"

Run a quick flyctl deploy, check the logs, and you'll see messages like this:

2020-11-04T22:41:08.458Z ecb06e0a ord [info] installing grafana-worldmap-panel @ 0.3.2
2020-11-04T22:41:08.460Z ecb06e0a ord [info] from:
2020-11-04T22:41:08.461Z ecb06e0a ord [info] into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
2020-11-04T22:41:08.928Z ecb06e0a ord [info] ✔ Installed grafana-worldmap-panel successfully
2020-11-04T22:41:08.930Z ecb06e0a ord [info] Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>
2020-11-04T22:41:09.011Z ecb06e0a ord [info] installing grafana-clock-panel @ 1.1.1
2020-11-04T22:41:09.012Z ecb06e0a ord [info] from:
2020-11-04T22:41:09.013Z ecb06e0a ord [info] into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
2020-11-04T22:41:09.302Z ecb06e0a ord [info] ✔ Installed grafana-clock-panel successfully
2020-11-04T22:41:09.303Z ecb06e0a ord [info] Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>


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