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Userscript & AwesomeWM Configuration

Install Arch Linux (Base System)

  1. Boot from a CD or other install medium

  2. partition your disk. If you are using an EFI system, be sure that your first partition is a FAT32 partion with about 200MB space

  3. Format the partions

  4. Mount the partions as you want them on your system to /mnt

  5. Start the installation of the base system

    pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
  6. Write the mountpoints into the new system

    genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
  7. Go into the new system

    arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
  8. Install some important packages

    pacman -S vim ctags grub dosfstools efibootmgr sudo git tig zsh xdg-utils
  9. Set the correct hostname

    echo "hostname" > /etc/hostname
  10. Set the correct timezone

    ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
  11. Uncomment the selected locale in /etc/locale.gen and generate it with locale-gen.

  12. Set locale preferences in /etc/locale.conf

    locale > /etc/locale.conf
  13. Add console keymap and font preferences in /etc/vconsole.conf

    echo "KEYMAP=en" > /etc/vconsole.conf
  14. Configure /etc/mkinitcpio.conf as needed and create an initial RAM disk with mkinitcpio -p linux. You should add the resume to the HOOKS of the configuration file.

  15. Set a root password with passwd.

  16. Configure the default parameters for grub

    vim /etc/default/grub

    There you should remove the quite parameter for the default command list (GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT)

  17. Boot loader configuration

  18. Create a EFI module without installing grub onto the harddrive (e.g. for use with MacBooks)

    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    grub-mkstandalone -o /boot/EFI/boot.efi -d /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi -O x86_64-efi /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  19. Install the boot manager

    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=$esp --bootloader-id=grub --recheck --debug
  20. Configure the package manager for installing yaourt by adding the following lines into the /etc/pacman.conf file:

    SigLevel = Never
    Server =$arch

    Also you should enable the multilib repository.

  21. Install yaourt:

    pacman -Sy
    pacman -S yaourt
  22. Add a new user and give him or her sudo privileges:

    useradd USERNAME
    passwd USERNAME
    cd /home
    mkdir USERNAME
    chmod o-rwx -R USERNAME
    EDITOR=vim sudoedit /etc/sudoers
  23. Swich to the newly created user:

  24. Prepare the system to support WiFi

    yaourt -S b43-fwcutter b43-firmware dialog wpa_supplicant --noconfirm
  25. Clone the repository to the right directory

    mkdir ~/.config
    cd ~/.config
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone awesome
  26. Execute the setup script

    cd $HOME/.config/my-user-configurations
  27. Log-out and Log-in again to change the shell

  28. Exit the newly installed system, unmount the hard drive and reboot into your new system:

    cd /
    umount -R /mnt

Further configuration after reboot

  1. Run to install some more required packages and so some basic configuration

  2. Setup the graphic card Save the configuration file as /etc/X11/xorg.conf. After doing that, change the DPI value to the corresponding value. Therefore, you have to edit the "Device" section and add the following options:

    Option "UseEdidDpi" "false"
    Option "DPI" "96 x 96"
  3. Reboot your system


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