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flyingmachine committed Jan 27, 2023
2 parents 335be19 + 262d578 commit 3fdbd2f
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Showing 198 changed files with 336 additions and 92,305 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -9,5 +9,11 @@ projectile.cache
121 changes: 83 additions & 38 deletions
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
# WARNING this does not work currently

A lot has changed since I last put significant effort into this repo, and as a result this emacs
config is broken. I hope to get it working again soon (as of 2022-04-02).

If you're completely new to Clojure and emacs, I recommend using [Calva](, a plugin
for VSCode, rather than trying to learn both Clojure and Emacs at the same time. Other options:

- [Practicalli Spacemacs](
- [Cursive](
- [Vim fireplace](

# this is a Clojure-friendly emacs config

If you're new to emacs, check out
Expand All @@ -30,33 +18,82 @@ If you're new to emacs, check out
`emacs-for-clojure-book1`. Run `mv path/to/emacs-for-clojure-book1

Then open Emacs.
Then open Emacs. The first time you start, it will take a few minutes,
because it needs to download and install around fifty packages. You
will see some warnings pop up, but they are only style suggestions for
the packages being loaded.

## Prerequisites
Since you're working in Clojure, we assume you have it and its prerequisites
installed (see [this guide]( for
those instructions). Additionally, you're likely to want to have
[Leiningen]( installed, since many many projects use
it for running builds, tests, and tasks.

To support specific features of this emacs configuration, there are three more

1. [git]( is the dominant system for source code
version control. There's a good chance it came installed with your operating
system of choice, but in case it didn't, you'll want it!
2. [clojure-lsp]( enables Find References,
live linting, and many more features.
3. To get nice icons in your modeline, you need the fonts installed. After
startup the first time, run `M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts`. You will only
need to do this once.

### A Word About Project-Wide Search
One of the capabilities that comes in very handy is searching for some text
across all the files within your project. You can use git for that with the following
command: `M-x counsel-git-grep`. This works just fine, with the caveat that it
_must_ be in a directory version-controlled with git. There are quite a few
alternative search utilities, but you'll have to install them separately. In
practice, you'll probably settle on one you like and use it exclusively. Here
are the links, along with the emacs command to invoke each:

* [ack]( `M-x counsel-ack`
* [The Silver Searcher]( `M-x
* [The Platinum
Searcher]( `M-x
* [ripgrep]( `M-x counsel-rg`

## Features
This will allow you to edit Clojure files with syntax-aware
highlighting and [structural
via paredit, which means it will keep all your delimiters for nested forms
balanced (think parens, square brackets, and curly braces). Check out [this animated
to paredit. It's one of those things that seems strange at first, but
once you get used to it, you won't want to edit Clojure without it!

Other excellent capabilities you'll want to know about include:

* [CIDER](, a fully interactive Clojure environent
* [clojure-lsp](, provides static analysis
features for Clojure, such as live style and syntax warnings
* [Projectile](, navigate and manage project
* [Magit](, a complete interface to git
* [Treemacs](, a tree
layout file explorer

## Upgrading
Each package we use gets updated by its authors, at whatever cadence works for
them. It's a good idea to stay up-to-date, to get improvements and bug
fixes. It's analogous to keeping the software up-to-date in your operating

Before upgrading, ensure that your `.emacs.d` directory is under
version control so that you can always revert to a known good state.

To upgrade:

1. Edit `.emacs.d/init.el`, adding these lines after line 12:

(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-pinned-packages '(cider . "melpa-stable") t)

2. Close Emacs.
3. Run `rm -Rf .emacs.d/elpa/cider-*`
4. Open Emacs. You'll probably see some errors and your theme won't
load. That's ok.
5. In Emacs, run `M-x package-refresh-contents`.
6. In Emacs, run `M-x package-install cider`.
7. Close and re-open Emacs.
When you run `M-x list-packages` it refreshes the cache of all the package
repositories, and then tells you in the status line whether there are any
updates to install. Press `U` to mark all upgradeable packages for installation,
and then press `x` to execute the installation. You will be prompted to confirm,
and when you press `y` the package updates will be installed. Press `q` to exit
the package list when it's finished.

That should install the latest version. Enjoy!
If you ever get curious to look, you can find all the installed packages in `~/.emacs.d/elpa`.

## Organization

Expand All @@ -68,16 +105,24 @@ what's going on.

## Supporting CSS, HTML, JS, etc.

Emacs has decent support for CSS, HTML, JS, and many other file types out of the box, but if you want better support, then have a look at [my personal emacs config's init.el]( It's meant to read as a table of contents. The emacs.d as a whole adds the following:
Emacs has decent support for CSS, HTML, JS, and many other file types
out of the box, but if you want better support, then have a look at
[my personal emacs config's
It's meant to read as a table of contents. The emacs.d as a whole adds the following:

* [Customizes js-mode and html editing](
* Sets indentation level to 2 spaces for JS
* enables subword-mode so that M-f and M-b break on capitalization changes
* Uses `tagedit` to give you paredit-like functionality when editing html
* adds support for coffee mode
* [Uses enh-ruby-mode for ruby editing]( enh-ruby-mode is a little nicer than the built-in ruby-mode, in my opinion.
* [Uses enh-ruby-mode for ruby
enh-ruby-mode is a little nicer than the built-in ruby-mode, in my opinion.
* Associates many filenames and extensions with enh-ruby-mode (.rb, .rake, Rakefile, etc)
* Adds keybindings for running specs
* Adds support for YAML and SCSS using the yaml-mode and scss-mode packages

In general, if you want to add support for a language then you should be able to find good instructions for it through Google. Most of the time, you'll just need to install the "x-lang-mode" package for it.
In general, if you want to add support for a language then you should
be able to find good instructions for it through Google. Most of the
time, you'll just need to install the "x-lang-mode" package for it.
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions customizations/editing.el
Expand Up @@ -18,21 +18,27 @@
;; Highlight current line
(global-hl-line-mode 1)

;; Interactive search key bindings. By default, C-s runs
;; isearch-forward, so this swaps the bindings.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'isearch-forward-regexp)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-r") 'isearch-backward-regexp)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") 'isearch-forward)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") 'isearch-backward)
;; line numbers
(global-display-line-numbers-mode 1)
;; but not everywhere
(dolist (mode '(org-mode-hook
(add-hook mode (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode 0))))

;; Don't use hard tabs
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

;; shell scripts
(setq-default sh-basic-offset 2
sh-indentation 2)

;; When you visit a file, point goes to the last place where it
;; was when you previously visited the same file.
(require 'saveplace)
(setq-default save-place t)
(save-place-mode 1)
;; keep track of saved places in ~/.emacs.d/places
(setq save-place-file (concat user-emacs-directory "places"))

Expand All @@ -43,7 +49,6 @@
(setq auto-save-default nil)

;; comments
(defun toggle-comment-on-line ()
"comment or uncomment current line"
Expand Down
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions customizations/elisp-editing.el
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
;; Automatically load paredit when editing a lisp file
;; More at
(autoload 'enable-paredit-mode "paredit" "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code." t)
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
(add-hook 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
(add-hook 'ielm-mode-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
(add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
(add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
;; paredit enables structural editing of just about any lisp
(setup (:package paredit)
(:hook-into emacs-lisp-mode

;; eldoc-mode shows documentation in the minibuffer when writing code
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
(add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
(add-hook 'ielm-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
(setup turn-on-eldoc-mode
(:hook-into emacs-lisp-mode

;; rainbow-delimiters makes nested parentheses easier to
;; follow by showing each pair in its own color.
;; Depending on your theme, the colors might be very subtle,
;; and not very rainbow!
(setup (:package rainbow-delimiters)
(:hook-into prog-mode))
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions customizations/filetree.el
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
;; treemacs is a tree layout file explorer
(setup (:package treemacs treemacs-projectile treemacs-magit)
(:global "M-0" treemacs-select-window
"M-o" ace-window ;; treemacs brings ace-window as a dependency
"s-b" treemacs))
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions customizations/git.el
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; magit is a full-fledged interface for git
(add-to-list 'package-pinned-packages '(magit . "melpa-stable") t)
(setup (:package magit)
(:global "C-M-;" magit-status))
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions customizations/misc.el

This file was deleted.

89 changes: 30 additions & 59 deletions customizations/navigation.el
@@ -1,62 +1,33 @@
;; These customizations make it easier for you to navigate files,
;; switch buffers, and choose options from the minibuffer.

;; "When several buffers visit identically-named files,
;; Emacs must give the buffers distinct names. The usual method
;; for making buffer names unique adds ‘<2>’, ‘<3>’, etc. to the end
;; of the buffer names (all but one of them).
;; The forward naming method includes part of the file's directory
;; name at the beginning of the buffer name
(require 'uniquify)
(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)

;; Turn on recent file mode so that you can more easily switch to
;; recently edited files when you first start emacs
(setq recentf-save-file (concat user-emacs-directory ".recentf"))
(require 'recentf)
(recentf-mode 1)
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 40)

;; ido-mode allows you to more easily navigate choices. For example,
;; when you want to switch buffers, ido presents you with a list
;; of buffers in the the mini-buffer. As you start to type a buffer's
;; name, ido will narrow down the list of buffers to match the text
;; you've typed in
(ido-mode t)

;; This allows partial matches, e.g. "tl" will match "Tyrion Lannister"
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)

;; Turn this behavior off because it's annoying
(setq ido-use-filename-at-point nil)

;; Don't try to match file across all "work" directories; only match files
;; in the current directory displayed in the minibuffer
(setq ido-auto-merge-work-directories-length -1)

;; Includes buffer names of recently open files, even if they're not
;; open now
(setq ido-use-virtual-buffers t)

;; This enables ido in all contexts where it could be useful, not just
;; for selecting buffer and file names
(ido-ubiquitous-mode t)
(ido-everywhere t)

;; Shows a list of buffers
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer)

;; Enhances M-x to allow easier execution of commands. Provides
;; a filterable list of possible commands in the minibuffer
(setq smex-save-file (concat user-emacs-directory ".smex-items"))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'smex)

;; projectile everywhere!
;; which-key is the best feature for the discoverability and
;; usability of Emacs. When you start a key sequence, e.g. C-x,
;; a menu opens up that shows you what all your next options
;; are. It's a great way to find out what's in Emacs, and it
;; helps transfer commands from your short-term memory to
;; your long-term memory and (finally) your muscle memory.
(setup (:package which-key)
(:option which-key-idle-delay 0.3))

;; ivy is the completion framework. This makes M-x much more usable.
;; Installing counsel brings ivy and swiper as dependencies
;; swiper is a powerful search-within-a-buffer capability.
(setup (:package counsel)
(:option ivy-use-virtual-buffers t
ivy-re-builders-alist '((t . ivy--regex-ignore-order))
ivy-count-format "%d/%d ")
(:global "C-s" swiper
"s-f" swiper
"C-x C-f" counsel-find-file
"C-x C-b" counsel-switch-buffer
"M-x" counsel-M-x))

;; ivy-rich-mode adds docstrings and additional metadata
;; in the ivy picker minibuffer
;; see screenshots:
(setup (:package ivy-rich)
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions customizations/projects.el
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
;; projectile is another amazing package from the
;; creator of CIDER. It's got lots of commands
;; for searching and managing files in a project.
(setup (:package projectile)
(projectile-mode +1)
(:bind "s-p" projectile-command-map
"C-c p" projectile-command-map))

;; counsel-projectile integrates projectile with
;; counsel's browse-and-select UI
(setup (:package counsel-projectile))

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