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Rust for Embedded C Programmers

The Embedded Rust Book





$$ \overrightarrow{acc_{max}} = (accx_{max},accy_{max},accz_{max})\\ \overrightarrow{unit} = (x_u,y_u, z_u) $$



$$ \overrightarrow{ACC} = (acc_x,acc_y,acc_z) = A(x_u,y_u, z_u) \\ $$


$$ \overrightarrow{ACC} \bullet (1,0,0) = |\overrightarrow{ACC} |\times cos\theta = 投影到x轴的投影值 \\ $$ 根据DOT运算结果,以及轴向加速度约束,可以得到以下约束: $$ \overrightarrow{ACC} \bullet (1,0,0) = acc_x = A \times x_u \\ A \times x_u < accx_{max} $$


$$ \begin{cases} & A \times x_u < accx_{max} \\ & A \times y_u < accy_{max} \\ & A \times z_u < accz_{max} \\ \end{cases} $$

从求解$A$的角度,根据上面的分析我们可以采用下面的计算来得到 $A$

$$ A = min(\cfrac{accx_{max}}{x_u}, \cfrac{accy_{max}}{y_u}, \cfrac{accz_{max}}{z_u}) $$


已知$\overrightarrow{unit}$ 与$\overrightarrow{acc_{max}}$ ,在任意方向的约束向量$\overrightarrow{ACC}$,约束值$A$为:

$$ \begin{cases} & \overrightarrow{acc_{max}} = (accx_{max},accy_{max},accz_{max}) \

& \overrightarrow{unit} = (x_u,y_u, z_u) \ & A = min(\cfrac{accx_{max}}{x_u}, \cfrac{accy_{max}}{y_u}, \cfrac{accz_{max}}{z_u}) \ & \overrightarrow{ACC} = A \times \overrightarrow{unit} \ \end{cases} $$



    G2 = 20, /*G02------顺时针方向圆弧插补 G2 circular/helical
             interpolation (clockwise)           */
    G3 = 30, /*G03------逆时针方向圆弧插补 G3 circular/helical
             interpolation (counterclockwise)    */

The axis of the circle or helix must be parallel to the X, Y, or Z-axis of the machine coordinate system. The axis (or, equivalently, the plane perpendicular to the axis) is selected with G17 (Zaxis, XY-plane), G18 (Y-axis, XZ-plane), or G19 (X-axis, YZ-plane). If the arc is circular, it lies in a plane parallel to the selected plane.

Two formats are allowed for specifying an arc. We will call these the center format and the radius.

radius format

典型gcode指令例子:G17 G2 x 10 y 15 r 20 z 5, G17 is XY-plane selection", and G2 is clockwise circular。 so this example means to "make a clockwise (as viewed from the positive Z-axis) circular or helical arc whose axis is parallel to the Z-axis, ending where X=10, Y=15, and Z=5, with a radius of 20."

如上描述,在radius format格式指令下,是不会告知圆心坐标的。下面我们将推导在已知起始、终点,半径,方向这些条件下如何推导圆心的坐标。


                                 O <- [i,j]
                              -  |
                    r      -     |
                        -        |
                     -           | h
                  -              |
    [0,0] ->  C -----------------+--------------- T  <- [x,y]
              | <------ d/2 ---->|

C - Current position
T - Target position
O - center of circle that pass through both C and T
d - distance from C to T
r - designated radius
h - distance from center of CT to O

按照几何关系,可以得出下面的等式: $$d^2 == x^2 + y^2$$ $$h^2 == r^2 - (\cfrac{d}{2})^2$$

CCW场景下,根据相似三角形可以得到$\cfrac{DA}{h} = \cfrac{y}{d}$,即$DA=\cfrac{y}{d} * h$,所以: $$i ==\cfrac{x}{2} - DA ==\cfrac{x}{2} - \cfrac{y}{d} *h$$

CCW场景下,同样根据相似三角形可以得到$\cfrac{OD}{h}=\cfrac{x}{d}$,即$OD=\cfrac{x}{d}*h$,所以 $$j == \cfrac{y}{2} + OD == \cfrac{y}{2} + \cfrac{x}{d} *h$$

进一步简化可以得到: $$d == \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$$ $$h == \cfrac{ \sqrt{4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2} }{2}$$

CW,CCW场景下,进一步简化可以得到: $$i == \cfrac{ x \mp (y * \sqrt{4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2}) / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} }{ 2 },CCW场景下为“-”$$ $$j == \cfrac{ y \pm (x * \sqrt{4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2}) / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} }{ 2 },CW场景下为“+”$$

Center Format

典型gcode指令例子:G17 G2 x 10 y 16 i 3 j 4 z 9, G17 is XY-plane selection", and G2 is clockwise circular。 so this example means to "make a clockwise (as viewed from the positive z-axis) circular or helical arc whose axis is parallel to the Z-axis, ending where X=10, Y=16, and Z=9, with its center offset in the X direction by 3 units from the current X location and offset in the Y direction by 4 units from the current Y location. If the current location has X=7, Y=7 at the outset, the center will be at X=10, Y=11. If the starting value of Z is 9, this is a circular arc; otherwise it is a helical arc. The radius of this arc would be 5."

$$ \vec{F}=m\vec{a} \\ $$

根据外积(叉积)的定义有: $$ \left |\vec{r} \times \vec{rt} \right | = \left | r \right | \left | rt \right | sin\theta $$


$$ \vec{r} \cdot \vec{rt} = \left | r \right | \left | rt \right | cos\theta = x_r x_{rt} + y_r y_{rt} $$

因此向量$\vec{r}$ 与向量$ \vec{rt}之间的夹角可以表示为$atan2(|\vec{r} \times \vec{rt}| ,\vec{r} \cdot \vec{rt})$


假设向量$A(x_0,y_0)$与向量$B(x_1,y_1)$, 向量$A$,$B$之间夹角$\theta$为:$\theta =arctan \cfrac{x_0 y_1 - x_1 y_0}{x_0 x_1 + y_0 y_1}$, 推导过程见"##I-a: tan 与arctan"


$$k^{2}=radius^2 - (radius - arc_tolerance)^2=arc_tolerance*(2*radius - arc_tolerance)$$

对应的弧长为:$2* atan2(k, radius - arc_tolerance) * radius$

$$segments = \cfrac{0.5*angular_travel * radius}{ atan2(k, radius - arc_tolerance) * radius}$$


Trapezoidal 特点如下:

     * Trapezoidal acceleration:
     *    │
     *    xxxxxxxxxx
     *    │
     * ───┼─────────xxxxxxxxxx──────────────
     *    │
     *    │                   xxxxxxxxxxx
     *    │

以下讨论内容,专注于stepper motor场景,因此预先统一两个概念:

  • 步间延迟,ith delay是指任意相邻两个pluse之间的间隔时间(time delays between step pulses)。 在本讨论中不考虑"PLUSE length",因为它与我们的推导无关。在使用时,可以通过类似"delays - pluse-length"的方式得到单脉冲后实际延迟多长时间得到实际脉冲的占空长度。
  • 距离,在stepper motor场景,每走one step,就代表距离1.
     │ith delay│
     ┌─┐       ┌─┐       ┌─┐       ┌─┐
   ──┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └─
     i-1       i

结合前面列出的基本速度公式,在stepper motor场景可以得到以下关系:

  • $v_0$ - base speed, unit is steps per unit-time
  • $v_i$ - slew speed for the i-th step, unit is steps per unit-time $$ \begin{cases} & v_0 : initial velocity, base speed \ & v_i = \sqrt{v^2_{i-1} + 2*a} ,i=1,2,...:[1]iteration formula \end{cases} $$

如前面示意图,对第$i$ step, 定义它的步间延迟是:第$i-1$ step与第$i$ step间的time delay。根据我们前面的约定,我们可以得到步间延迟的公式:

  • $p_i$ - delay period for the i-th step (unit is unit-time same as velocity), $$ v_i = \cfrac{1}{p_i} \Rightarrow p_i = \cfrac{1}{v_i}, [2] $$



\cfrac{1}{p_i} = \sqrt{ (\cfrac{1}{p_{i-1}})^2 +2a } = \cfrac{\sqrt{1+2ap^2_{i-1}}}{p_{i-1}} $$

最后化简结果是: $$ \begin{cases} & p_1 = \cfrac{1}{ \sqrt{v^2_0 +2a} } \ & p_i = \cfrac{p_{i-1}}{\sqrt{1+2a*p^2_{i-1}}},i=2,3...:[3]iteration formula \end{cases}



考虑到taylor series of 1/sqrt(1+x)展开的特点,$\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{1+x}} \approx 1-\cfrac{x}{2}+\cfrac{3x^2}{8}$, taylor展开在$[-1,1]$区间有很好的近似性,我们首先来判断下$\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{1+2a*p^2_{i-1}}}$是否在我们希望的$[-1,1]$区间。

根据式子$[2]$,显然我们是需要判断$x=\cfrac{2a}{v^2_{i-1}}$是否满足区间要求. 因此一般化来说,$x$的范围应该是:

$$ x \in [\cfrac{2a}{v^2_{max}},\cfrac{2a}{v^2_{min}} ] $$



$$ \begin{cases} & 如果是加速度为正,那么v_{min}=v_1=\sqrt{v^2_0 +2a}; 结论:x \in (0,\cfrac{2a}{v^2_0 +2a}] \in (0,1]\\ & 如果加速度为负,v_{max}=v_1=\sqrt{v^2_0 +2a}; 结论:x \in [\cfrac{2a}{v^2_0 +2a},0) \in [-1,0) \end{cases} $$



$$ 约定:R= a \

\begin{cases} & intital: p_1 = \cfrac{1}{\sqrt{v^2_0 +2a}}\ & p_i=p_{i-1} (1+mp^2_{i-1}) \text{,采用二级展开} \ & p_i=p_{i-1} (1+mp^2_{i-1} + \cfrac{3}{2}(m*p^2_{i-1})^2) \text{,采用三级展开} \end{cases} $$

  • 其中$m$的取值采用: $$ \begin{cases} & m=-R \text{, if during acceleration phase} \ & m=0 \text{, if between acceleration and deceleration phases} \ & m=R \text{,if during deceleration phase} \end{cases} $$


  • $p_i$单位是unit-time,与velocity unit-time单位相同,例如:如果速度单位是steps per second, 那$p_i$单位就是second;如果如果速度单位是steps per minutes, 那$p_i$单位就是minute.

S型加减速(S-curve or double S)

内容见3.4 Trajectory with Double S Velocity Profile


  • $T_{j1}$ : time-interval in which the jerk is constant (jmax or jmin) during the acceleration phase;
  • $T_{j2}$ : time-interval in which the jerk is constant (jmax or jmin) during the deceleration phase;
  • $T_a$ : acceleration period;
  • $T_v$ : constant velocity period;
  • $T_d$ : deceleration period;
  • T : total duration of the trajectory ($= T_a + T_v + T_d$).
  • $j_{max};a_{max};v_{max};h=q_1-q_0$: maximum values of jerk, acceleration and velocity and desired displacement


  • Acceleration phase, t ∈ [0, Ta], where the acceleration has a linear profile from the initial value (zero) to the maximum and then back to zero. $ t \in [0,T_{j1}] \Rightarrow \begin{cases} & q(t) = q_0 + v_0*t +j_{max}\cfrac{t^3}{6} \ & q'(t) = v_0 +j_{max}\cfrac{t^2}{2} \ & q''(t) =j_{max}*t \ & q''(t) =j_{max}*t \ & q'''(t) = j_{max} & \end{cases} $

$ t \in [T_{j1}, T_a - T_{j1}] \Rightarrow \begin{cases} & q(t) = q_0 + v_0*t +\cfrac{a_{lim}}{6}(3t^2 -3T_{j1}t + T^2_{j1}) \ & q'(t) = v_0 +a_{lim} (t - \cfrac{T_{j1}}{2}) \ & q''(t) =j_{max}*T_{j1}=a_{lim} \ & q'''(t) = 0 & \end{cases} $

$ t \in [T_a - T_{j1}, T_a] \Rightarrow \begin{cases} & q(t) = q_0 + (v_{lim}+v_0)\cfrac{T_a}{2} - v_{lim}(T_a-t) - j_{min} \cfrac{(T_a-t)^3}{6} \ & q'(t) = v_{lim} + j_{min} \cfrac{(T_a-t)^2}{2} \ & q''(t) = -j_{min}(T_a -t) \ & q'''(t) = j_{min} = - j_{max} & \end{cases} $

    1. Maximum velocity phase, t ∈ [Ta, Ta + Tv], with a constant velocity.

$$ t \in [T_a, T_a + T_{v}] \Rightarrow \begin{cases} & q(t) = q_0 + (v_lim+v_0)\cfrac{T_a}{2} - v_{lim}*(T_a-t) \\ & q'(t) = v_{lim} \\ & q''(t) = 0 \\ & q'''(t) = 0 & \end{cases} $$

    1. Deceleration phase, t ∈ [Ta+Tv, T], being T = Ta+Tv +Td, with profiles opposite with respect to the acceleration phase.


I-a: tan 与arctan


$$tan(\alpha \pm \beta)=\cfrac{ tan(\alpha) \pm tan(\beta) }{1 \mp tan(\alpha)tan(\beta)}$$

$$arctan(A) \pm arctan(B) = arctan \cfrac{A \pm B}{ 1 \mp AB } $$

假设向量$A(x_0,y_0)$与向量$B(x_1,y_1)$, 向量$A$,$B$之间夹角$\theta$

$$\angle A= arctan(\cfrac{y_0}{x_0}), \angle B=arctan(\cfrac{y_1}{x_1})$$

因此: $$\angle B - \angle A = arctan(\cfrac{y_1}{x_1}) - arctan(\cfrac{y_0}{x_0})$$


$$\angle B - \angle A =arctan \left ( \cfrac{ \cfrac{y_1}{x_1} - \cfrac{y_0}{x_0}}{1 + \cfrac{y_1}{x_1} \cfrac{y_0}{x_0}} \right )$$

$$\angle B - \angle A =arctan \cfrac{x_0 y_1 - x_1 y_0}{x_0 x_1 + y_0 y_1}$$


S - acceleration distance
t - acceleration time, ramping period, unit is unit-time. e.g. second,minute, and so on
v0 - initial velocity, base speed, unit is distance per unit-time
v - target velocity, slew speed, unit is distance per unit-time
a - acceleration, , unit is distance per (unit-time)^2

$$ S = v_0t + \cfrac{1}{2} at^2 \ v=v_0 +a*t \Rightarrow t=\cfrac{v-v_0}{a} $$

re arrange format is:

$$ S = \cfrac{v^2 -v^2_0}{2a} \ v = \sqrt{v^2_0 + 2a*S} $$


  • $a_n$: 向心加速度
  • $F_n$: 向心力
  • $v$: 切向速度
  • $r$ : 半径

$$ a_n = \cfrac{F_n}{m} \\ = 4 \pi^2f^2r =\cfrac{v^2}{r}=\omega^2r=v\omega $$

下面是标量向心加速的的推导过程, :

$$ \vec{p} = r.cos(\theta)\hat{i} + r.sin(\theta)\hat{j} \

\vec{v}(t) = \cfrac{d \vec{p}}{dt} = r(-sin(\theta(t)))\cfrac{d\theta}{dt}\hat{i} + r(cos(\theta(t)))\cfrac{d\theta}{dt}\hat{j} \

= r\omega(-sin(\theta(t)))\hat{i} + r\omega cos(\theta(t))\hat{j} \

\vec{a}(t) = \cfrac{d \vec{v}}{dt} = -r\omega(cos(\theta(t))) \omega \hat{i} - r\omega sin(\theta(t)) \omega \hat{j} \ = -\omega^2 r ( cos(\theta(t)) \hat{i} + sin(\theta(t)) \hat{i} ) \

= - \omega^2 \vec{p}(t) \ $$ 因此可以得到: $$ a_n= ||\vec{a}(t) || = ||- \omega^2 \vec{p}(t)||=\omega^2 r \

= (\cfrac{v}{r})^2 r $$

  • 向心加速度,也叫做法向加速度,是质点作曲线运动时,指向圆心(曲率中心)的加速度,与曲线切线方向垂直。向心加速度是反映圆周运动速度方向变化快慢的物理量。向心加速度只改变速度的方向,不改变速度的大小。

    init/max velocity─────xxxxxxxxxxxxxx────────────────────
                                          x end velocity
     max velocity ───────xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx───────────────────
                        x                x
                       x                  x
                      x                    x end velocity
     init velocity┼x────────────────────────────────────────
     max velocity ─────xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx───────────────────
                      x                  x
                    x                      x
     init velocity┼x────────────────────────x───────────────
                                              x end velocity