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flynn-d edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 3 revisions


  • Plot by date, allow scrolling through different time windows
  • Plot by date, allow comparisons across months
  • Plot by hour of day
  • Plot by day of week


  • Call DarkSky API to get forecast -- now implemented

    • This requires a file DarkSky_Key.txt to be present in a directory called keys at one level above the current working directory. Get your key here: The content of the file is expected to be only the 32-digit key provided by DarkSky, with no other characters. Keep this key to yourself.
  • Use month, day of week, hour of day, and weather to generate bike count forecasts for

    • Next hour
    • Next day
    • Next week
  • Track accuracy of forecasts and report metrics

Dashboard features

  • Include tabs (maybe) for 'Explore Data' and 'Explore Models'
  • Explore Data: could have a bunch of different ways to show trends, compare with last week, same week last year, or other trends. Don't want to put it all in the main view because could be visually cluttering
  • Explore Models: Describe the three modeling approaches with some visuals to show how they differ in the predictions over the next month, for example. Could make some icons for Y ~ mx + b, a little robot with tree legs for random forest, a time series squiggle for the time series forecasting. Could also show historical accuracy of these models and how accurate their recent guesses have been for counts.
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