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gRPC Supply Chain Management

David Chen, Daniel Flynn

  • gRPC
  • gRPC-Gateway
  • Go
  • FoundationDB

Installation / Run (Linux only)

  • install Golang (1.16.5)

  • run ./install

    • downloads foundationdb, buf, and necessary dependencies
  • run ./startService

    • generates from protobuf files, sets logging settings and starts REST/GRPC services
    • If this script hangs on "Initializing FDB", run sudo service foundationdb start

Usage (Gateway, Product API)

  • Using browser, Postman or cURL:
    • (cURL - make sure to enclose URLs in single or double quotes to recognize all query parameters)

    • Create Account HTTP POST to localhost:8090/createAccount

      • With body:
              "accountName": <name>,
              "users": [<known users, may be empty>]
      • Expected response:
              "accountName": <name>,
    • Create User HTTP POST to localhost:8090/createUser

      • With basic auth headers for username, password
      • With body:
              "accountName": <name>,
      • Expected response:
    • Get JWT Token HTTP GET to localhost:8090/getToken

      • With basic auth headers for same username, password as created previously
      • With body:
              "accountName": <name>,
      • Expected response:
      • This JWT token must be included in the Authorization header for each subsequent request.
    • Get Status: HTTP GET to localhost:8090/api/status

      • Expected response:
    • Create Product: HTTP POST to localhost:8090/api/product

      • With body:
            "productIdentifier": {"id": <id>}, 
            "name": "<name>", 
            "categories": [<ordered categories>],
            "tags": [<tags>], 
            "origin": "<origin>", 
            "intermediateDestinations": [<destinations>],
            "endDestinations": [<destinations>], 
            "totalQuantity": <quantity>,
            "localProductFamily": {
                "childProducts": [{"id": <id>},...]
                "self": {"id": <id>}
                "parentProducts": [{"id": <id>},...]
      • Expected response:
        • same as above with full product family, quantity by location, and quantity in transit added
    • Get Single Product: HTTP GET to localhost:8090/api/product?id=...

      • Expected response:
        • same as when product created
    • Search Products By Category: HTTP GET to localhost:8090/api/product/search?categories=...&categories=...

      • must supply a minimum of one category
      • Expected response
        • all matching products for this/these category(ies)
    • Search Products By Origin: HTTP GET to localhost:8090/api/product/search?origin=... - Expected response - all matching products for this origin

    • Search Products By Tags: HTTP GET to localhost:8090/api/product/search?tags=...&tags=... - must supply a minimum of one tag - Expected response - all matching products for this/these tag(s)

    • Delete Product: HTTP DELETE to localhost:8090/api/product?id=...&categories=...&tags=...&origin=...

      • must supply id, all categories, all tags, and origin to fully delete
      • Expected response (empty is success):
            "id": <id>,
            "categories": [<categories>...],
            "tags": [<tags>],
            "origin": <origin>


No description, website, or topics provided.






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