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How to use Flyway Test with Junit5 and Springframework 5

Florian edited this page May 12, 2019 · 6 revisions

For usage FlywayTest annotation with Junit5 is a little different as with Junit 4.

A example setup exist in the project flyway-test-junit5

Here a step by step example:

  1. Add flyway-test as dependency to your project.
    Junit5 integration will only work with springframework 5.

  2. Add Junit5 dependencies to your project

  3. Add Junit5 dependencies to surefire plugin. Currently we tested it only with surefire plugin 2.19.1

  4. Test class setup. Important use here the new Junit5 annotation @ExtendWith, @Test, ...
    It exist three possibility to implement integrate it.

    1. Use annotation @FlywayTestExtension are shortcut combination with SprintExtension.class

            import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
            import org.flywaydb.test.junit5.annotation.FlywayTestExtension;
            @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/context/test_applicationContext.xml" })
            public class SampleTest {
                @BeforeEach ...
                public void currentTest() {
    2. Use JUnit5 extension FlywayTestExtension together with SprintExtension.class

            import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
            import org.flywaydb.test.junit5.FlywayTestExtension;
            import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;
            @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/context/test_applicationContext.xml" })
            public class SampleTest {
                @BeforeEach ...
                public void currentTest() {
    3. With old Spring style configuration

             import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
             import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
             import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;
             @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/context/test_applicationContext.xml" })
             @TestExecutionListeners({ DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class,
                  FlywayTestExecutionListener.class })
             public class SampleTest {
                 @BeforeEach ...
                 public void currentTest() {


The annotation @FlywayTest in a JUnit5 environmnet work only together with SpringExtension.class.
@FlywayTest can be used as class, method annotation or together with Junit5 annotation @BeforeEach.
A combination with annotation @BeforeAll is not implemented. In this case use @FlywayTest as class annotation.