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Please see the GH release for the release notes

Fix #3570: Support latest versions of Cockroach

Use jackson-dataformat-toml instead of night-config

Ship the SingleStore JDBC driver in the CLI

code analysis engine name is now logged in the summary

Closes #3417: Add SingleStore support at the Teams level

fix #3562: Bump jackson dataformat version

Create a Dialect configuration to allow configuration of rules engine dialect via Flyway

Move undo resolver to proprietary
  • Loading branch information
rg-buildmonkey committed Nov 11, 2022
1 parent ead6a7a commit c015f2d
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Showing 465 changed files with 126,708 additions and 720 deletions.
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/
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layout: documentation
pill: addingtotheclasspath
subtitle: Adding to the classpath

# Adding to the classpath

Flyway ships with support for a large number of databases and functionality, but due to limitations (such as licensing) it cannot ship containing everything it supports. In these situations, Flyway will load the extra support/functionality if it is present on the classpath.

## How to add to the classpath

How you add to the classpath depends on how you are invoking Flyway.

### Command Line

When using the CLI, you can add to the classpath by dropping the `.jar` files for the libraries you want to include into either the `drivers` or the `jars` folder in the downloaded folder structure. The two folders are provided to make it easier to separate jars used for adding database driver support, and jars used to contain other functionality (such as [Java migrations](/documentation/concepts/migrations#java-based-migrations) or [Java callbacks](/documentation/concepts/callbacks#java-callbacks)).

<pre class="filetree"><i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> flyway
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> conf
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> drivers <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i> <code>here</code>
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> jars <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i> <code>or here</code>
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> jre
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> lib
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> licenses
<i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> sql
<i class="fa fa-file"></i> flyway
<i class="fa fa-file"></i> flyway.cmd
<i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> README.txt

You can also specify more folders to load jars from using the [jarDirs](/documentation/configuration/parameters/jarDirs) configuration parameter.

### API

When using the API, the jars you wish to include should be added as dependencies of the overall project, just as you would with any other java dependencies.

### Gradle

See [extending the gradle classpath](/documentation/usage/gradle/#extending-the-default-classpath).

### Maven

Simply add the library as a regular dependency of your maven project. e.g:


## What can be added

The most common library to be added to Flyway is those that add JDBC driver support. For example the [Informix](/documentation/database/informix) database is supported by Flyway, but the JDBC driver is not shipped with it. Therefore the `` dependency needs to be added to the classpath to allow Flyway to work with it. See each database page for the JDBC driver they use and whether they are shipped with Flyway or not.

Other uses for adding libraries are [adding logging support](/documentation/usage/commandline/#output), adding [Java migrations](/documentation/concepts/migrations#java-based-migrations), and more.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
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layout: documentation
menu: baseline
subtitle: Baseline
# Baseline

Baselines an existing database, excluding all migrations up to and including baselineVersion.


Baseline is for introducing Flyway to [existing databases](/documentation/learnmore/existing) by baselining them
at a specific version. This will cause [Migrate](/documentation/command/migrate) to ignore all migrations
up to and including the baseline version. Newer migrations will then be applied as usual.

## Resetting the baseline

When you have many migrations, it might be desirable to reset your baseline migration. This will allow you to reduce the overhead of dealing with lots of scripts, many of which might be old and irrelevant.

<a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Learn more about resetting the baseline migration</a>

## Usage
See [configuration](/documentation/configuration/parameters/#baseline) for baseline specific configuration parameters.
{% include commandUsage.html command="baseline" %}

<p class="next-steps">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/documentation/command/repair">Repair <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
layout: documentation
menu: check
subtitle: Check

# Check

`check` produces reports to increase confidence in your migrations.

For `-changes` and `-drift`, Flyway migrates against a build database and compares this against the target database in order to generate a report.
**This build database will be cleaned before it is used, so you must ensure it does not contain anything of importance.**

You can read more about the `check` concept [here](/documentation/concepts/check).

#### Requirements
- .NET 6 is required in order to generate reports. You can download it from [here](
- `sqlfluff` is required for Code Analysis (`-code`). You can install it by running `pip3 install sqlfluff==1.2.1` or use the `redgate/flyway` Docker image that has `sqlfluff` pre-installed.

#### Flags:
- _One or more flags must be present_

| Parameter | Description
| ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------
| -changes | {% include enterprise.html %} Include pending changes that will be applied to the database
| -drift | {% include enterprise.html %} Include changes applied out of process to the database
| -code | **In Preview** Performs code analysis on your migrations
| -dryrun | {% include teams.html %} Performs a [dry run](/documentation/concepts/dryruns), showing what changes would be applied in a real deployment

#### Configuration parameters:
_Format: -key=value_

| Parameter | Description
| ----------------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------------
| check.buildUrl | URL for a build database.
| check.buildUser | Username for the build database. Defaults to 'flyway.user'
| check.buildPassword | Password for the build database. Defaults to 'flyway.password'
| check.reportFilename | **[REQUIRED]** Destination filename for reports
| check.nextSnapshot | A snapshot containing all migrations including those that are pending (generated via [`snapshot`](/documentation/command/snapshot))
| check.deployedSnapshot | A snapshot containing all applied migrations and thus matching what should be in the target (generated via [`snapshot`](/documentation/command/snapshot))
| check.appliedMigrations | A comma-separated list of migration ids (migration versions or repeatable descriptions) to apply to create snapshots (generated via [`info`](/documentation/command/info))
| check.majorRules | A comma-separated list of SQL Fluff rule codes that are considered to be 'major' issues
| check.minorRules | A comma-separated list of SQL Fluff rule codes that are considered to be 'minor' issues
| check.majorTolerance | The number of 'major' issues to be tolerated before throwing an error
| check.minorTolerance | The number of 'minor' issues to be tolerated before throwing an error

#### `check.reportFilename`

If this filename does not have the `.html` suffix, Flyway will add it for you. Flyway also produces a `json` result for programmatic consumption.

#### Usage Example:
flyway check -changes -url=jdbc:example:database -user=username -password=password -check.buildUrl=jdbc:example:build_database

##### Example configuration file


#### Database Support

##### `-changes` and `-drift`

Change and drift reports work on the following databases:

- SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- SQLite

##### `-code` and `-dryrun`

Code analysis and Dry run reports work on any database supported by Flyway.

##### Check for Oracle

When using Check with an Oracle database there are additional requirements.

If no schemas are specified in the configuration `flyway.schemas`, then the database connection username will be used as the default schema, otherwise `flyway.schemas` will be used.
These schema names are case-sensitive.

##### Check for SQL Server

If you see errors about being unable to connect to your database and you are specifying `localhost` as the host, then this may be due to not having pipes configured. Using `` instead should work.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
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layout: documentation
menu: clean
subtitle: Clean

# Clean

Drops all objects (tables, views, procedures, triggers, ...) in the configured schemas.

The schemas are cleaned in the order specified by the [`schemas`](/documentation/configuration/parameters/schemas) and [`defaultSchema`](/documentation/configuration/parameters/defaultSchema) property.


Clean is a great help in development and test. It will effectively give you a fresh start, by wiping your configured schemas completely clean. All objects (tables, views, procedures, ...) will be dropped.

Needless to say: **do not use against your production DB!**

## Limitations

- [SQL Server - no users will be dropped](/documentation/database/sqlserver#limitations)

### Cleaning additional objects

For complicated database structures an accurate dependency graph cannot always be constructed, so not every object is cleaned.
We also have objects we do not drop as they aren't always safe to, for example `users` in SQL Server.
To clean additional objects, you can add an [`afterClean`](/documentation/concepts/callbacks#afterClean) callback defining drop statements, for example `afterClean.sql`:

DROP USER test_user

## Usage
See [configuration](/documentation/configuration/parameters/#clean) for clean specific configuration parameters.
{% include commandUsage.html command="clean" %}

<p class="next-steps">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/documentation/command/info">Info <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
layout: documentation
menu: info
subtitle: Info
# Info

Prints the details and status information about all the migrations.


Info lets you know where you stand. At a glance you will see which migrations have already been applied,
which other ones are still pending, when they were executed and whether they were successful or not.

## Usage
{% include commandUsage.html command="info" %}

<p class="next-steps">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/documentation/command/validate">Validate <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
layout: documentation
menu: migrate
subtitle: Migrate
# Migrate

Migrates the schema to the latest version. Flyway will create the schema history table automatically if it doesn't exist.


Migrate is the centerpiece of the Flyway workflow. It will scan the filesystem or your classpath for available migrations.
It will compare them to the migrations that have been applied to the database. If any difference is found, it will
migrate the database to close the gap.

Migrate should preferably be executed on application startup to avoid any incompatibilities between the database
and the expectations of the code.

## Behavior

Executing migrate is idempotent and can be done safely regardless of the current version of the schema.

#### Example 1: We have migrations available up to version 9, and the database is at version 5.

Migrate will apply the migrations 6, 7, 8 and 9 in order.

#### Example 2: We have migrations available up to version 9, and the database is at version 9.

Migrate does nothing.

## Usage
{% include commandUsage.html command="migrate" %}

<p class="next-steps">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/documentation/command/clean">Clean <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
layout: documentation
menu: repair
subtitle: Repair
# Repair

Repairs the schema history table.


Repair is your tool to fix issues with the schema history table. It has a few main uses:
- Remove failed migration entries (only for databases that do NOT support DDL transactions)
- Realign the checksums, descriptions, and types of the applied migrations with the ones of the available migrations
- Mark all missing migrations as **deleted**
- As a result, `repair` must be given the same [`locations`](/documentation/configuration/parameters/locations) as `migrate`!

## Usage
{% include commandUsage.html command="repair" %}

<p class="next-steps">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/documentation/usage/commandline/">Command-line <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions documentation/Flyway CLI and API/command/
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layout: documentation
menu: snapshot
subtitle: snapshot

# Snapshot

**The `snapshot` command is currently in beta. This feature will be available in future products, but during the beta phase you can access it through your Flyway Teams or Redgate Deploy license.**

{% include enterprise.html %}

`snapshot` captures the schema of the database specified in `flyway.url` into a file.

This can be used to generate a snapshot of your database in its current state for use with [`check.deployedSnapshot`](/documentation/command/check#configuration-parameters)
or to take a snapshot of a build database for use with [`check.nextSnapshot`](/documentation/command/check#configuration-parameters)

#### Requirements
- .NET 6 is required in order to generate reports. You can download it from [here](

#### Configuration parameters:
_Format: -key=value_

| Parameter | Description
| ---------------------------- | -----------------------------------------------------------
| snapshot.filename | **[REQUIRED]** Destination filename for the snapshot

#### Usage example:
flyway snapshot -url=jdbc:example:database -user=username -password=password -snapshot.filename=C:\snapshots\my_snapshot

### `deployedSnapshot` and `nextSnapshot` example:
In order to generate these snapshots for use with [`check`](/documentation/command/check) we first need to get a list of the applied migrations
so we can accurately create the build database:

flyway info -url="jdbc://prod" -infoOfState="success,out_of_order,baseline" -migrationIds > applied_migrations.txt

Then we can apply these to our build database and take a snapshot, the `deployedSnapshot`:

flyway migrate -cherrypick=$(cat applied_migrations.txt) -url="jdbc://build"
flyway snapshot -snapshot.filename="deployed.snapshot" -url="jdbc://build"

Lastly, we can apply any pending migrations and then capture the `nextSnapshot`:

flyway migrate -url="jdbc://build"
flyway snapshot -snapshot.filename="next.snapshot" -url="jdbc://build"

##### Example configuration file


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