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Note: This app is unmaintained. Check my simplified and updated LayoutHelperApp.


This is a experimental app to play with programmatic autolayout.

You can build your layout using the supported statements (see examples).

Utility classes

Here you will find utility classes like LayoutHelper. You can take it and use it in your projects like this:

    let label1 = UILabel()
    let label2 = UILabel()
    let container = UIView()

    let layout = LayoutHelper(view: container)
        .withRandomColors(true) // for debugging
        .addViews(["lbl1":label1, "lbl2":label2])
            "X:lbl1.width == parent.width / 4"

The last constraint, "X:lbl1.width == parent.width / 4", is a special extended constraint supported by LayoutHelper. Its format is:

X:view1.attr1 ==|<=|>= view2.attr2 *|/ multiplier +|- constant
  • For the views, you can use any view key as in the usual constraints, or the reserved parent key to refer to the parent (container) view.
  • For the attributes, you can use any NSLayoutAttribute.
  • For the multiplier or constant (both optional) you can use a float or a metric key.


iOS class to assist in layout constraints coding






No releases published
