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James Farrington edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Deleting a User

Navigate to the user's page, and scroll to the bottom. You cannot delete a user if they currently have any devices, however you can return the devices by clicking on the devices they have taken out, and clicking Return.

Select whether you would like to delete the user's assignment history (will not show up in the devices' assignment histories), and then press Delete. There is no undo!

Deleting a Device

Navigate to the device's page, and scroll to the bottom. You cannot delete a device if it is currently assigned, however you can return the device by clicking on the Return button. Only click Return if you know where the device is, because it will be considered available and will not show up on the Incidents page.

Select whether you would like to delete the device's assignment history (will not show up in the user' assignment histories), and then press Delete. There is no undo!

Deleting a Group

Navigate to the group's page, scroll to the bottom, and click Delete. There is no undo!

If any users are assigned to the group you are deleting, they will now not be part of a group. This means they will not be able to take out any devices until they are assigned a new group.

Deleting a Rule

Navigate to the rule's page, scroll to the bottom, and click Delete. There is no undo!

If any devices have this rule, they will not not have a rule. This means they cannot be taken out until they are assigned new rules.

Deleting a Permitted Email

Navigate to the Add A Permitted Email page (either click Add (+), or navigate to /add/admin. Scroll down to the list of permitted emails, select the one(s) you want to delete, then click Delete.

Deleting a Permitted Email does not delete the account, if one has been created.