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Add support for multiple identical displays
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Identical displays often report their serial number incorrectly to the I/O registry, causing their framebuffer ports to be identified incorrectly.
This change adds a workaround which identifies the correct framebuffer port based on the path of the display in the I/O registry.
Fixes #6.
  • Loading branch information
fnesveda committed Dec 2, 2019
1 parent cdffe5e commit e20bfb8
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 17 deletions.
71 changes: 54 additions & 17 deletions src/ExternalDisplayBrightness/DDC.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,33 +23,70 @@ enum DDC {

// check if the display connected to a given framebuffer port appears to be the same one as the display with the given ID
// if requested, check the unit number of the display as well
private static func framebufferPortMatchesDisplay(port: io_service_t, display displayID: CGDirectDisplayID, strict: Bool = true) -> Bool {
var busCount: IOItemCount = 0
IOFBGetI2CInterfaceCount(port, &busCount)
if busCount >= 1 {
let info = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(port, IOOptionBits(kIODisplayNoProductName)).takeRetainedValue() as NSDictionary
let vendorID = UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(exactly: info[kDisplayVendorID] as? CFIndex ?? 0) ?? 0)
let productID = UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(exactly: info[kDisplayProductID] as? CFIndex ?? 0) ?? 0)
// we could also extract and compare the serial number, but they are often wrong and identical for multiple displays of the same model
if vendorID == CGDisplayVendorNumber(displayID) && productID == CGDisplayModelNumber(displayID) {
if !strict {
return true

// extract the unit number from the display location path from the I/O registry dictionary of the framebuffer
// and compare it with the unit number of the desired display
// this comparison on its own should probably be enough, but since I don't have enough hardware to test it,
// it's only an optional check for now
if let displayLocation = info[kIODisplayLocationKey] as? NSString {
// the unit number is the number right after the last "@" sign in the display location
if let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "@([0-9]+)[^@]+$", options: []) {
if let match = regex.firstMatch(in: displayLocation as String, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: displayLocation.length)) {
let unitNumber = UInt32(displayLocation.substring(with: match.range(at: 1)))
if unitNumber == CGDisplayUnitNumber(displayID) {
return true
return false

// get framebuffer port for a display
private static func getIOFramebufferPort(fromDisplayID displayID: CGDirectDisplayID ) -> io_service_t? {
if CGDisplayIsBuiltin(displayID) != 0 {
return nil
var iter: io_iterator_t = 0
var serv: io_service_t = 0

var iter: io_iterator_t = 0
if IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching(IOFRAMEBUFFER_CONFORMSTO), &iter) == kIOReturnSuccess {
defer { IOObjectRelease(iter) }

// try to find the right framebuffer port for the display by looking at all framebuffer ports
// and seeing if any of them appears to have the right display connected to it
// first we do a strict comparison (vendor, model and unit numbers of the desired display and the display connected to the framebuffer must match)
var serv: io_service_t = 0
while (serv = IOIteratorNext(iter), serv).1 != MACH_PORT_NULL {
defer { IOObjectRelease(serv) }
var busCount: IOItemCount = 0
IOFBGetI2CInterfaceCount(serv, &busCount)
if busCount >= 1 {
if let info = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(serv, IOOptionBits(kIODisplayOnlyPreferredName)).takeRetainedValue() as NSDictionary as? [String: Any] {
let vendorID = UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(exactly: info[kDisplayVendorID] as? CFIndex ?? 0) ?? 0)
let productID = UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(exactly: info[kDisplayProductID] as? CFIndex ?? 0) ?? 0)
let serialNumber = UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(exactly: info[kDisplaySerialNumber] as? CFIndex ?? 0) ?? 0)
if vendorID == CGDisplayVendorNumber(displayID)
&& productID == CGDisplayModelNumber(displayID)
&& (serialNumber == 0 || serialNumber == CGDisplaySerialNumber(displayID))
return serv
if framebufferPortMatchesDisplay(port: serv, display: displayID, strict: true) {
return serv
// since the method for extracting the unit number of a display is new and untested, we have a fallback check
// where we relax the requirements and only search for a framebuffer port with a connected display with the matching vendor and model number
while (serv = IOIteratorNext(iter), serv).1 != MACH_PORT_NULL {
defer { IOObjectRelease(serv) }
if framebufferPortMatchesDisplay(port: serv, display: displayID, strict: false) {
return serv
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