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I built this app with React, Next.js and Tailwind, using data fetched from an external API.

The site is hosted on Netlify. You can view the live site

Build Setup

The home page contains a list of all Pokemon, and each Pokemon has its own details page.

The home page is server-side generated (SSG), allowing me to prefetch data from the API and serve a lightening fast static page.

Given the large number of Pokemon, using a similar SSG approach for the individual Pokemon pages would be suboptimal. The Pokemon pages are still server-side rendered but only at the time of each page request (SSR).

Features added:

  • 🔍Search by name or id
  • ❌ Filter by type
  • ♾ Infinite scrolling †

Challenges overcome:

  • Optimizing the number of API calls from 1,155 to 22
  • Creating a custom useInfiniteScroll hook

I understand that infinite scrolling is a nightmare for performance without windowing. Given the nature of this project, I didn't feel it was necessary. In a larger project, with actual users, I would implement windowing functionality or use something like react-window.


A Pokedex app optimized for speed and performance. Built with Next.js, React, and Tailwind.




