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How to use gffpandas

The Python library gffpandas facilitates the work with GFF3 files. Thereby, different conditions can be choosen to process the annotation data, as e.g. to retain only the entries of a specific feature. The big advantages are that several functions and thus options, can be combined and that a GFF3 file or even csv or tsv file can be returned.
In this gffpandas version only files, which contain one GFF3 file, i.e. one header, can be used.
The given GFF3 file will be read by the pandas library and a data frame will be returned as instance variable of the class of gffpandas. Additionally, the header will be read and returned as another instance variable of this class. The data frame and header can be printed before or after filtering the annotation data by one or several functions. For printing the data frame or the header or even both, the suffix '.df' or rather '.header' has to be used.
In this tutorial it will be shown how to read in a GFF3 file, how to process the annnotation data and how to return again a GFF3 file by gffpandas. Additionally, all functions of gffpandas will be presented.

Example Tutorial:

The following GFF3 file will be used as example, to show how gffpandas has to be used. It contains a header and eleven annotation entries:

##gff-version 3
##sequence-region NC_016810.1 1 20
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  region  1       4000    .       +       .       Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=genomic;mol_type=genomic DNA;serovar=Typhimurium;strain=SL1344
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  gene    1       20      .       +       .       ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_tag=SL1344_0001
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  CDS     13      235     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene1;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  gene    1       20      .       +       .       ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_tag=SL1344_0002
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  CDS     341     523     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene2;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  gene    1       600     .       -       .       ID=gene3;Name=thrX;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrX;locus_tag=SL1344_0003
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  CDS     21      345     .       -       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene3;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  gene    41      255     .       +       .       ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_tag=SL1344_0004
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  CDS     61      195     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene4;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  gene    170     546     .       +       .       ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_tag=SL1344_0005
NC_016810.1   RefSeq  CDS     34      335     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene5;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11

The library can be imported as the following:

import gffpandas.gffpandas as gffpd

First step is to read in the GFF3 file with the method called 'read_gff3'. Then a dataframe (.df) or rather header (.header) can be returned:

>>> annotation = gffpd.read_gff3('annotation.gff')
>>> print(annotation.header)
>>> print(annotation.df)

##gff-version 3
##sequence-region NC_016810.1 1 20
         seq_id  source    type  start   end score strand phase  \
0   NC_016810.1  RefSeq  region      1  4000     .      +     .
1   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1    20     .      +     .
2   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     13   235     .      +     0
3   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1    20     .      +     .
4   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS    341   523     .      +     0
5   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   600     .      -     .
6   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     21   345     .      -     0
7   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene     41   255     .      +     .
8   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     61   195     .      +     0
9   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene    170   546     .      +     .
10  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     34   335     .      +     0

0   Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=ge...
1   ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_...
2   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
3   ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_...
4   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
5   ID=gene3;Name=thrX;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrX;locus_...
6   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
7   ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_...
8   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
9   ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_...
10  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...

The created data frame contains all eleven annotation entries and can be changed now. Depending on which annotation entries are desired, different options of gffpandas can be used and/or combined.

In this example, the user wants to return a GFF3 file, but only its coding sequences ('CDS'), which base pair length (bp) is minimal 10 bp long and maximal 250 bp long. Therefore, the following functions will be combined:

>>> combined_df = annotation.filter_feature_of_type(['CDS']).filter_by_length(10, 250).to_gff3('temp.gff')
>>> gff_content = open('temp.gff').read()
>>> print(gff_content)

##gff-version 3
##sequence-region NC_016810.1 1 20
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     13      235     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene1;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     341     523     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene2;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     61      195     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene4;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11

Methods included in gffpandas:

In this subsection, the possible functions of gffpandas will be presented.


For this method the requested feature-type has to be given as argument. A processed data frame will then be returned containing only the entries of the given feature-type.

For example:

>>> filtered_df = annotation.filter_feature_of_type(['gene'])
>>> print(filtered_df.df)

        seq_id  source    type  start  end score strand phase  \
1  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   20     .      +     .
3  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   20     .      +     .
5  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1  600     .      -     .
7  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene     41  255     .      +     .
9  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene    170  546     .      +     .

1  ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_...
3  ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_...
5  ID=gene3;Name=thrX;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrX;locus_...
7  ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_...
9  ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_...


For this method the required minimal and maximal bp-length have to be given. A processed data frame will then be returned with all entries within the given bp-length.

For example:

>>> filtered_by_length = annotation.filter_by_length(min_length=10, max_length=300)
>>> print(filtered_by_length.df)

        seq_id  source    type  start  end score strand phase  \
1  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   20     .      +     .
2  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     13  235     .      +     0
3  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   20     .      +     .
4  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS    341  523     .      +     0
7  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene     41  255     .      +     .
8  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     61  195     .      +     0

1  ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_...
2  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
3  ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_...
4  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
7  ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_...
8  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...


For this method the desired attribute tag as well as the corresponding value(s) have to be given. Therefore, the value name or several value names have to be given as list. A processed data frame will then be returned which contains the regarding attribute tag with the corresponding attribute value(s).

For example:

>>> feature_by_attribute = annotation.get_feature_by_attribute('gbkey', ['CDS'])
>>> print(feature_by_attribute.df)

         seq_id  source    type  start  end score strand phase  \
2   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     13  235     .      +     0
4   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS    341  523     .      +     0
6   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     21  345     .      -     0
8   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     61  195     .      +     0
10  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     34  335     .      +     0

2   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
4   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
6   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
8   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
10  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...


This method splits the attribute column by the tags in seperate columns and returns a data frame. This method doesn't give an object file back. Therefore, it is not possible to combine it with other methods.

For example:

>>> attr_to_columns = annotation.attributes_to_columns()
>>> print(attr_to_columns)

         seq_id  source    type  start   end score strand phase  \
0   NC_016810.1  RefSeq  region      1  4000     .      +     .
1   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1    20     .      +     .
2   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     13   235     .      +     0
3   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1    20     .      +     .
4   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS    341   523     .      +     0
5   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   600     .      -     .
6   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     21   345     .      -     0
7   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene     41   255     .      +     .
8   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     61   195     .      +     0
9   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene    170   546     .      +     .
10  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     34   335     .      +     0

                                           attributes  \
0   Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=ge...
1   ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_...
2   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
3   ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_...
4   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
5   ID=gene3;Name=thrX;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrX;locus_...
6   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
7   ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_...
8   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
9   ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_...
10  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...

                                               Dbxref     ...      gbkey  \
0                                        taxon:216597     ...        Src
1                                                None     ...       Gene
2   UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_00517...     ...        CDS
3                                                None     ...       Gene
4   UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_00517...     ...        CDS
5                                                None     ...       Gene
6   UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_00517...     ...        CDS
7                                                None     ...       Gene
8   UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_00517...     ...        CDS
9                                                None     ...       Gene
10  UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_00517...     ...        CDS

    gene   genome    locus_tag     mol_type                    product  \
0   None  genomic         None  genomic DNA                       None
1   thrL     None  SL1344_0001         None                       None
2   None     None         None         None  thr operon leader peptide
3   thrA     None  SL1344_0002         None                       None
4   None     None         None         None  thr operon leader peptide
5   thrX     None  SL1344_0003         None                       None
6   None     None         None         None  thr operon leader peptide
7   thrB     None  SL1344_0004         None                       None
8   None     None         None         None  thr operon leader peptide
9   thrC     None  SL1344_0005         None                       None
10  None     None         None         None  thr operon leader peptide

        protein_id      serovar  strain transl_table
0             None  Typhimurium  SL1344         None
1             None         None    None         None
2   YP_005179941.1         None    None           11
3             None         None    None         None
4   YP_005179941.1         None    None           11
5             None         None    None         None
6   YP_005179941.1         None    None           11
7             None         None    None         None
8   YP_005179941.1         None    None           11
9             None         None    None         None
10  YP_005179941.1         None    None           11


Here, a to comparable feature will be compared to all entries of the GFF3 file, to find out, with which entries it is overlapping. Therefore, the sequence id of this feature has to be given, as well as start and end position. Optional, its feature-type can be given as well as its strand-type (sense (+) or antisense (-)). By selecting 'complement=True', all the feature, which do not overlap with the to comparable feature will be returned.

For example:

>>> overlapings = annotation.overlaps_with(seq_id='NC_016811.1', type='gene',
                                           start=40, end=300, strand='+')
>>> no_overlap = annotation.overlaps_with(seq_id='NC_016811.1', start=1, end=4000,
                                          strand='+', complement=True)
>>> print(overlapings.df)
>>> print(no_overlap.df)

         seq_id  source    type  start   end score strand phase  \
0   NC_016810.1  RefSeq  region      1  4000     .      +     .
2   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     13   235     .      +     0
7   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene     41   255     .      +     .
8   NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     61   195     .      +     0
9   NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene    170   546     .      +     .
10  NC_016810.1  RefSeq     CDS     34   335     .      +     0

0   Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=ge...
2   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
7   ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_...
8   Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...
9   ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_...
10  Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:Y...

Empty DataFrame
Columns: [seq_id, source, type, start, end, score, strand, phase, attributes]
Index: []


For this method the sequence id as well as the feature-type have to be given. Then all entries which are redundant according to start- and end-position as well as strand-type will be returned.

For example:

>>> redundant_entries = annotation.find_duplicated_entries(seq_id='NC_016811.1', type='gene')
>>> print(redundant_entries.df)

        seq_id  source    type  start  end score strand phase  \
3  NC_016810.1  RefSeq    gene      1   20     .      +     .

3  ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_...

The following methods of the library won't return a data frame:


With this method the header and the data frame will be safed as GFF3 file. This GFF3 file will be the original file, unless it was changed by other methods of gffpandas. The desired name of the outcome GFF3 file has to be given as argument.

For example:

>>> annotation.to_gff3('temp.gff')
>>> gff3_file = open('temp.gff').read()
>>> print(gff3_file)

##gff-version 3
##sequence-region NC_016810.1 1 20
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  region  1       4000    .       +       .       Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=genomic;mol_type=genomic DNA;serovar=Typhimurium;strain=SL1344
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    1       20      .       +       .       ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_tag=SL1344_0001
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     13      235     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene1;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    1       20      .       +       .       ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_tag=SL1344_0002
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     341     523     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene2;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    1       600     .       -       .       ID=gene3;Name=thrX;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrX;locus_tag=SL1344_0003
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     21      345     .       -       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene3;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    41      255     .       +       .       ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_tag=SL1344_0004
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     61      195     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene4;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    170     546     .       +       .       ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_tag=SL1344_0005
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     34      335     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene5;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11


By this method, the data frame will be safed as csv file. The csv file can contain the entries of the original data frame or if it was changed, then the filtered entries. The desired name of the outcome csv file has to be given as argument.

For example:

>>> annotation.to_csv('temp.csv')
>>> csv_file = open('temp.csv').read()
>>> print(csv_file)

NC_016810.1,RefSeq,region,1,4000,.,+,.,Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=genomic;mol_type=genomic DNA;serovar=Typhimurium;strain=SL1344
NC_016810.1,RefSeq,CDS,13,235,.,+,0,Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene1;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1,RefSeq,CDS,341,523,.,+,0,Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene2;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1,RefSeq,CDS,21,345,.,-,0,Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene3;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1,RefSeq,CDS,61,195,.,+,0,Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene4;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1,RefSeq,CDS,34,335,.,+,0,Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene5;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11


By this method, the data frame will be safed as tsv file. The tsv file can contain the entries of the original data frame or if it was changed, then the filtered entries. The desired name of the outcome tsv file has to be given as argument.

For example:

>>> annotation.to_tsv('temp.tsv')
>>> tsv_file = open('temp.tsv').read()
>>> print(tsv_file)

seq_id       source  type    start   end     score   strand  phase   attributes
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  region  1       4000    .       +       .       Dbxref=taxon:216597;ID=id0;gbkey=Src;genome=genomic;mol_type=genomic DNA;serovar=Typhimurium;strain=SL1344
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    1       20      .       +       .       ID=gene1;Name=thrL;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrL;locus_tag=SL1344_0001
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     13      235     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene1;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    1       20      .       +       .       ID=gene2;Name=thrA;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrA;locus_tag=SL1344_0002
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     341     523     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene2;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    1       600     .       -       .       ID=gene3;Name=thrX;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrX;locus_tag=SL1344_0003
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     21      345     .       -       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene3;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    41      255     .       +       .       ID=gene4;Name=thrB;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrB;locus_tag=SL1344_0004
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     61      195     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene4;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  gene    170     546     .       +       .       ID=gene5;Name=thrC;gbkey=Gene;gene=thrC;locus_tag=SL1344_0005
NC_016810.1  RefSeq  CDS     34      335     .       +       0       Dbxref=UniProtKB%252FTrEMBL:E1W7M4%2CGenbank:YP_005179941.1;ID=cds0;Name=YP_005179941.1;Parent=gene5;gbkey=CDS;product=thr operon leader peptide;protein_id=YP_005179941.1;transl_table=11


Gives the following statistics for the entries of the original or changed data frame: The maximal and minimal bp-length, the number of sense (+) and antisense (-) strands as well as the number of each available feature-type.

For example:

>>> statistics = annotation.stats_dic()
>>> print(statistics.df)

{'Maximal_bp_length': 599, 'Minimal_bp_length': 19, 'Counted_strands': +    9
-    2
Name: strand, dtype: int64, 'Counted_feature_types': gene      5
CDS       5
region    1
Name: type, dtype: int64}