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use pattern match to parse iso8601 time
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fogfish committed Mar 13, 2016
1 parent 97af332 commit 5024d4c
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Showing 2 changed files with 125 additions and 150 deletions.
16 changes: 1 addition & 15 deletions src/nt.erl
Expand Up @@ -220,9 +220,7 @@ decode_l(<<"">>, X) ->
tempus:decode("%Y-%m-%d", X);

decode_l(<<"">>, X) ->
%% date time formatting is very flexible at some databases
%% adaptive mask selection is required
tempus:decode(date_time_format(X, size(X)), X);

decode_l(<<"">>, X) ->
tempus:decode("%Y", X);
Expand All @@ -236,18 +234,6 @@ decode_l(<<"">>, X) ->
decode_l(_, X) ->

date_time_format(<<$T, _/binary>>, L) when L < 6 -> "T%H";
date_time_format(<<$T, _/binary>>, L) when L < 9 -> "T%H:%M";
date_time_format(<<$T, _/binary>>, _) -> "T%H:%M:%S";
date_time_format(_, L) when L < 7 -> "%Y";
date_time_format(_, L) when L < 10 -> "%Y-%m";
date_time_format(_, L) when L < 11 -> "%Y-%m-%d";
date_time_format(_, L) when L < 16 -> "%Y-%m-%dT%H";
date_time_format(_, L) when L < 19 -> "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M";
date_time_format(_, _) -> "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S".

Expand Down
259 changes: 124 additions & 135 deletions src/tempus.erl
Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,13 @@
%% limitations under the License.
%% @description
%% time utility
%% date/time utility for Erlang. It uses build-in time-stamp triplet as base
%% type to carry on date-time.
%% @todo
%% * optimize arithmetic
%% * how to handle ac / bc correctly
Expand All @@ -27,6 +30,7 @@

%% micro-, milli-, second to time
Expand All @@ -46,29 +50,30 @@

% time convert utility
-export_type([t/0, timer/0]).

%% time stamp
-type(t() :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}).
-type(timer() :: {timer | event, integer(), reference()}).

%% data types
-type(t() :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}).
-type(timer() :: {timer | event, integer(), reference()}).

%% number of sec to Unix Epoch
-define(UNX_EPOCH, 62167219200).
-define(BASE, 1000000).
-define(BASE3, 1000).

-define(T0, {{0,1,1},{0,0,0}}).

%% time to micro-, milli-, second
%% time to micro-, milli-, second or date-time
-spec(u/1 :: (t()) -> integer()).
-spec(m/1 :: (t()) -> integer()).
-spec(s/1 :: (t()) -> integer()).
-spec(d/1 :: (t()) -> calendar:datetime()).

u({A2, A1, A0}) ->
A0 + ?BASE * (A1 + ?BASE * A2);
Expand All @@ -88,11 +93,22 @@ s(X)
when is_integer(X) ->

d({A2, A1, _A0}) ->
case A1 + ?BASE * A2 + ?UNX_EPOCH of
Ts when Ts >= 0 ->
_ ->
Sec = ?UNX_EPOCH - ?BASE * A2 - A1,
{{Y, M, D}, T} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Sec),
{{-Y, M, D}, T}
d({{_, _, _}, {_, _, _}}=X) ->

%% micro-, milli-, second to time
-spec(t/2 :: (u | m |s, integer()) -> t()).

-spec(t/2 :: (u | m | s | d, integer()) -> t()).

t(u, X)
when is_integer(X) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,9 +136,19 @@ t(s, X)
t(_, {_,_,_}=X) ->

t(s, {{_, _, _}, {_, _, _}}=Date) ->
t(d, {{Y, _, _}, {_, _, _}}=Date)
when Y >= 0 ->
Sec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Date) - ?UNX_EPOCH,
{Sec div ?BASE, Sec rem ?BASE, 0}.
{Sec div ?BASE, Sec rem ?BASE, 0};
t(d, {{Y, M, D}, {_, _, _}=T})
when Y < 0 ->
Sec = -1 * calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{-1 * Y, M, D}, T}) - ?UNX_EPOCH,
{Sec div ?BASE, Sec rem ?BASE, 0};
t(d, X)
when is_integer(X) ->
t(s, X);
t(d, {_, _, _}=X) ->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,6 +365,92 @@ cancel(T) ->

when is_binary(X) orelse is_list(X) ->

decode_iso8601(X) ->
[Xd | T] = split(X, <<$T>>),
[Xt | Z] = split(T, [<<$Z>>, <<$+>>, <<$->>]),
Ts = t(d, {decode_iso8601_date(Xd), decode_iso8601_time(Xt)}),
case at(T, size(Xt)) of
$Z ->
$+ ->
sub(Ts, decode_iso8601_tz(Z));
$- ->
add(Ts, decode_iso8601_tz(Z))

split([], _) ->
split([X], Pat) ->
split(X, Pat);
split(X, Pat)
when is_binary(X) ->
binary:split(X, Pat).

at([<<>>], _) ->
at([X], I) ->
at(X, I);
at(X, I)
when I < size(X) ->
binary:at(X, I);
at(_, _) ->

decode_iso8601_date(<<$-, Y:4/binary, $-, M:2/binary, $-, D:2/binary>>) ->
{-1 * scalar:i(Y), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(D)};
decode_iso8601_date(<<$-, Y:4/binary, M:2/binary, D:2/binary>>) ->
{-1 * scalar:i(Y), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(D)};
decode_iso8601_date(<<Y:4/binary, $-, M:2/binary, $-, D:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(Y), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(D)};
decode_iso8601_date(<<Y:4/binary, M:2/binary, D:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(Y), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(D)};
decode_iso8601_date(<<>>) ->
{0, 1, 1}.

decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary, $:, M:2/binary, $:, S:2/binary, $., _:3/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(S)};
decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary, $:, M:2/binary, $:, S:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(S)};
decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary, $:, M:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), scalar:i(M), 0};

decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary, M:2/binary, S:2/binary, $., _:3/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(S)};
decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary, M:2/binary, S:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), scalar:i(M), scalar:i(S)};
decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary, M:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), scalar:i(M), 0};

decode_iso8601_time(<<H:2/binary>>) ->
{scalar:i(H), 0, 0};

decode_iso8601_time(<<>>) ->
{0, 0, 0}.

decode_iso8601_tz([X]) ->
decode_iso8601_tz(<<$Z>>) ->
decode_iso8601_tz(<<>>) ->
decode_iso8601_tz(<<H:2/binary, $:, M:2/binary>>) ->
scalar:i(H) * 3600 + scalar:i(M) * 60;
decode_iso8601_tz(<<H:2/binary, M:2/binary>>) ->
scalar:i(H) * 3600 + scalar:i(M) * 60;
decode_iso8601_tz(<<H:2/binary>>) ->
scalar:i(H) * 3600.

%% parses literal date time
-spec(decode/1 :: (any()) -> tempus:t()).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,126 +871,3 @@ fmonth_of_year(10) -> "October";
fmonth_of_year(11) -> "November";
fmonth_of_year(12) -> "December".

% %%
% %% current time in seconds
% now() ->
% sec().

% %%
% %% current time in seconds
% sec() ->
% sec(os:timestamp()).

% %%
% %% convert time to second
% sec({Msec, Sec, _Usec}) ->
% % erlang:now
% Msec * 1000000 + Sec;
% sec({{_,_,_},{_,_,_}}=Date) ->
% % erlang date/time
% calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Date) - ?UNX_EPOCH;
% sec(Sec)
% when is_list(Sec), length(Sec) =:= 8 ->
% % any 8-length time is considered to be YYYYMMDD format
% % 1970 - 1974 dates has to be requested as iso8601 or use scalar utility
% sec(parser:iso8601(Sec));
% sec(T)
% when is_list(T) ->
% case string:chr(T, $T) of
% 0 ->
% case scalar:decode(T) of
% X when is_list(X) -> sec(list_to_existing_atom(X));
% X -> sec(X)
% end;
% _ -> sec(parser:iso8601(T))
% end;
% sec(T)
% when is_binary(T) ->
% sec(binary_to_list(T));
% sec(today) ->
% 86400;
% sec(day) ->
% 86400;
% sec(week) ->
% 7 * 86400;
% sec(month) ->
% 30 * 86400;
% sec(year) ->
% 365 * 86400;
% sec(hour) ->
% 3600;
% sec(Sec)
% when is_float(Sec) ->
% sec(erlang:round(Sec));
% sec(Sec)
% when is_integer(Sec), Sec < 9999999999 ->
% Sec;
% sec(Milli)
% when is_integer(Milli) ->
% % given time value exceeds max allowed Sec value
% Milli div 1000.

% %%
% %% current time in milliseconds
% milli() ->
% milli(os:timestamp()).

% milli({Msec, Sec, Usec}) ->
% (Msec * 1000000 + Sec) * 1000 + Usec div 1000.

% %%
% %% current time in microseconds
% micro() ->
% micro(os:timestamp()).

% micro({Msec, Sec, Usec}) ->
% (Msec * 1000000 + Sec) * 1000000 + Usec.

% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------
% %%%
% %%% transform
% %%%
% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------

% %%
% %% increase time by T seconds
% inc(T) ->
% inc(os:timestamp(), sec(T)).

% inc({Msec, Sec, Usec}, T)
% when is_integer(T) ->
% case Sec + T of
% X when X =< 1000000 ->
% {Msec, X, Usec};
% X ->
% {Msec + (X div 1000000), X rem 1000000, Usec}
% end.

% %%
% %% increase time by T seconds
% dec(T) ->
% dec(os:timestamp(), sec(T)).

% dec({Msec, Sec, Usec}, T)
% when is_integer(T) ->
% case Sec - T of
% X when X >= 0 ->
% {Msec, X, Usec};
% X ->
% {Msec - 1, 1000000 + X, Usec}
% end.

% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------
% %%%
% %%% private
% %%%
% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------

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