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Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client.

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Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client.


VS Code and coc-tsserver are great for TypeScript, so great that other LSP implementations don't give TypeScript a lot of love. This is an attempt to rectify that, bit by bit.

This plugin is in beta status. It has basic (and expanding) test coverage, and I use almost 100% of what's in it every day at work, but since we're dealing with changing APIs and unpredictable environments, bugs are inevitable. If something doesn't work, please let me know!


  • Organize imports (exposed as :TSLspOrganize)

    Async by default, but a sync variant is available and exposed as :TSLspOrganizeSync (useful for running on save).

  • Fix current (exposed as :TSLspFixCurrent)

    A simple way to apply the first available code action to the current line without confirmation.

  • Rename file and update imports (exposed as :TSLspRenameFile)

    One of my most missed features from VS Code / coc.nvim. Enter a new path (based on the current file's path) and watch the magic happen.

  • Import all missing imports (exposed as :TSLspImportAll)

    Gets all code actions, then matches against the action's title to (imperfectly) determine whether it's an import action. Also organizes imports afterwards to merge imports from the same source.

    If you have plenary.nvim installed, the function will run asynchronously, which provides a big performance and reliability boost. If not, it'll run slower and may time out.

  • Import on completion

    Adds missing imports on completion confirm (<C-y>) when using the built-in LSP omnifunc (which is itself enabled by setting = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc" somewhere in your LSP config).

    Enable by setting enable_import_on_completion to true inside setup (see below).

    Binding . in insert mode to .<C-x><C-o> can trigger imports twice. The plugin sets a timeout to avoid importing the same item twice in a short span of time, which you can change by setting import_on_completion_timeout in your setup function (0 disables this behavior).

  • ESLint code actions

    Parses ESLint JSON output for the current file, converts fixes into code actions, and adds actions to disable rules for the current line or file. Works with Neovim's built-in code action handler as well as plugins like telescope.nvim and lspsaga.nvim.

    Supports the following settings:

    • eslint_bin: sets the binary used to get ESLint output.

      Uses eslint by default for compatibility, but I highly, highly recommend using eslint_d. eslint will add a noticeable delay to each code action.

    • eslint_args: defines the arguments passed to eslint_bin. Messing with this will probably break the integration!

    • eslint_enable_disable_comments: enables ESLint code actions to disable the violated rule for the current line / file. Set to true by default.

Experimental Features

The following features are experimental! Bug reports and feedback are greatly appreciated.

  • ESLint diagnostics

    A lightweight and low-config alternative to diagnostic-languageserver or efm-langserver.

    Supports the following settings:

    • eslint_enable_diagnostics: enables ESLint diagnostics for the current buffer on tsserver attach. Set to false by default.

    • eslint_diagnostics_debounce: to simulate LSP behavior, the plugin subscribes to buffer changes and gets / refreshes ESLint diagnostics on change. This variable modifies the amount of time between diagnostic refreshes. Set to 250 (ms) by default.

    • eslint_bin and eslint_args: applies the same settings as ESLint code actions.

  • Formatting via Prettier

    Another simple, out-of-the-box alternative to setting up a full diagnostic language server. Uses native Neovim APIs to format files asynchronously.

    Supports the following settings:

    • enable_formatting: enables formatting. Set to false by default, since I imagine most TypeScript developers are already using another solution.

      Note that you must also override vim.lsp.buf_request for formatting to work (see below).

    • formatter: sets the executable used for formatting. Set to prettier by default, and (probably) doesn't work with anything else right now, but feedback / PRs are welcome.

    • formatter_args: defines the arguments passed to formatter. You probably don't need to change this unless you plan on using something besides prettier.

    • format_on_save: a quick way to enable formatting on save for tsserver filetypes. Set to false by default.

    • no_save_after_format: by default, the plugin will save the file after formatting, which works well with format_on_save. Set this to false to disable this behavior.

    The plugin also exposes the formatter for non-LSP use. For example, to enable formatting on save for a non-tsserver filetype, use the following snippet:

    " add to ftplugin/filetype-goes-here.vim
    lua require'nvim-lsp-ts-utils'.format_on_save()

    Note that the implementation will disable other LSP formatters. If you want to run more than one formatter at once, please use diagnostic-languageserver or efm-langserver.


Install using your favorite plugin manager and add to your nvim-lspconfig tsserver.setup function.

An example showing the available settings and their defaults:

local nvim_lsp = require("lspconfig")

nvim_lsp.tsserver.setup {
    on_attach = function(_, bufnr)
        local ts_utils = require("nvim-lsp-ts-utils")

        -- defaults
        ts_utils.setup {
            disable_commands = false,
            enable_import_on_completion = false,
            import_on_completion_timeout = 5000,
            -- eslint
            eslint_bin = "eslint",
            eslint_args = {"-f", "json", "--stdin", "--stdin-filename", "$FILENAME"},
            eslint_enable_disable_comments = true,

	    -- experimental settings!
	    -- eslint diagnostics
            eslint_enable_diagnostics = false,
            eslint_diagnostics_debounce = 250,
            -- formatting
            enable_formatting = false,
            formatter = "prettier",
            formatter_args = {"--stdin-filepath", "$FILENAME"},
            format_on_save = false,
            no_save_after_format = false

        -- no default maps, so you may want to define some here
        vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gs", ":TSLspOrganize<CR>", {silent = true})
        vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "qq", ":TSLspFixCurrent<CR>", {silent = true})
        vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gr", ":TSLspRenameFile<CR>", {silent = true})
        vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gi", ":TSLspImportAll<CR>", {silent = true})

You must also override Neovim's default buf_request method for ESLint actions and formatting to work:

local ts_utils = require("nvim-lsp-ts-utils")
ts_utils.setup {
    -- your options go here

-- must come after setup!
vim.lsp.buf_request = ts_utils.buf_request

By default, the plugin will define Vim commands for convenience. You can disable this by passing disable_commands = true into setup and then calling the Lua functions directly:

  • Organize imports: :lua require'nvim-lsp-ts-utils'.organize_imports()
  • Fix current: :lua require'nvim-lsp-ts-utils'.fix_current()
  • Rename file: :lua require'nvim-lsp-ts-utils'.rename_file()
  • Import all: :lua require'nvim-lsp-ts-utils'.import_all()


I've covered most of the current functions with LSP integration tests using plenary.nvim, which you can run by running ./

Note that the current test suite requires you to have Plenary and nvim-lspconfig installed via packer.nvim due to my complete ignorance about runtimepath and packpath. Sorry!


  • ESLint code action feature parity with vscode-eslint

    The VS Code plugin supports 3 more code actions: applySameFixes, applyAllFixes, and openRuleDoc. Implementing them shouldn't be too hard (though openRuleDoc should be opt-in, since it requires ESLint to use the heavier json-with-metadata format).

  • TSLint / stylelint code action support?

    I'm not familiar with these at all, but since they both support CLI JSON output, the plugin should be able to handle them in the same way it handles ESLint. I'm a little concerned about speed and handling output from more than one linter, so I'd appreciate input from users of these linters.

  • Support for other formatters

    I haven't tried eslint_d_slim, but it seems like a natural fit. I'm also open to supporting any other formatters if there's demand.

  • Watch project files and update imports on change.

    I've prototyped this using plenary jobs and Watchman and am waiting for Plenary to merge async await jobs to make working with Watchman less painful.


Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client.






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  • Lua 97.1%
  • TypeScript 1.4%
  • Other 1.5%