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fontysrobotics edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 5 revisions

Introduction to robot operating systemAdaptive robotics minor

Fontys university of applied science

Strik, Leonardo - Ayoub, Hussam

This tutorial series was made as part of a project that aims to make a set of tutorials for the simulation of robots in robot operating system (ROS), that can be utilised through a cloud-based computing platform. It will allow students or robotics enthusiasts around the world with limited hardware to run their simulations in the cloud, and start their journey in the Robotics field. The first part of these tutorials consists of three introductions. These explain basic commands and functionality of the software that will be used in the rest of the tutorials. The first is on Ubuntu, the operating system that ROS runs on. The second is on ROS itself. The third introduction is into Gazebo, the simulation engine that is used in conjunction with ROS. After these introductions, the tutorials themselves are up. The first tutorials describe how to make and set up a robot model in a unified robot description format (URDF). This file can be used to simulate the robot and its sensors in Gazebo. Then mapping and navigation are described, as well as how to use ROS control to control the robot. After this, how to control the manipulator by using ROS Industrial and ROS MoveIt!. Finally, a way to integrate MATLAB and MATLAB Simulink models in ROS through code generation is shown.

Video Tutorials can be found Here

These tutorials are made to be used with ROS Melodic Morenia and Ubuntu 18.04.4 Bionic Beaver.