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Releases: foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-arch-terminal


21 Oct 13:08
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  • Remove the portfolio layout.
    I find it to be a to add a portfolio when you can just write it in a content file.
    It is also more suitable to be an extension to the theme than a built-in feature.


  • Update the stylesheets.
  • Change the location of the output formats.


24 Sep 06:37
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Another boring patch. :)


  • Update the pagination layout
  • Update the stylesheets


  • Revert the math support parameter name to params.enableMathjax (that was a leftover, sorry)


15 Sep 03:36
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  • Revise the MathJax script loading mechanism.
  • Polish the stylesheets and layouts.


12 Sep 00:46
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This update contains dropped features support in order to be easier to extend for others who want to create customized versions of the theme.
Rather than putting more features, I'll make it less in order to make it easy for others.
I think doing this gets closer to the objectives of this theme.


  • Remove the syntax highlighter choices and make PrismJS as the primary syntax highlighter.
    The user can easily include their own library, anyways.
    Thus, params.syntaxHighlighter will be removed from the site config options.
  • Remove the choice of using MathJax v2.
    Thus, params.setMathjaxToV2 will be removed from the site config options.
  • Remove the choice of using local MathJax.
    The script is too big and composes overwhelmingly majority of the repo size.
    Thus, params.useLocalMathjax is removed.
  • Remove params.enableCompactListMode and make it as the default list view instead.
  • Remove params.enableContentReaderMode and make it as the default content view instead.
  • Remove params.contentIsStyled.


11 Sep 03:16
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  • BREAKING CHANGE: The libraries data file now requires a type key for supporting custom CSS stylesheets.
    Possible values for this key includes only js and css.
  • Change the implementation of useLinkIcons that relies from a static SVG spritesheet to
    the user's custom definition with the img key.
    That said, an additional key is added for the contacts item which is the img key.


  • Label with appropriate markup of the buttons included.
  • Make all scripts to be deferred (except for the custom libraries where they have
    to be explicitly defined to be deferred).
  • Fix layout stylesheets and the metadata in the <head>.
  • Refactor the code for the layouts.


10 Sep 06:39
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  • Change the execution of the MathJax (through CDN) script to be deferred instead of
    asynchronously executed to increase perceived page performance.


  • Fix the incorrect values inserted into the <head>. (Big mistake to use partialCached
    since it dynamically changes. Whoops.)


09 Sep 16:59
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In this update, it'll be a major rebranding of the theme from its core appearance up to its philosophy which is minimalism and letting you bloat your site.

To reflect the major change, the theme has been renamed from "Terminal Plus-Minus" to "Arch Terminal".


  • Multilingual mode support.
    Thus, the i18n folder is now added.
    For now, the translation is only available for English (US) and Tagalog.
    If you know some language that is not listed in the folder, feel free to contribute translating to other languages.
  • Add asset fingerprinting to the theme assets.
  • Add user-configured libraries list to add to your Hugo site.
  • Add quick taxonomy search list.
    The feature was inspired from this site.
  • Add a CDN-less MathJax usage option as params.useLocalMathjax.
    (Only works for MathJax v3.)
  • Add custom messages for the 404 page.
    Thus, the following site custom parameters has been added:
    • params.notFoundHeader
    • params.notFoundLinkMessage
    • params.notFoundMessage
  • Add a custom message option for the search widget label by params.searchLabel.
  • Add content headers (similar to LaTeX counters) with the
    params.useContentCounters option.
  • Add a reader mode for your content with params.enableContentReaderMode.
  • Add a compact list mode for the homepage post list with params.enableCompactListMode.
  • Add a "Back to top" button on the footer with params.enableBackToTopLink.
  • Add JSON+LD schema.
    It is disabled by default so you have to manually switch the params.enableJsonLdSchema first.
  • Add a image zoom feature (using medium-zoom library) that can be
    switched with params.enableContentImageZoom.
    You can also set the background color with params.setContentImageZoomBackground.


  • Remove the custom fonts and let the user customize their own.
    This also improves the performance of the base theme.


  • IMPORTANT: Rename the theme from "Terminal Plus-Minus" to "Arch Terminal" along
    with a slight rebrand.
  • IMPORTANT: Content pagination is now disabled by default.
    In effect, an additional site config option params.enableContentPagination has
    been added.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Invert the setting to hide the posts instead of showing posts
    Thus, params.showPostsOnHome have been replaced with params.hidePostsOnHome.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Update the layout code for the breaking changes at Hugo v0.58.0.
    Thus, the theme now requires Hugo v0.58.0.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Change params.enableSyntaxHighlighting to
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Remove params.setMathjaxToV3 to be replaced with
    params.setMathjaxToV2 since the theme will now use MathJax v3 by default.
  • Revise MathJax support (again) with the v2 replaced to v3 as the
    default MathJax version since MathJax v3 got the official production release.
  • Update the stylesheet to consider consistent and pleasant typography.
    One of the biggest change is the consideration of
    vertical rhythms and the absence of
    the custom styles.
  • Twitter cards and OpenGraph schema are now disabled by default and has to be
    enabled with params.enableTwitterCard and params.enableOpenGraphSchema respectively.


  • Update the SCSS load order to make the automatic second theming work.
    (I forgot that SCSS variables are imperative, not declarative.)
  • Make the external scripts to run asynchronously to prevent DOM blocking and
    improve the performance of the site.


04 Sep 18:54
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  • Add a theme toggle switch (or dark mode toggle switch or whatever). Thus, additional variables in the default stylesheet config has been added. Please take a look at the default config to
    see the added variables.
  • The toggle switch is disabled by default so the params.enableThemeToggle is added to the site configuration options list.
  • Add an option where the author wants to use MathJax v3 instead with params.setMathjaxToV3 site option.


  • Reduce the font set for Fira Code and replaced it with a single variable font set
    in WOFF2 format.
  • Update the default font stack is updated to ensure the look will be consistent since the support for variable fonts is a bit rough.
  • Remove the list key requirement of projects and contact data file to being a list themselves. (I didn't know it's possible for YAML and TOML to contain an equivalent of a JSON array.)
  • Make MathJax support disabled by default. With this effect, params.enableMathjax is added into the site config options.


  • Revise the static search engine index to be used.
    It uses a new separate file named though it'll require a new
    output format to use it to avoid conflicts with the JSON feeds.