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File metadata and controls

151 lines (120 loc) · 7.01 KB

Show Date: Tuesday, 17 July 2012 17:00 Rome, 11:00 EDT



Jason and Dysinger, what are your backgrounds? where do you live?

Outline / Questions

  • What do we mean by "monitoring"? Let's talk vocabulary first.

    • Monitoring - collection, storage, poll vs pull
    • Fault Detection - identifying a failure
    • Notification
    • Trending & Capacity Planning
  • What kinds of monitoring are there?

    • Heartbeat / liveness monitoring - is it up?
    • Quality of Service - is it operating at a sufficient level / doing the right thing?
    • Host-level metrics - cpu, disk, memory, network
      • Generally we don't care about these on their own
      • Rather, we correlate this with service data to narrow our diagnosis of an outage
    • Service / Application-level metrics
    • Business / Transactional metrics - is the workflow operational? are we making money?
  • What do we do with this collected data?

    • Watch for transients (state changes)
    • Send notifications - email, sms, pagers
    • Visual feedback (real-time vs historical dashboards, reports)
    • Escalations?
    • How long should we retain data?
  • What tools are available and where should people start?

    • Should I start w/ Nagios or go straight to Sensu?
    • Poll vs Push - should metrics storage be the source of truth?
    • Visualization - Graphite, Ganglia
    • Monolithic vs Modular - wtf is Voltron?
  • Collecting metrics - logstash, collectd, statsd, logster

    • What should I use to collect system metrics? collectd or diamond?
    • How should engineers collect application metrics?
    • When do I need to use amqp and message bus to ship around my metrics?
    • WTF happened to SNMP?
    • Why are standard deviation and 90th percentile important?
    • How should you represent your metrics so that they are meaningful?
    • What #'s do you care about most?
    • Should I be more interested in histogram peaks or tails?
      • Depends on your business and who's asking
      • Percentiles are valuable for finding trends
      • Tails are valuable for finding anomalies
      • Both are useful, but either can be misleading / time-consuming
  • Jason, you worked at Heroku up until recently. How do they handle metrics collection internally?

    • Self-service monitoring pipeline (event stream model)
    • Robust logging infrastructure (logplex) to lean on
    • Application logs key=value pairs
    • Exprd ("expression-d"), Logster-style app extracts metrics via logplex drain, applies gauges/counters/etc and sends them to Backstop
    • Backstop proxies from JSON/HTTP to Carbon (Graphite listener)
    • Umpire queries Graphite API and provides an HTTP status response
    • This model makes it easy for engineers to setup their own monitoring and trending flows
  • Creating dashboards

    • "Out of the box" - Ganglia, Nagios + RRD / PNP4Nagios
    • Cacti - if you're using SNMP
    • Graphite - ZOMG all the choices: gdash, Graphiti, Graphene, Tasseo, Descartes
    • Third-party services - Ducksboard (only supports push)
    • Why are there no "pretty" dashboard services that support pull (e.g. from Graphite API)?
  • What about self-service metrics? like coda hale's metrics library

  • Jason, how do you feel about the overall health of the graphite project? Are there any design features or aspects of the project that might limit it long-term?

    • I think there are a few rough spots, but nothing that's currently inhibiting its adoption.
    • Lack of authentication and authorization on ingress. Needs some way to filter access on metrics submission.
      • Probably should happen on a relay, e.g. carbon-relay or Backstop.
    • When scaling out to multiple storage (carbon) nodes, you must run a webserver on each node.
      • Because carbon only reads from memory, not from disk. Webserver reads from disk.
      • Would need to extend carbon to serve up metrics from both in order to remove webserver dependency.
    • I talked with Michael Leinartas (@mleinart) at Velocity about these issues, he agrees.
    • Lack of metadata in metrics (whisper). This is both a pro and a con.
      • pro - Graphite doesn't care what you throw at it. Easy ramp-up.
      • con - Hard(er) to do stuff like annotations.
      • You end up pushing a lot of this "extra" information out to the edge, e.g. dashboard database.
    • Weak dashboard application. In its place we're seeing a lot of open-source alternatives using Graphite's JSON output.
  • Jason, since you work w/ graphite then you must have to use launchpad. What do you think of launchpad?

    • Well, now I'm biased. But even if you'd asked me this a month ago I'd have the same answer. I hate LP.
    • Their "answers" product is nice for assembling an organic FAQ and searchability.
    • Tracking branches and submitting changes is a hassle.
    • Finding anything in their UI is a hassle.
    • Oh, and it's painfully slow.
    • Fortunately I don't have to use LP anymore for code. The project is hosted on GitHub now.
  • Let's summarize for n00bs, I start w/ A then proceed to B, then C . . .





  • John Rauser's Velocity keynotes
  • Riemann
    • Impressed by Kyle's work and his dedication to performance. Really smart dude.
    • It solves a real problem with [high performance] Complex Event Processing in the event stream model.
  • Hosted Graphite service.
    • Support statsd and cleartext submission.
    • I haven't used it yet, but it looks promising.
    • Same guys who wrote MetricFire.
  • No formal details yet, but I'm working on a new Monitoring conference / hackathon.
    • Probably Boston in October (~3rd week).
    • Single track mornings.
    • Dual track afternoons (workshops / hackathon).
    • Low cost / high accessibility.
    • Hope to announce details by next week.


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