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NixOS module to manage DNS records.

What is dns.nix

dns.nix is a NixOs module and library that makes declarative management of DNS records as simple as possible, while still utilizing the flexibility of NixOS configurations.


  • Typed and format checked DNS records
  • Support for multiple zones and sub-zones
  • Tool-agnostic record collection for multiple nodes
  • Zone file generation


dns.nix can be used as a flake or by directly importing default.nix in your module system.

Example using flakes:

  inputs = {
    dns.url = "github:fooker/dns.nix";

  outputs = { dns, ... }: {
    nixosSystem = {
      modules = [ dns.nixosModules.default ];

Example using imports:

  imports = [ /path/to/dns.nix/default.nix ];

The module defines the dns option which is used to define DNS zones and records.

Example module with a simple zone definition:

{ ... }: {
  dns.zones = {
    com.example = {
      # Havine a SOA record makes this a zone
      SOA = {
        mname = "";
        rname = "hostmaster";
      # Records can have one or multiple values and will be coerced if the record type allows multiple values
      NS = [

      # Lower-case name form record names where upper-case names are interpreted as record types.
      something = {
        # Set TTL for everything under ``
        ttl = 60;

        # Defines an AAAA record for
        AAAA = "2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334";

This simple form of a DNS record tree is transformed to a tree where each level is an attribute set containing the following elements:

  • ttl: The TTL in seconds for all records in node and below.
  • records: The records defined for this node
  • nodes: The child nodes for this node.
  • includes: Includes of a static zone files on this node level. This is only evaluated during zone-file generation.
  • parent: Records propagated to the parent zone.


NixOS module for DNS zone declaration







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