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Distributing your plugin

You can distribute a plugin with OctoPrint via two ways.

You can have your users copy it to OctoPrint's plugin folder (normally located at ~/.octoprint/plugins under Linux, %APPDATA%\OctoPrint\plugins on Windows and ~/Library/Application Support/OctoPrint on Mac). In this case your plugin will be distributed directly as a Python module (a single .py file containing all of your plugin's code directly and named like your plugin) or a package (a folder named like your plugin + __init.py__ contained within).

You can have your users install it via pip and register it for the entry point octoprint.plugin via your plugin's, this way it will be found automatically by OctoPrint upon initialization of the plugin subsystem [1].

For an example of how the directory structure and related files would look like in this case, please take a look at the helloworld example from OctoPrint's example plugins.

This variant is highly recommended for pretty much any plugin besides the most basic ones since it also allows requirements management and pretty much any thing else that Python's setuptools provide to the developer.

.. seealso::

   `OctoPrint Plugin Cookiecutter Template <>`_
       A `Cookiecutter Template <>`_ providing
       you with all you need to get started with writing a properly packaged OctoPrint plugin. See the
       :ref:`Plugin Tutorial <sec-plugins-gettingstarted>` for an :ref:`example <sec-plugins-gettingstarted-growingup>`
       on how to use this.


[1]The automatic registration will only work within the same Python installation (this also includes virtual environments), so make sure to instruct your users to use the exact same Python installation for installing the plugin that they also used for installing & running OctoPrint. For OctoPi this means using ~/oprint/bin/pip for installing plugins instead of just pip.

Once it is ready for general consumption, you might want to register your plugin with the official OctoPrint Plugin Repository. You can find instructions on how to do that in the Plugin Repository's help pages.

If you used the OctoPrint Plugin Cookiecutter Template when creating your plugin, you can find a prepared registration entry .md file in the extras folder of your plugin.