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Ford Powers edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the werewolves-narrator-helper wiki!


Hello user! This project is a work in progress, with two simple objectives:

  1. Create a command-line based application that will aid narrators in the playing of the game Werewolves.
  2. Take that command-line application and turn it into a full fleshed web application GUI, based on the React/Redux framework.

Although simple, this is no easy task and will continue to be a WIP until I can't think of anything else to add. I created this for my own personal use, as I couldn't find any tool like it in order to help me do what I wanted to do. Feel free to download and use any part of the tool you find useful, I only ask that you credit me, Ford Powers, as the author.

Thanks, enjoy!

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