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devxp: Base the application container images off new Ruby base image. (
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This "rebases" our application images off of the new Ruby base image
added in #19632, and fixes numerous problems and quirks with how the
images were built along the way. Notably:

- Issues where layers attempted to delete files in prior layers have
  been resolved (this caused build failures on some Docker filesystem
  drivers, notably overlay2).

- Bundler is no longer allowed to deviate from or modify the lockfile
  (`BUNDLE_FROZEN` is now `true`).

- `git(1)` is no longer required to live inside the container and `.git`
  is no longer required to be copied into the Docker build context, as
  these were only used to calculate `FOREM_BUILD_SHA`, which is now
  passed in as a Build Argument to the container build context.

- The entire source tree is no longer `chmod` in one giant swing, which
  ran so long on my system (as just one example) that I gave up after
  15-20 minutes and issued it a `SIGTERM`. Instead, `COPY --chown` is
  used more heavily and ensures the `APP_USER` will have access to the
  requisite files.

This new container image appears to build successfully for
`linux/arm64`, which refs (but does not complete) #19626. Currently,
such builds aren't automated , and must be built on a developer
workstation. For example:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -f Containerfile . -t --push --build-arg VCS_REF=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)

In the meantime, the existing `linux/amd64`-only BuildKite scripts have
been updated to allow this PR to merge as a separate unit, and CI
refactors to enable the multiarch builds of `linux/arm64,linux/amd64`
can come later when more time is available.

This is one of several blockers on the path to getting #19603 merged.
The next step in that chronology will be rebasing that work on top of
this work, which *should* be, on the containerization side, as
straightforward as bumping `Containerfile.base` to reference the new
upstream image, rebuilding the base container, and then bumping the
reference in `Containerfile`.
  • Loading branch information
klardotsh committed Jun 29, 2023
1 parent e4d33b3 commit 1a92880
Showing 0 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.

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