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A Hybrid Low-Rank Natural Gradient Descent Method (HyLo)


Get Started

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
cd hylo
  1. Download datasets (if not available locally)

    • Please follow the instructions from the official websites listed below to download the datasets.
      • ImageNet-1k (ImageNet account required)
      • LGG MRI
      • CIFAR-10 (Optional)
        • note: this step is optional for CIFAR-10, the dataset can be automatically downloaded by the training script. In this case, the CIFAR-10 dataset will be stored in the path specified by --data-dir in the main*.py scripts
    • note: the provided scripts assume that the datasets are stored under the directory $SCRATCH
  2. Set up the environment

    • Option 1: use the singularity image (for ppc64le architecture) with all the requirements. To download the singularity image from Sylabs:
      • if you have not login to singularity on the cluster, generate a token on Sylabs, after running the command below, paste it to the command line interface
        singularity remote login
      • pull the singularity image from remote
        singularity pull --arch ppc64le library://hylo/dso/artifact:init
      • note: the provided scripts assume that this repository hylo is cloned into $SCRATCH and the singularity image (by default, named artifact_init.sif) is downloaded into the directory hylo.
    • Option 2: a list of required packages
    • note: the provided scripts assume that the singularity image is used to set up the environment. Other options will need some additional modifications in the scripts, which will be discussed in the next section.
  3. Update the scripts

    • The .sh scripts consists of 4 main parts:
      1. environment set up (see the PRELOAD command),
      2. training configurations set up, e.g. model, dataset, hyperparameters (see the CMD command),
      3. distributed system configurations, e.g. the list of allocated nodes, master node, number of nodes
        • note: the scripts use TCP initialization. The url format is tcp://$MASTER_ADDR:$MASTER_PORT, where the MASTER_PORT is set to 1234 by default.
      4. launch the processes on each node with torch.distributed.launch (see the launcher command)
    • Things might need to change:
      • If you are NOT using the singularity image, please update the PRELOAD command to set up the environment accordingly.
        • For example, if you choose to install all requirements listed above in a conda environment, say, named env, then the PRELOAD command should be (or similar to):
           PRELOAD="module load anaconda3;"
           PRELOAD+="source activate env;"
      • On different number of GPUs, the hyperparameters are different. For example, the frequency (--freq) is scaled inversely with the number of GPUs. The learning rate, damping, target damping, weight decay might need to be adjusted.
      • The provided scripts for ResNet-32 + CIFAR-10 assume that the number of GPUs per node is 4 (nproc_per_node=4). Other scripts assume that nproc_per_node=4. If the system you are using has a different setting, please update nproc_per_node in the CMD and LAUNCHER command accordingly.

End-to-End Training

The commands run end-to-end training of the model + dataset. The accuracy and wall-clock time are written to a .csv file in the hylo directory. The checkpoint files (.pth.tar) are stored in the directory specified by the --log-dir arg of the main-*.py scripts.

  • Multi-GPUs
    • (Image classification) ResNet-50 + ImageNet-1k
       sh scripts/
    • (Image classification) ResNet-32 + CIFAR-10
       sh scripts/
    • (Image segmentation) U-Net + Brain LGG
       sh scripts/
  • note: for the baselines, we provide sample scripts here (based on the official release of KAISA 1 and 2).


  • To enable profiling, add --profiling to the training command:

    • e.g. sh scripts/ --profiling
    • the outputs are written to .csv files
  • To enable rank analysis, add --rank-analysis to the training command:

    • sh scripts/ --rank-analysis
    • the outputs are written to .csv files
  • To check the gradient norm trend throughout the training, add --sngd and --grad-norm to the training command:

    • e.g. sh scripts/ --sngd --grad-norm
    • the outputs are written to grad-norm.csv
  • To check the gradient error of KID and KIS, add --grad-error and --enable-id/--enable-is to the training command:

    • e.g.
       sh scripts/ --grad-error --enable-id
       sh scripts/ --grad-error --enable-is
    • the outputs are written to grad-error-*.txt files


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  • Python 86.5%
  • Shell 13.5%