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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 31, 2022. It is now read-only.



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❗ ---- Notice! ---- ❗

Someone who is better at coding than me (knows c# rather than me just copying lines of code based on what they look like they are doing) and made a fully patched, working FavCat here: (discontinued) This one won't be updated by VRCModUpdater.loader (the one I modded but hadn't uploaded yet won't update either, but it also won't load properly and breaks UIExpansionKit, which is required). I've skimmed though it very quickly after decompiling the binary dll and looking through the new commits, it and it looked okay to me, but I would strongly caution anyone to look through the code, make sure nothing creepy sneaked in, and build it yourself in Visual Studio. Assuming all goes well, I will be archiving this repository soon. I would also like to reiterate, that, if you decide to use redacted's mod, please, please consider supporting VRChat though a plus subscription. It will help ensure that VRChat survives, and maybe even improves! <3

Note: A previous version of this readme recommended FavCat-Unlocked. If you are currently using this mod, please remove it from your mods folder and download FavCat Restored (linked above). FavCat Unlocked was designed by its creator to scare users into not using a modified version of FavCat through a scare-tactic popup, and a game crash after a specified date (June 1st, 2021 to be specific). Ethical issues with this practice aside, your favorites are unaffected, as well as your game and account. No changes should be necessary and FavCat Restored will function as a drop-in replacement. As always, I recommend if at all possible, for you to check the mod code and compile it yourself, and decompile any DLLs you obtain before loading them. While this can be a daunting and somewhat advanced process for the average player, I'll gladly give you some pointers that I've picked up should you reach out! Just remember, I don't know C# as of now, and the limits of my knowledge extends only to decompilation and building.

🗄️ As of June 13th, 2021, this repository has been archived. It's obsolete and incompatible with build 1101. As I have little experience in modding, this entire repo is one large "wontfix". I have learned a lot, but it's time to move on. Love ya!

FavCat Community Edition

Purpose of this fork - What it is

This repository is a fork of It is created with the intention of separating the last version of FavCat that has functioning avatar favorites from the rest of the mods in the source repository, and, as of the first commit in this repository, was last updated to be compatible with build 1088 of VRChat. My hope is that, with the creation of this fork, that this mod can be maintained by open source means, rather than shady dll files flying around that, with modification, could compromise your account, your PC, and all the personal information you hold dear. In my opinion, if favcat continues to exist (it likely will in some form), the safest way is to make that existence open-source. I would encourage users to contribute to this project, I will accept contributions that are clearly not obfuscated or malicious.

What this is not

This fork isn't an attempt to make a jab at the choices of the VRChat Modding Group, EMMVRC, or the VRChat Team. I understand that VRChat Plus is required to ensure the sustainability of the platform - That's why I continue to subscribe to it. I also understand VRCMG's desire to not step on VRC's monetization toes – favorite mod obsolescence may be what's needed to help VRChat understand and work with modders. However, I firstly don't believe that favorite mods should be removed when alternatives are poorer - examples include the 4 rows of 25 limitation, the inability to create and name categories, and the ability to have fast, local search, just within your favorites. I would consider this mod obsolete when either EMMVRC with VRC+ has feature parity, or when the base game with VRC+ does. Second, I don't agree with letting ordinary - and often inexperienced users - be left to search for malicious mods in malicious communities. Many users will download favorite mods no matter what in whatever source is easiest - and it harms both the modding community's reputation and VRChat at large when users unknowingly use malicious or maliciously modified mods because VRCMG could or would not provide them with a safe and usable alternative.


I would like to clarify that I cannot, at the moment, maintain this mod by myself. I have no experience in C#, nor reverse engineering Unity. I need to rely on any willing contributors to maintain compatibility, fix bugs, and, if wanted, add new features. Otherwise, this mod will likely die after multiple VRChat updates. If it does, I'll keep it up as a separate repo for informational purposes, but once enough game updates roll out, I'll have to archive it. I would strongly encourage anyone experienced with VRChat modification to help me in this preservation effort. Please only submit code that's non-obfuscated - while I don't have the knowledge to do this myself, I've seen obfuscated code from decompiled malicious mods, and will not accept commits that contain it. I would recommend against forking this repository, and instead submitting pull requests. If you have another way you want to help, feel free to message me! (discord in profile).


copied from the original readme Please note that ILRepack was not removed, as it looked important to me. Feel free to create a github issue if it is not.


An all-in-one local favorites mod. Unlimited favorite lists with unlimited favorites in them and a searchable local database of content and players.
Requires UI Expansion Kit 0.2.0 or newer


  • Unlimited lists (categories) for favorites, each of unlimited size
  • Lag-free even with large lists
  • Freely changeable list height
  • Avatar, world, and player favorites supported
  • Modifiable list order and multiple list sorting options
  • Fully searchable database of everything you have ever seen
  • Changeable database location (it's recommended to store the database in a directory backed up to cloud storage, such as Dropbox or OneDrive, see below for setup)
  • Local image cache for even better performance
  • Categorize your own private avatars
  • Import avatar favorites from other local favorite mods (read below)
  • Exchange search database with friends (read below)
  • Many more small things

Known limitations

  • Player favorites don't show online status
  • Lists with over a thousand elements can take a bit of time on game startup/list creation

Changing database location

Steps to change database location:

  1. Run VRChat with the mod at least once
  2. Make sure that VRChat is closed
  3. Navigate to VRChat install directory (i.e. by clicking "Browse Local Files" in Steam)
  4. Navigate to UserData folder and open MelonPreferenes.cfg with Notepad or other text editor
  5. Find the line with [FavCat]
  6. Find the line with DatabasePath under it
  7. Change the value to absolute path to new storage folder. The new line should look like this: DatabasePath = "C:/Users/username/OneDrive" (with your own path, naturally; make sure to use forward clashes / instead of backslashes \\)
  8. Save and close the text file
  9. Copy the two (or four) database files (favcat-favs.db and favacat-store.db, and favcat-favs-log.db and favcat-store-log.db if they exist) from the old location (they are in UserData by default) to the new one.

If you want to move the image cache, use the same steps as above, but modify the line with ImageCachePath and copy favcat-images.db instead. It's not recommended to store the image cache in cloud storage due to its big size.

Importing avatar favorites from other local favorite mods

You can import favorites from other local favorite mods that use text files for storage.

  1. Run VRChat with the mod at least once
  2. Navigate to VRChat install directory (i.e. by clicking "Browse Local Files" in Steam)
  3. Find the avatar list of the mod you want to import from. Places to look like are UserData folder, game folder, or a mod-specific folder, such as 404Mods. The avatar list would usually be a plain text file or a JSON file - both are supported.
  4. Copy the file to UserData/FavCatImport folder
  5. In-game, click "More FavCat" on any big menu page, then click "Import databases and text files"
  6. Import process can take some time. Once it is done, a new list will appear in the menu. It's safe to close the game and reopen it - import will continue from where it left off (you'll need to click the button again though). Once it is done, the corresponding list will be deleted from UserData/FavCatImport folder.

Sharing search database with friends

You can exchange the search database with friends to be able to find things they have seen. Only accept databases from friends you trust - an intentionally malformed database can overwrite parts of yours with garbage
How to send database to a friend:

  1. Run VRChat with the mod at least once (duh)
  2. Make sure that VRChat is closed
  3. Navigate to where your database is stored (see "Changing database location")
  4. Make sure that there is no file named favcat-store-log.db. If there is one, it means that the game was not closed properly. In that case, run the game again, and use "Exit VRChat" button in settings menu to close it.
  5. Send favcat-store.db to your friend.

How to receive database from a friend:

  1. Run VRChat with the mod at least once
  2. Navigate to VRChat install directory (i.e. by clicking "Browse Local Files" in Steam)
  3. Put the database your friend sent you into UserData/FavCatImport folder. If you want to import multiple databases at once, you can rename them, as long as .db extension is kept.
  4. In-game, click "More FavCat" on any big menu page, then click "Import databases and text files"
  5. Import process can take some time. Once it is done, the corresponding database will be deleted from UserData/FavCatImport folder.

Note that your favorites are stored in favcat-favs.db - don't send it to your friends, favorite import is not supported. Most certainly don't send favcat-images.db to your friends - it's just a boring image cache.

Used libraries:

  • LiteDB for all data storage
  • ImageSharp, because unity is bad at loading images from streams on background thread

A long time ago this was based on Slaynash's AvatarFav and VRCTools, both licensed under the MIT license. Who knows how much of that still remains inside?


There's a copy of ILRepack.Lib.MSBuild.Task and ILRepack built for netcore/MSBuild 16 shipped with the repo.


Before install:
Tupper (from VRChat Team) said that any modification of the game can lead to a ban, as with these mods

To install these mods, you will need to install MelonLoader (discord link, see #how-to-install).
Then, you will have to put mod .dll files in the Mods folder of your game directory


To build these, drop required libraries (found in <vrchat instanll dir>/MelonLoader/Managed after melonloader installation, list found in Directory.Build.props) into Libs folder, then use your IDE of choice to build.

  • Libs folder is intended for newest libraries (MelonLoader 0.2.2)


With the following exceptions, all mods here are provided under the terms of GNU GPLv3 license

  • ILRepack.Lib.MSBuild.Task is covered by its own license
  • ILRepack is covered by Apache 2.0 license
  • UI Expansion Kit is additionally covered by LGPLv3 to allow other mods to link to it
  • IKTweaks source code is not covered by a permissive license and provided for reference purposes only