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gastaldi committed Aug 10, 2016
1 parent 56b6bfd commit da02b4d
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Showing 33 changed files with 2,279 additions and 0 deletions.
318 changes: 318 additions & 0 deletions text/src/main/java/com/inamik/text/tables/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
* iNamik Text Tables for Java
* Copyright (C) 2016 David Farrell (
* Licensed under The MIT License (MIT), see LICENSE.txt
package com.inamik.text.tables;

import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.BottomAlign;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.BottomPad;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.BottomTruncate;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithChar;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithCharAndHeight;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithCharAndWidth;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithHeight;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithWidth;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.FunctionWithWidthAndHeight;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.TopAlign;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.TopPad;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.TopTruncate;
import com.inamik.text.tables.cell.VerticalCenter;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.HorizontalCenter;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.LeftAlign;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.LeftPad;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.LeftTruncate;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.RightAlign;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.RightPad;
import com.inamik.text.tables.line.RightTruncate;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public final class Cell
public static final Collection<String> EMPTY = Collections.<String>emptyList();

public static Collection<String> of() { return EMPTY; }

public static Collection<String> of(String...cell) {
return Arrays.asList(cell);

public static Collection<String> append(Collection<String> cell, String...lines) {
List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>(cell.size() + lines.length);
for (String line: lines) {
return r;

public static Collection<String> append(Collection<String> cell, Collection<String> lines) {
List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>(cell.size() + lines.size());
return r;

* Function
public static abstract class Function
public abstract Collection<String> apply(Collection<String> cell);
public abstract Collection<String> apply(Integer width, Integer height, Collection<String> cell);
public abstract Collection<String> apply(Character character, Integer width, Integer height, Collection<String> cell);

public abstract Function withChar (char character);
public abstract Function withWidth (int width );
public abstract Function withHeight(int height);

public static final Function IDENTITY = new Function() {
public Function withChar(char _1) { return this; }
public Function withWidth(int _1) { return this; }
public Function withHeight(int _1) { return this; }
public Collection<String> apply(Collection<String> cell) { return cell; }
public Collection<String> apply(Integer _1, Integer _2, Collection<String> cell) { return cell; }
public Collection<String> apply(Character _1, Integer _2, Integer _3, Collection<String> cell) { return cell; }

* From cell.Function
public static Function from(final com.inamik.text.tables.cell.base.Function f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character _1, Integer _2, Integer _3, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithChar
public static Function from(final FunctionWithChar f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character character, Integer _2, Integer _3, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(character, cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithWidth
public static Function from(final FunctionWithWidth f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character _1, Integer width, Integer _3, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(width, cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithHeight
public static Function from(final FunctionWithHeight f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character _1, Integer _2, Integer height, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(height, cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithCharAndWidth
public static Function from(final FunctionWithCharAndWidth f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character character, Integer width, Integer _3, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(character, width, cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithCharAndHeight
public static Function from(final FunctionWithCharAndHeight f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character character, Integer _2, Integer height, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(character, height, cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithWidthAndHeight
public static Function from(final FunctionWithWidthAndHeight f) {
return of(
new FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight() {
public Collection<String> apply(Character _1, Integer width, Integer height, Collection<String> cell) {
return f.apply(width, height, cell);
null, null, null

* From cell.FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight
public static Function from(FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight f) {
return of(f, null, null, null);

private static Function of(final FunctionWithCharAndWidthAndHeight f, final Character character, final Integer width, final Integer height) {
return new Function() {
public Function withChar(char character) { return of(f, character, width, height); }
public Function withWidth(int width) { return of(f, character, width, height); }
public Function withHeight(int height) { return of(f, character, width, height); }
public Collection<String> apply(Collection<String> cell) {
return apply(' ' , null, null, cell);
public Collection<String> apply(Integer w, Integer h, Collection<String> cell) {
return apply(' ' , w, h, cell);
public Collection<String> apply(Character c, Integer w, Integer h, Collection<String> cell) {
c = (null == character) ? c : character;
w = (null == width ) ? w : width;
h = (null == height ) ? h : height;
return f.apply(c, w, h, cell);


public static abstract class FullPadding extends Function
public abstract FullPadding fullPad (int pad );
public abstract FullPadding leftPad (int leftPad );
public abstract FullPadding rightPad (int rightPad );
public abstract FullPadding topPad (int topPad );
public abstract FullPadding bottomPad(int bottomPad);

public static final FullPadding INSTANCE = of(0,0,0,0, null, null, null);

public static FullPadding of(final int leftPad, final int rightPad, final int topPad, final int bottomPad, final Character character, final Integer width, final Integer height) {
return new FullPadding() {
public FullPadding fullPad (int pad ) { return of ( pad, pad, pad, pad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding leftPad (int leftPad ) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding rightPad (int rightPad ) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding topPad (int topPad ) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding bottomPad (int bottomPad ) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding withChar (char character) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding withWidth (int width ) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public FullPadding withHeight(int height ) { return of(leftPad, rightPad, topPad, bottomPad, character, width, height); }
public Collection<String> apply(Collection<String> cell) {
return apply(' ', null, null, cell);
public Collection<String> apply(Integer w, Integer h, Collection<String> cell) {
return apply(' ', w, h, cell);
public Collection<String> apply(Character c, Integer w, Integer h, Collection<String> cell) {
c = (null == character) ? ' ' : character;
w = (null == width ) ? w : width;
h = (null == height ) ? h : height;

cell = FunctionWithWidth .from(LeftTruncate .INSTANCE).apply(Math.max(0, w - leftPad ), cell);
cell = FunctionWithWidth .from(RightTruncate.INSTANCE).apply(Math.max(0, w - leftPad - rightPad), cell);

cell = FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(LeftPad .INSTANCE).apply(c, Math.max(leftPad , w - rightPad), cell);
cell = FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(RightPad .INSTANCE).apply(c, Math.max(rightPad, w) , cell);

cell = TopTruncate .INSTANCE.apply(Math.max(0, h - topPad ), cell);
cell = BottomTruncate.INSTANCE.apply(Math.max(0, h - topPad - bottomPad), cell);

cell = TopPad .INSTANCE.apply(Math.max(topPad , h - bottomPad), cell);
cell = BottomPad .INSTANCE.apply(Math.max(bottomPad, h) , cell);

return cell;


* Functions
* isolated in separate class so you can statically import them
public static final class Functions
public static final FullPadding FULL_PADDING = FullPadding.INSTANCE;

public static final Function VERTICAL_CENTER = Function.from(VerticalCenter.INSTANCE);
public static final Function BOTTOM_ALIGN = Function.from(BottomAlign .INSTANCE);
public static final Function BOTTOM_PAD = Function.from(BottomPad .INSTANCE);
public static final Function TOP_ALIGN = Function.from(TopAlign .INSTANCE);
public static final Function TOP_PAD = Function.from(TopPad .INSTANCE);
public static final Function BOTTOM_TRUNCATE = Function.from(BottomTruncate.INSTANCE);
public static final Function TOP_TRUNCATE = Function.from(TopTruncate .INSTANCE);

public static final Function HORIZONTAL_CENTER = Function.from(FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(HorizontalCenter.INSTANCE));
public static final Function LEFT_ALIGN = Function.from(FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(LeftAlign .INSTANCE));
public static final Function RIGHT_ALIGN = Function.from(FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(RightAlign .INSTANCE));
public static final Function LEFT_PAD = Function.from(FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(LeftPad .INSTANCE));
public static final Function RIGHT_PAD = Function.from(FunctionWithCharAndWidth.from(RightPad .INSTANCE));
public static final Function LEFT_TRUNCATE = Function.from(FunctionWithWidth .from(LeftTruncate .INSTANCE));
public static final Function RIGHT_TRUNCATE = Function.from(FunctionWithWidth .from(RightTruncate .INSTANCE));


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