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Test to create a tool for i18n.

The proposed solution is a package Dgeni. To do this, i use the wip-i18n branch on this repository.

Treatment Principles

  1. The user adds pseudo functions i18nDgeni() in templates to mark parts to translate. (See the template example)

  2. The user runs gulp to generate the docs (which uses the i18n package)

    • Running gulp will generate documentation in the language of origin, and a copy other languages ​​which you want translate.
    • This will also generate json files that will be used in the next execution gulp. Each file contains a language to translate. (Its contents look like this)
  3. The user translates the texts by changing appropriate json file

  4. The user runs again gulp to generate the docs

    • Running gulp will generate documentation in the language of origin, and a copy other languages ​​which you want translate. But this time, the translated texts in json files replace the text in the original language for other languages
    • This will also generate json files that will be used in the next execution gulp. Each file contains a language to translate. (With any addition, modification and deletion of text to be translated, and of course the copy of the text already translated)

How use I18n Package

  1. Add one item in ReadFilesProcessor.sourceFiles to setup the json files folder :
  // Specify collections of source files that should contain the documentation to extract
  readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles = [
      // Process all js files in `src` and its subfolders ...
      include: 'src/**/*.js',
      // ... except for this one!
      exclude: 'src/do-not-read.js',
      // When calculating the relative path to these files use this as the base path.
      // So `src/foo/bar.js` will have relative path of `foo/bar.js`
      basePath: 'src'
      // Process all json files in `locales`
      include: 'locales/*.json',
      basePath: 'locales'
  1. Configure original language, others languages to translate and folder where generate the docs translated :
.config(function(parseI18nProcessor) {
  parseI18nProcessor.defaultLang = 'en_GB';
  parseI18nProcessor.translateLangs = [ 'fr_FR', 'de_DE', 'es_ES' ];
  parseI18nProcessor.outputFolder = 'build\\translation';


  • Read existing json files (Done !)
  • Load translations into memory (Done !)
  • Parse the docs in the original language to generate the text to be translated (Done !)
  • Add, Update and delete text to translate in memory (To do)
  • Translate the docs in others languages with the translations in the memory (Done !)
  • Write/Replace json files (To do)
  • And more ....


WIP for i18n with Dgeni







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