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Decode content to string before attaching to an email. #2866

merged 1 commit into from May 29, 2019


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Resolves #2865

@joecheuk joecheuk merged commit 0b33385 into release-2.16.0 May 29, 2019
@joecheuk joecheuk deleted the fix-email-not branch May 29, 2019 02:39
joecheuk added a commit that referenced this pull request May 31, 2019
* Incremented version to 2.16.0

* Removed uncessary call to site.main(). (#2863)

* Decode content to string before attaching to an email. (#2866)

* Make sure the type of the output from run_command is string.

* updated with the latest config  validator binary.
hshin-g added a commit that referenced this pull request Aug 7, 2019
* Deprecating CSCC Alpha support and removing Beta checks (#2647)

* deprecating alpha support and removing beta check

* removed alpha check

* use_versioned_discovery_doc field is always True

* Removed Alpha API client unit test

* scanner working with inventory changes

* more stuff

* tmp

* tmp2

* Fix sqlalchemy rollback and disconnect errors after connection reuse. (#2656)

* added iamonly capabilities to rules

* lint

* scanner done :)

* cleaned

* fixed test

* add firewall rule to scan for SSH from anywhere (#2666)

Signed-off-by: Limezest <>

* fixed test

* answered change reqs

* Add autocommit and retry to read only sql sessions for CAI temp table. (#2672)

* answered final change requests

* fxed

* addressed final review req

* Resolved merge conflicts (#2678)

* upreved for release 2.13

* Update

* fixed explain bug (#2633)

* fixed explain bug

* lint

* Handled CSCC list API edge case and added test case (#2667)

* Handled edge case and added test case

* Removed blank lines

* fixed merge conflict

* fixing test case

* fixed test case

* Version updated (#2679)

* Catch jmespath type errors (#2668)

* Add test rules and cluster data for issue #2665

* Update expected violations for new test cluster data

* Add expected violation for the new test rule that should generate one

That is, "missing nodePool, should generate violation" from the file

* Add mock + assertions for correct logging

* Check for JMESPathErrors when searching in KE scanner

The KE API removes some properties (ie, nodePools) instead of passing back
a null value or empty list.  This causes unhandled exceptions if the user
writes key extraction expression that assumes the field is always defined.

Fixes: #2665

* Update pre-commit and pre-push githooks so that everything runs in containers like Travis (#2671)

* Update githooks so that everything runs in containers like Travis

* update copyright

* Update (#2622)

* Update

Fixed path to the version, minor changes to wordings.

* Update

* Update

* Shared VPC firewall rule creation fix (#2636)

* Update

Add support for shared VPC host project ID during firewall rule creation.

* Update

Modify firewall create functions to make use of shared VPC host project ID.

* Update

gcloud_commands sholdn't have an 's'. Fixed whitespacing

* Migrate to CSCC GA API in Forseti (#2680)

* Added support for GA API

* Removed discovery docs as API is public now

* Update ke_scanner_rules.yaml with CIS Benchmark Examples (#2659)

* Update ks_scanner_rules.yaml with CIS Benchmark Examples

Proof of Concept. Peer review requested.

* Update ke_scanner_rules.yaml

Replace the examples, with the rules that are better organized per the CIS benchmark sections.

* Tests updated to align with GA API (#2683)

* tests-up-to-date-with-cscc-ga-api

* Updated unit test cases

* Removed Beta occurences

* minor changes

* updated debug statements

* nit

* Updated config file to sync with GA API integration (#2687)

* Config validator scanner (#2632)

* Added GCV scanner class.

* Added violation message column to VIOLATION table

* updated config file and violation map

* Added proto and generated files.

* Added retry exceptions for grpc.

* Updated gcv scanner

* updates

* updates

* Added customized errors

* updates

* Added cai resource name & type columns to inventory and resource tables.

* Updated GCV scanner, added module docs for all the files.

* Updated message -> violation_message in gcv scanner.

* pylint updates

* Added stub GCV service.

* Updated based on an offline discussion with Andrew.

* updates

* Updates

* updates

* updated unit tests

* Renamed GCV to Config Validator

* Included config validator binary.

* Renamed folder external_dependencies -> external-dependencies.

* Updated to use struct.value in validator asset.

* updates

* updated startup scripts.

* renamed config validator service

* Updating validator client with the most recent validator pb2.

* updates

* Reordered config validator scanner in server config yaml file.

* Removed .pyc in config validator util folder.

* Added exceptions when deleting pb2 files.

* Reordered config validator violation in

* Refactored retrieve to handle resources and iam policies differently to avoid confusion due to the limitation of what we can determine from the config validator violation.

* updated validator binary

* Updated config validator binary.

* Updated the permission of the config validaotr binary.

* updates

* updates

* updated validator pb2 with the latest version.

* updates

* Skip iam resources for now.

* Clean up empty fields in proto.

* updates

* Filling empty proto fields with null values.

* updates

* Autofill None to empty values in a dict.

* updated log message.

* updates

* Updating the config validator binary to the latest version.

* Wrapping resource data with additional fields according to the resource struct.

* Remove the constraint folder before copying from GCS.

* Updated CAI lib version to 0.2.0 and updated

* Updated config validator binary.

* Updated the config validator binary with new args.

* Updating validator_pb2 file to reference to the right path.

* Updating validator_pb2 file to reference to the right path.

* Created and referenced

* addressed pr comments

* updates.

* Pylint fixes, updated pylint quote version to 0.2.1.

* Added todos

* pylint fixes for groups settings scanner.

* updates.

* Update README after 1.0 Has Been Deprecated (#2686)

* Remove build status for stable and 1.0-dev

* tweak

* tweak

* Update policy-library path. (#2691)

* Timesketch terraform (#2650)

* Initial terraform code for Timesketch

* Add license

* Add initial documentation

* Update README and add APIs

* Refactor into a module

* Add project links

* Spellcheck

* Add note that this is an early release

* Merge release 2.14.0 to dev (#2713)

* updated to point to the correct policy-libray path.

* Only attempt to start the config-validator service during the cron run.

* Incremented version to 2.14.0

* Updating local policy-library path when cloning from GCS.

* disable iterating ke data from cai.

* Added comment.

* Timesketch terraform release 2.14.0 (#2711)

* Initial terraform code for Timesketch

* Add license

* Add initial documentation

* Update README and add APIs

* Refactor into a module

* Add project links

* Spellcheck

* Add note that this is an early release

* Enable CSCC API during the installation phase.

* Revert "Update ke_scanner_rules.yaml with CIS Benchmark Examples (#2659)" (#2719)

This reverts commit a5fdd87.

* Remove service account limit per firewall rule. (#2608)

Multiple target or source service accounts can be specified per firewall


* custom role permission scanner (#2465)

* role permission all code.

* update class Role

* Add resource entry into rules of roles.

* Add to test new Role class.

* Fix bug in the method get_rule_by_role_name.

* update docstring in

* update role testcases.

* update

* correct based on Dufton's comments

* fix bugs based on Dufton's comments.

* fix pylint

* fix pylint

* fix flake8.

* correct unused imports

* Removed gmail from default group policy. (#2724)

* Allow grpc client to receive large messages. (#2736)

* Allow grpc client to receive large messages.

* lint

* Upgraded jinja2 to 2.10.1. (#2745)

* Increased config validator grpc packet size. (#2767)

* Updated config validator violation to include violation message properly. (#2783)

* Changed the type of violation_message to Column.

* Removed brackets around Text.

* trigger travis.

* updates.

* Updated resource_name in IAM violation to reflect the resource name i… (#2782)

* Updated resource_name in IAM violation to reflect the resource name instead of the policy name.

* updates.

* updates.

* updates.

* Update (#2780)

* Update (#2775)

* Update (#2774)

* Account for instance types with no settings (#2752)

* Add missing resource rules fields in sample rule

* fixed test

* Adding support for GlobalForwardingRule from CAI (#2778)

* Fetching GlobalForwardingRule from CAI

* addressed comments

* fixed tests

* minor changes

* fixed test

* Add support for RegionBackendService (#2791)

* work in progress

* adding region backend service to inventory

* Added tests

* alpha sorted cai resources

* fix test

* Merge release 2.15.0 into dev (#2821)

* uprev 2.15

* Resized violation data column to longtext instead of text

* added comma at the end to split the resources. (#2805)

* Suppressed inventory warning messages in inventory list command. (#2838) (#2841)

* Cherry pick #2798 to dev (#2840)

Ignore 404 from get SA key api response.

* Python 3 migration (#2850)

* futurize stage1

* futurize stage2

* + Change travis.yml python 2.7 --> 3.6
+ Add --no-cache in docker_setup_forseti as cache was using 2.7
+ Change apt_packages.txt to libpython3-dev, python3-pip, python3-dev
+ Change pip commands in docker/forseti to be pip3, python3
+ Change pip version to 19.1 as latest
+ Change MySQL-python==1.2.5 to mysqlclient==1.4.2.post1
+ Change to take out futures==3.2.0
+ Change line 44: MySQL-python==1.2.5 to mysqlclient==1.4.2.post1
+ Change SQLAlchemy==1.2.16 to SQLAlchemy==1.3.3
+ Change line 38 --> remove futures==3.2.0.
+ Change line 46 --> change pygraph==0.2.1 to python-graph-core==1.8.2
+ Change python → python3 in install/util/ line 104
+ Change protobuf==3.6.1 to 'protobuf==3.7.1', as previous version does not support Py3.6
+ Change requirements.txt protobuf==3.7.1
+ Change python --> python3 in line 264
+ Change docker command in docker_unittest_forseti to python3
+ Take out from past.builtins import basestring in and replace basestring with str

* + Change Line 526: to change str to bytes
+ Change Line 304: to change str to bytes
+ Change Lines 113, 158, 205: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 77, 190, 214: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Line 314: output_file = io.StringIO --> output_file = io.BytesIO()

* + Change Line 59, 67: include fae.APP_NOT_FOUND/PERMISSION_DENIED.encode()

* + Change Line 180: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning due to deprecation of former
+ Change Lines 63, 75, 88, 112, 134, 154: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Line 207: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning due to deprecation of former
+ Change Lines 60, 76, 84, 85, 87, 90, 100, 101, 103, 113, 114, 115: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Lines 61, 69: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Lines 254, 290: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning due to deprecation of former
+ Change Lines 64, 75, 87, 111: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Line 93: include try/except block for logger
+ Change Lines 197, 209: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Line 146: include try/except block for logger
+ Change Lines 780, 841, 896, 956, 1018: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Lines 161, 197: mock_logger.warn --> mock_logger.warning
+ Change Lines 80, 89, 105, 172, 182, 256, 267, 279: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 79, 96, 105, 127, 290, 306, 338, 358, 366, 375, 397, 408, 445, 469, 471, 487, 503, 512, 534, 551, 569, 589, 599: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Line 256: mock_logger.warn --> mock_logger.warning
+ Change Line 57: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Line 55: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 63, 83, 102, 113: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 62, 82, 102, 122: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Lines 137, 249, 334, 396, 442, 487, 624, 1195, 1216: assertRaisesRegexp --> assertRaisesRegex
+ Change Line 1130, 1131: Add to sorted param: key=lambda x: x['IPProtocol'])

* + Change Line 84: file(record_file) --> open(record_file, 'wb')
+ Change Line 173: file(replay_file) --> open(replay_file, 'rb')
+ Change Lines 98, 134: httplib.HTTPResponse --> http.client.HTTPResponse

* + Change Lines 45, 48, 49, 66, 69, 70, 71: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Line 101: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Line 38: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 47, 108, 109, 112, 118: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 56, 753, 787, 827: Add ''.encode() to empty str arg ('')
+ Change Line 330: self.full_name.encode() to change str to bytes
+ Change dao.pu Line 331: Change model_seed.encode('utf-8') --> model_seed as already bytes type
+ Change Lines 162, 258, 422, 457, 624, 722, 885: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Lines 89, 247, 313, 386, 485, 497, 502:  LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Lines 442, 448, 451: results.rules_after.json --> results.rules_after.json.encode()
+ Change requirements.txt Line 16: Add future==0.17.1

* + Change Line 101: Add .encode()
+ Change Line 80:  LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Lines 78, 182, 216: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 66, 90, 152, 181: assertEquals --> assertEqual
+ Change Lines 63, 87, 150, 202, 237, 268, 317, 344, 410, 411, 415, 416: assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Line 22: Add import unittest.mock, take out import mock
+ Change Line 97: mock.MagicMock() --> unittest.mock.MagicMock()
+ Change Lines 100, 101, 115, 130, 146, 163, 176, 188, 200, 211, 253, 262, 263, 273, 280: @mock.patch --> @unittest.mock.patch
+ Change Lines 263, 273, 280: @unittest.mock.patch('install.gcp.installer.util.gcloud.input')
+ Change Lines 264, 266, 274, 276, 281, 283: mock_rawinput --> mock_input
+ Change Lines 370, 277, 284: Remove 'with capture_output() as (out, err)''
+ Change Line 22: Remove import mock

* + Change import mock --> import unittest.mock as mock

* + Change assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Line 65: Add .encode()

* + Change Line 51: Add .encode()

* + Change assertItemsEqual --> assertCountEqual
+ Change assertEquals --> assertEqual

* + Change Line 344:  Add .encode()
+ Change Lines 258, 263, 1008: Add .encode()
+ Change Lines 617, 618, 621, 622: Add key=sorted to sorted() param
+ Change Line 63: Change SQLAlchemy==1.3.3 --> SQLAlchemy=1.2.18

* + Change Lines 384, 385, 386: Add .encode()
+ Change Lines 172, 173, 174: Add .encode()

* + Change Line 15: Change to import MySQLdb

* + Change blacklist_scanner_test Line 18: from unittest.mock import patch, Mock, MagicMock
+ Change Lines 21, 22, 23: Separate out import statements

* + Change Line 228: 1--> 6

* + Change --> wrap assertEqual objects in vars() to compare by content

* + Change Remove u' and u" in expected code
+ Change Remove u' and u" in expected code
+ Change Add convert_dict_key_to_str method, add func in Lines 184, 200, 309

* + Change Line 857: Add .encode() to line

* + Change Line 456: Add a sort to sort list of dicts

* + Change Lines 61, 62, 63, 64: Remove " \n" and replace with "\n"

* + Change Lines 96 - 99: Point dict key to same dict key object, not to a similar object
+ Change Lines 254, 388: Wrap vars() around params to compare contents of object
+ Change Line 410: Wrap str() around network_port to compare contents of tuple
+ Change Lines 449, 451, 468 - 470, 538, 555: Wrap str() around params to compare contents
+ Change Line 551: Sort set to ensure contents inside can be compared
+ Change Lines 523 - 536: Point dict key to same dict key object, not to a similar object

* + Change Line 110: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Line 1017: file --> open
+ Change Line 1180: e.message --> str(e)
+ Change Line 2167: Encode handle if it is not type bytes
+ Change Lines 185, 188, 191, 2013: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Lines 297, 352: encode() content
+ Change Lines 71, 89, 267: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Lines 575, 652, 727 792, 973, 1181, 1226, 1264, 1292, 1322, 1419, 1442, 1476, 1504: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Line 668: LOGGER.warn --> LOGGER.warning
+ Change Line 321: encode() content
+ Change Lines 469, 503: str() exception
+ Change Line 40: Encode data if it is not type bytes

* + Change Line 84: Order items in FAKE_CLUSTERS (thanks @jceresini)
+ Change Line 114: Fix for loop for FAKE_CLUSTERS (thanks @jceresini)
+ Change Swap positions in list to have fake_cluster related first, no_node_pools second, reformat for better readability (thanks @jceresini)

* + Change Lines 50, 64: Add list of _pb2 and _grpc_pb2 files to find in cleaning up
+ Change Lines 101 - 111: Make import statements in generated pb2/grpc files absolute paths

* + Change to account for absolute path imports

* Merge fs-future-2-15 into fs-future (#2818)

* Increased config validator grpc packet size. (#2767)

* Updated config validator violation to include violation message properly. (#2783)

* Changed the type of violation_message to Column.

* Removed brackets around Text.

* trigger travis.

* updates.

* Updated resource_name in IAM violation to reflect the resource name i… (#2782)

* Updated resource_name in IAM violation to reflect the resource name instead of the policy name.

* updates.

* updates.

* updates.

* Update (#2780)

* Update (#2775)

* Update (#2774)

* Account for instance types with no settings (#2752)

* fixed test

* Adding support for GlobalForwardingRule from CAI (#2778)

* Fetching GlobalForwardingRule from CAI

* addressed comments

* fixed tests

* minor changes

* fixed test

* Add support for RegionBackendService (#2791)

* work in progress

* adding region backend service to inventory

* Added tests

* alpha sorted cai resources

* fix test

* uprev 2.15

* Resized violation data column to longtext instead of text

* added comma at the end to split the resources. (#2805)

* + Run futurize stage 1/stage 2 on release-2.15.0 branch

* pylint fixes

* pylint fixes

* + pylint fixes
+ Change references of python --> python3
+ Change references of pip --> pip3
+ Change references to pip 9 --> pip 19.1.1

* Close iterator for sqlalchemy query (#2828)

References #2763

Close iterator for sqlalchemy query to prevent "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" error when running BucketsAclScanner.

* + Change Line 41: pip --> pip3

* + Change Line 26: Change to absolute import

* + Change relative imports to absolute imports

* import change

* import changes

* import changes

* import changes
Take out with_metaclass Py2/3 and just use Py3 metaclass=

* metaclass positioning

* import changes

* import changes

* + Change Lines 46, 145, 150: Add .decode()
+ Change Lines 144: Add .encode()

* + Change Change json.loads(out) --> json.loads(out.decode())

* + Add future

* + Fix

* Add if type

* Add if isinstance

* Add if isinstance

* Add . import

* Add . import

* Add pylint ignore

* Swap ifinstance position

* Updated client to print usage by default.

* Updated to hide the error when running forseti cli with wrong arg.

* Updated config validatorator binary to the latest version.

* Downgraded pip to 9.0.3. (#2851)

*  Updated ModelManager to make sure model builds properly (#2853)

* Updated model manager to not encode model handle to bytes.

* Updated ModelManager to make sure model builds properly.

* Check if model_seed is of type bytes before running the encode() function.

* Updated generate mode handle to return string type.

* updated to use python3 -m to locate pip3. (#2854)

* Updated config validator binary to the latest version. (#2855)

* Fixed blacklist scanner to use decode the request content and updated model handle to use hex instead of str. (#2859)

* Fixed blacklist scanner to use decode the request content and updated model handle to use hex instead of str.

* updates.

* Add in traceback if there is an error during scanner run (#2876)

* Add in traceback if there is an error during scanner run

* + Reformat message

* Fix formatting

* Add in traceback if there is an error during notification (#2875)

* Add in traceback if there is an error during notification

* + Add in try/except block and traceback if there is an error during notification to allow the rest of notifications to run even if there is an error in one
+ Reformat message

* + Fix pylint errors

* Take out str formatting

* Fixed formatting

* pylint fix

* Skip logging error messages for delete pending projects during Inventory creation (#2878)

* + Add skip errors list of strs that relate to deleted projects
+ Skip any errors that contain the strs

* + Replace e.http with just e to fix pylint

* Update

* Merge release 2.16.0 into dev (#2877)

* Incremented version to 2.16.0

* Removed uncessary call to site.main(). (#2863)

* Decode content to string before attaching to an email. (#2866)

* Make sure the type of the output from run_command is string.

* updated with the latest config  validator binary.

* Clarified in the config file to use project number / folder number / organization number when specifying the root resource id. (#2879)

* Clarified in the config file to use project id / folder id / organization id when specifying the root resource id.

* Update

* Add Stackdriver monitoring agent (#2882)

* Installer to use get-ancestors method instead of gcloud describe to get org id (#2892)

* Updated to installer use get-ancestors method to retrieve org id.

* Updates.

* Updated pylint to suppress useless-suppression

* Updated config validator binary to the latest version (#2899)

* Add config-validator user agent suffix (#2910)

* Usage tracking for config validator

* fix pylint issues

* update violation_data from config validator scanner from str to dict (#2913)

* added k8 resources to inventory

* nits

* minor changes

* nits

* Update state of outdated findings to inactive (#2915)

* update finding works

* reverted to fix tests

* updated docstrings

* updated docstrings in

* mock data for k8s created

* added comment

* Removed comment

* test

* fixed pylint errors

* added artificial parent

* fixed last thing

* fixed another pylint error

* Model changes for kubernetes resources (#2917)

* model changes for kubernetes resources

* fix pylint error

* addressed pylint errors

* fixed tests

* alpha sorted gcp_type_list

* fixed pylint error

* nit

* minor change

* removed blank link

* finally fixed all tests

* Updated cv binary to the latest version. (#2926)

* updated installer to import gcp directly. (#2925)

* GKE Container Updates (#2885)

* Initial commit of k8s updates

* Little cleanup

* trying to reuse the scripts with cloudbuld

* fixes per bng

* Adding in files that will be deprecated later.

* Adding a date to the deprecation

* moving specific cloudbuild files to build/ dir

* Removing misleading comment

* allow iam scanner rule to accept dataset as resource type (#2921)

* fix duplicate ids

* fix image tag

* Added base and prebuild images as artifacts

* align forseti_conf_server.yaml.sample with (#2941)

* Added metricWriter role to installer script. (#2944)

* add support to detect allUsers in bigquery iam

* Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE with Terraform PR

* Update .github/

Co-Authored-By: Morgante Pell <>

* add tests

* do not validate storage-component api (#2912)

* Updates to to assist with testing (#2943)

* Remove useless `True and` in while loop. (#2801)

* Add missing dash in resource_rules.yaml (#2950)

* Update ke_rules.yaml to scan for the added KE versions (#2953)

* Update ke_rules.yaml to scan for the added KE versions

* Change = to >= for 1.13

* Uncommented iter_container_clusters method in (#2958)

* Uncommented iter_container_clusters method in

* Updated unit tests.

* update ke rules to use >= on the latest minor for version 1.11 and 1.12. (#2963)

* Replace mariadb version in Dockerfile (#2980)

Error from apt:
Package libmariadbclient18 is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:

* Fixing base image

* Normalize network name in FirewallRules when a short network name is supplied (#2979)

* Merge release-2.18.0 into dev (#2990)

* Incremented version to 2.18.0.

* Added missing comma in the iam roles list.

* use WatchedFileHandler to better handle log rotation of forseti.log (#2994)

* use WatchedFileHandler to better handle log rotation of forseti.log

* fix lint issue

* Add ability to specify server endpoint on CLI.

* CSCC API exceptions are now muted (#2987)

* cscc api exceptions are now muted

* not raising exception when finding is not created

* fixed pylint error

* nits

* Silence error if finding already exists

* Removed blank line

* addressed comments

* nit

* Fixed pylint error

* checking for error code instead of error message

* updated logger to log finding

* Add Deprecation Message to Python Installer (#2985)

* Add deprecation message to installer.

* remove import

* test

* re-enable pause

* add url for documentation

* remove the input

* Add Root Resources to the Inventory Summary (#3007)

* Add root resources to the inventory summary

* fix lint

* fix test

* Update export_assets method to take support different outputs. (#3013)

* Create helper functions to build correct Output Config message for
each supported destination.
* Update mixin to expect an OutputConfig dict instead of a destination
* Add stub for bigquery destination pending support in v1 API.

* Allow users to exclude resources during the inventory phase. (#2997)

* Added resource exclusion in inventory module.

* Updated inventory config to default to empty list when exclude_resources is not specified.

* Added unit tests.

* Updates.

* Addressed PR comments.

* Mute 501 Not Implemented for Listing AppEngine Instances (#3014)

* Mute 501 Not Implemented for Listing AppEngine Instances

* disable lint

* tweak

* Fix Missing Group Members in Inventory (#3002)

* Fix missing group members in inventory

* add unit test

* add unit test

* add unit test

* Add Error Handling When Root Resource Is Not Configured Properly (#3008)

* Make it clear that the Explain must be disabled when starting the server.

* add error handling

* tweak error message

* tweak

* change check

* Update Forseti version
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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

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2 participants