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Team Prototype #1 Game Design Journal by Sol Paul

sol edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 1 revision

CART315 (Winter 2020) Game-Design Journal:

Prototype 1

1. Are the combinations tied in well to the item sucking, and does the mechanic makes sense at first?

Wrong combinations are clear, although the combination functions aren't clear because there is no indication for sucking the wrong item.

2. How does the float-y control of sucking on walls feel as movement for the vacuum?

The gravity feels natural, with vacuum and vacuum head. The sucking is a fun mechanic but players would also like the ability to move the main vacuum. Also, generally the controls to move the vacuum head on the keyboard are a bit clunky and hard to fully control the vacuum.

3. Does the sucking mechanic as movement and as item usage/combination interfere with each other?

It can be confusing or frustrating, because there is less control over what combinations you can get. It makes the combinations feel consequential in a way because the movement has more of an impact on the game. Also, the items are hard to avoid without sucking and moving.


  • It is a nice touch that you can see the items that haven't been used in your vacuum chamber/