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Add redirects to new webpage #1482

Add redirects to new webpage

Add redirects to new webpage #1482

# Github action to build Jekyll site for a pull request preview
# We have to checkout and run untrusted code! This is dangerous if done in a privileged context.
# That's why this action only has read-permissions.
# Commenting on the PR and pushing the result is done in the "commentAndPushPRPreview.yml" action.
name: Jekyll PR Preview
types: [created]
permissions: read-all
SRC_DIR: src
PUBLISH_DIR: gh-pages
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.issue.pull_request && contains(github.event.comment.body,'#build_preview')
# Checkout repo into SRC_DIR
- name: Checkout pr/${{github.event.issue.number}}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: ${{env.SRC_DIR}}
# Checkout PR branch into SRC_DIR
- name: Fetch pr/${{github.event.issue.number}}
run: |
cd ${{env.SRC_DIR}}
git fetch origin pull/${{github.event.issue.number}}/head:pr-${{github.event.issue.number}}
git checkout pr-${{github.event.issue.number}}
# Checkout existing gh-pages branch into PUBLISH_DIR
- name: Checkout gh-pages
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: ${{env.PUBLISH_DIR}}
ref: 'gh-pages'
# Install ruby 2.7.x
- uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: 2.7
# Setup Jekyll in SRC_DIR
- name: Setup Jekyll
run: |
cd ${{env.SRC_DIR}}
sudo gem install bundler
bundle config path .bundle
bundle install
# Sets Jekyll output directory using PR id
- name: Define output directory
run: echo "BUILD_DIR=pr/${{github.event.issue.number}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Appends PR-based output directory to Jekyll baseurl variable
- name: Update Jekyll site config
run: |
cd ${{env.SRC_DIR}}
grep baseurl _config.yml|grep -v "#" |awk -F : '{print $2}' | xargs > base_url
sed -i '/baseurl:/d' _config.yml
echo "baseurl: $(cat base_url)/${{env.BUILD_DIR}}" >> _config.yml
echo "pull_request: ${{github.event.issue.number}}" >> _config.yml
# Download latest fpm-registry index
- name: Download fpm-registry index
run: |
cd ${{env.SRC_DIR}}/_data
wget ${{env.FPM_INDEX}}
mv index.json fpm_registry_index.json
# Run Jekyll build and copy output to PUBLISH_DIR
- name: Build Jekyll Site
run: |
cd ${{env.SRC_DIR}}
bundle exec jekyll build --future -d _site/${BUILD_DIR}
cp -r _site/* ../${{env.PUBLISH_DIR}}/
touch ../${{env.PUBLISH_DIR}}/.nojekyll
- name: Upload jekyll site as artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: jekyllSite
path: |
- name: Save PR number and BUILD_DIR
run: |
mkdir -p ./pr
echo ${{env.BUILD_DIR}} > ./pr/BUILD_DIR
echo ${{github.event.issue.number}} > ./pr/NR
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: pr
path: pr/