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git-svn-id: 0b4bb1d4-4e5a-0410-9cc4-b2b747904278
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MichaelDaum authored and MichaelDaum committed Apr 25, 2012
1 parent d06674f commit 1cc0100
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Showing 8 changed files with 192 additions and 12 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions data/Sandbox/TimeTrackerViewTemplate.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" comment="reprev" date="1332763650" format="1.1" reprev="1" version="1"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" comment="reprev" date="1335361593" format="1.1" reprev="1" version="3"}%
%{<verbatim class="tml">}%
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@

%TMPL:P{"metadata::new" meta="effort" title="Add effort"}%
%NEWMETADATA{"effort" title="Add effort"}%

Expand Down
162 changes: 159 additions & 3 deletions data/System/MetaDataPlugin.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,165 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" comment="reprev" date="1335363042" format="1.1" reprev="2" version="2"}%
---+!! %TOPIC%


---++ Usage
This plugin allows to store data sets to Foswiki topics. Foswiki itself
is a structured wiki already using %SYSTEMWEB%.DataForms which are attached a topic.
This in essence makes each topic a database _record_. !MetaDataPlugin goes one step
further by making each Foswiki topic a full _database_. That way each topic can serve as a container
for _multiple_ data records, even of different kind.

Technically, !MetaDataPlugin combines technologies in a new way that are already part of Foswiki:

1 !MetaData types are defined using %SYSTEMWEB%.DataForms (like normal forms).
1 !MetaData types are registered to the Foswiki store using =Foswiki::Meta::registerMETA()=
1 Records are stored as =%<nop>META:MYDATA{...}%= hashes.
1 Records are rendered using the =renderForEdit()= and =renderForDisplay()= API of =Foswiki::Form=
leveraged to wiki application programming similar to Foswiki:Extensions/FlexFormPlugin

In short: !MetaDataPlugin marries !DataForms with custom =%META= data.

!MetaDataPlugin comes with an example UI to list records and make them editable. See the Sandbox.TimeTracker
application for example.

Below screenshot 3 shows an integration with Foswiki:Extensions/HolidayListPlugin and Foswiki:Extensions/ICalPlugin
to render a ical driven resource view where all events are stored in =%<nop>META:EVENT{}%= records.

%X% Note: this plugin requires a Foswiki engine >= 1.1.0.

---++ Screenshots
<a href='%ATTACHURLPATH%/MetaDataPluginSnap1.png' class='foswikiImage' title='screenshot 1'><img src='%ATTACHURLPATH%/MetaDataPluginSnap1.png' width='300' /></a>

<a href='%ATTACHURLPATH%/MetaDataPluginSnap2.png' class='foswikiImage' title='screenshot 2'><img src='%ATTACHURLPATH%/MetaDataPluginSnap2.png' width='300' /></a>

<a href='%ATTACHURLPATH%/MetaDataPluginSnap3.png' class='foswikiImage' title='screenshot 3'><img src='%ATTACHURLPATH%/MetaDataPluginSnap3.png' width='300' /></a>

---++ Syntax

---+++ =%<nop>RENDERMETADATA{...}%=

This macro allows to access !MetaData records attached to a topic. It can operate in two modes - =view= and =edit= - to either
display records or render an editor for one specific record. By default RENDERMETADATA will list all records found as a table.
Rows of the table can be clicked to edit the related editor. A modal dialog opens with an appropriate edit interface based on
the [[%SYSTEMWEB%.DataForms][DataForm]] definition, similar to the interface when editing a !DataForm as part of a normal
topic edit screen.

| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| "..." | key of the !MetaData to be rendered; this name is derived from the topic name holding the !DataForm definition (see below) | |
| action | indicates the action to perform on the records, can be =edit= or =view= | view |
| field(s) | list of formfields to render the interface for | all known formfields of a !DataForm |
| name | select the id of a !MetaData record to be extracted | all records attached to the given topic |
| topic | the topic to extract the !MetaData from | the current topic |
| web | the web part of the topic to be processed; note: a web part in the =topic= parameter will override any value specified via the =web= parameter | the current web |
| format | format string to render each formfield with, more info below | |
| header | header string to be put in front of the output | |
| footer | footer string to apped to the output | |
| separator | string to be put between each formatted output per formfield | |
| valueseparator | | |
| include | regular expression fieldnames must match to be included in the output | |
| exclude | regular expression fieldnames must match to be excluded from the output | |
| includeattr | regular expression field attributes must match to be included in the output | |
| excludeattr | regular expression field attributes must match to be excluded from the output | |
| mandatory | string to be inserted when a field is mandatory | <span class='foswikiAlert'>**</span> |
| hiddenformat | format string to be used to render hidden formfields | |
| hideempty | boolean flag to hide/show empty formfields | off |
| autolink | boolean flag to enable/prevent !WikiWord linking | on |
| fieldformat | format string for a single formfield value in a row | |
| &lt;field_name>_attributes, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_autolink, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_default, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_description, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_format, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_hidden, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_size, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_sort, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_title, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_tooltip, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_type, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_value, %BR% \
&lt;field_name>_values | these parameters allow to override properties of a record as specified in the !DataForm definition temporarily, or specify field-specific rendering parameters while iterating over all !MetaData | |

If all three =format=, =header= and =footer= are undefined a =foswikiFormSteps= block will be rendered as illustrated in the example below.

The =format= parameter may contain the following pseudo-variables:
* =$actions=: edit actions per row; these are normally appended to each row to display the pencil and trashcan icons while hovering over the row
* =$attrs=: attribute string as given in the !DataForm definition
* =$count=: total number of records rendered
* =$default=: this is the default value if no value is specified in the topic itself
* =$description=: formfield description in !DataForm
* =$edit=: the HTML form element as specified by the !DataForm definition, that is a input field, a textarea, a select box, whatever
* =$extra=: the "extra" return value of the =Foswiki::Form::renderForEdit()= call
* =$form=: topic of the !DataForm definition for the !MetaData being rendered
* =$index=: running index while iterating over all !MetaData records
* =$mandatory=: placeholder to display the =mandatory= flag when a formfield is mandatory; the format of the mandatroy flag can be defined in the =mandatory= parameter
* =$metadata=: key of the !MetaData used interally
* =$name=: the original fieldname
* =$origvalue=: current value of the formfield; for =+value= formfields this is the original _unmapped_ value of the formfield
* =$origvalues=: list of all allowed values; for =+value= formfields this is the original _unmapped_ value of the formfield
* =$size=: size parameter of the formfield as given in the !DataForm definition
* =$title=: the fieldtitle derived from the fieldname and remapped as specified in the =map= parameter
* =$type=: type of formfield as given in the !DataForm definition
* =$value=: current value of the formfield; for =+value= formfields this is the _mapped_ value use =$origvalue= to get the original one
* =$values=: list of all allowed values for the formfield as defined in the !DataForm definition
* =$&lt;field_name>=: value of the given field

---+++ =%<nop>NEWMETADATA{...}%=

This macro is used to render a button to start the "Add record" dialog. It takes a known !MetaData key and a display title and will
render a modal edit dialog according to the associated !DataForm definition.

| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| "..." | !MetaData key | |
| format | format string to render the button | defined in the =metadataplugin.tmpl= template |
| template | name of the TMPL:DEF to render the button | metadata::new |
| title | display title for the button |

---++ Registering !MetaData

Foswiki's store has got the ability to register additional !MetaData definitions. The store will then take care that data passed to
it is valid and well defined according to the !MetaData definitions available. While the Foswiki core already knows about its native
!MetaData, like =%<nop>META:PREFERENCE=, =%<nop>META:ATTACHMENT=, =%<nop>META:FIELD= and =%<nop>META:FORM=, all additional _custom_
definitions have to be registered early in the process. This is done using the =WEBMETADATA= preference setting, similar in use
to the =WEBFORMS= preference settings to register plain old !DataForms to be attached to topics.

Only !MetaData registered using =WEBMETADATA= may be processed any further.

* Set <!-- -->WEBMETADATA = Applications.ProjectApp.InvoiceForm,

=WEBMETADATA= is a list of topics holding the !DataForm definition to be registered as !MetaData to the store. While doing so each !DataForm
definition is associated with a _key_ to be used storing a record in a topic. This key is then used to store data in the form =%<nop>META:&lt;key>{...}%=.

In the above example !MetaDataPlugin will register !MetaData to store:

* =%<nop>META:INVOICE=,
* =%<nop>META:EFFORT=,
* =%<nop>META:ROLE= and
* =%<nop>META:EVENT= records.

A !MetaData _key_ is derived from the !DataForm definition by stripping off any "Topic" and "Form" suffix and translating the remaining name to uppercase.
The resulting key is also available using an all-lowercase alias, that is =invoice=, =effort=, =role= and =event= in the above example.

---++ Examples

See Sandbox.TimeTracker
To illustrate the use of !MetaData, an example wiki application is shipped with !MetaDataPlugin. The !TimeTracker application may be used to track
working efforts and compute resulting earnings based on standard rates and taxes. The application allows to create new !TimeTracker topics which
have a database of efforts recorded on that tracker.

* %SANDBOXWEB%.TimeTracker: this is the starting point of the application; and defines the !DataForm for each !TimeTracker topic
* %SANDBOXWEB%.EffortForm: this is a !DataForm definition for effort !MetaData
* %SANDBOXWEB%.TimeTrackerTemplate: this is a minimal template topic that basically makes sure the WEBMETADATA is set properly
(note: that this is _not_ recommended way to go in production environments; set the WEBMETADATA preference either in the !WebPreferences or !SitePreferences instead)
* %SANDBOXWEB%.TimeTrackerEditTemplate: this is the edit template to edit !TimeTracker topics
* %SANDBOXWEB%.TimeTrackerViewTemplate: this is the view template to view a !TimeTracker topic and all tracked efforts for it.

%X% Note: to run this application, you'll need the Foswiki:Extensions/JQGridPlugin as well as the Foswiki:Extensions/FlexFormPlugin.

---++ Installation Instructions

Expand All @@ -19,11 +171,15 @@ See Sandbox.TimeTracker

| Author(s): | Michael Daum|
| Copyright: | &copy; 2011 Michael Daum |
| Copyright: | &copy; 2011-2012 Michael Daum |
| License: | [[][GPL (Gnu General Public License)]] |
| Release: | %$RELEASE% |
| Version: | %$VERSION% |
| Change History: | <!-- versions below in reverse order -->&nbsp; |
| Dependencies: | %$DEPENDENCIES% |
| Home page: | Foswiki:Extensions/%TOPIC% |
| Support: | Foswiki:Support/%TOPIC% |

%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="MetaDataPluginSnap1.png" attachment="MetaDataPluginSnap1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1335356137" size="27517" user="ProjectContributor" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="MetaDataPluginSnap2.png" attachment="MetaDataPluginSnap2.png" attr="" comment="" date="1335354029" size="18653" user="ProjectContributor" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="MetaDataPluginSnap3.png" attachment="MetaDataPluginSnap3.png" attr="" comment="" date="1335354684" size="33426" user="ProjectContributor" version="1"}%
33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/MetaDataPlugin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,8 +71,16 @@ sub registerDeleteHandler {
my ($this, $params) = @_;

my $theMetaData = lc($params->{_DEFAULT} || $params->{meta} || '');
my $theTitle = $params->{title} || '';
my $theFormat = $params->{format};
my $theTemplate = $params->{template} || 'metadata::new';

$theFormat = Foswiki::Func::expandTemplate($theTemplate) unless defined $theFormat;
$theFormat =~ s/%meta%/$theMetaData/g;
$theFormat =~ s/%title%/$theTitle/g;

return 'todo';
return $theFormat;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +118,6 @@ sub renderMetaData {

my $theAction = $params->{action} || 'view';
my $theFields = $params->{field} || $params->{fields};
my $theTopic = $params->{topic} || $this->{baseTopic};
my $theFormat = $params->{format};
my $theHeader = $params->{header};
my $theFooter = $params->{footer};
Expand All @@ -123,7 +130,7 @@ sub renderMetaData {
my $theMandatory = $params->{mandatory};
my $theHiddenFormat = $params->{hiddenformat};
my $theHideEmpty = Foswiki::Func::isTrue($params->{hideempty}, 0);
my $theSort = Foswiki::Func::isTrue($params->{sort}, 0);
#my $theSort = Foswiki::Func::isTrue($params->{sort}, 0);
my $theAutolink = Foswiki::Func::isTrue($params->{autolink}, 1);
my $theFieldFormat = $params->{fieldformat};

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +224,7 @@ sub renderMetaData {
grep {$_->{name} ne 'name'}
@selectedFields).' $actions |$n';
} else {
$theFormat = '<div class=\'foswikiFormStep $form\'>$n<table class=\'foswikiLayoutTable\'>$n'.
$theFormat = '<div class=\'foswikiFormStep $metadata\'>$n<table class=\'foswikiLayoutTable\'>$n'.
join('$n', map {'$'.$_->{name}} @selectedFields).
Expand All @@ -227,7 +234,7 @@ sub renderMetaData {
if ($theAction eq 'view') {
$theFieldFormat = '$value';
} else {
$theFieldFormat = ' <tr class="$form $name">$n'.
$theFieldFormat = ' <tr class="$metadata $name">$n'.
' <th>$title:</th>$n'.
' <td>$n$edit$n</td>'.
' <td><div class=\'foswikiFormDescription foswikiHidden\'>$description</div></td>$n'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,6 +342,12 @@ sub renderMetaData {

# get the default value
my $fieldDefault = '';
if ($field->can('getDefaultValue')) {
$fieldDefault = $field->getDefaultValue() || '';

my $fieldValue = $record->{$fieldName};

$fieldSize = $params->{$fieldName.'_size'} if defined $params->{$fieldName.'_size'};
Expand All @@ -346,6 +359,7 @@ sub renderMetaData {
$fieldType = $params->{$fieldName.'_type'} if defined $params->{$fieldName.'_type'};
$fieldValue = $params->{$fieldName.'_value'} if defined $params->{$fieldName.'_value'}; # or get value from macro invocation
$fieldFormat = $params->{$fieldName.'_format'} if defined $params->{$fieldName.'_format'};
$fieldDefault = $params->{$fieldName.'_default'} if defined $params->{$fieldName.'_default'};

my $fieldIsHidden = Foswiki::Func::isTrue($params->{$fieldName.'_hidden'}, 0);
my $fieldMandatory = $field->isMandatory?$theMandatory:'';
Expand All @@ -368,7 +382,7 @@ sub renderMetaData {
next if $theIncludeAttr && $fieldAttrs !~ /^($theIncludeAttr)$/;
next if $theExcludeAttr && $fieldAttrs =~ /^($theExcludeAttr)$/;

$fieldValue = '' unless defined $fieldValue;
$fieldValue = $fieldDefault unless defined $fieldValue;
$fieldDescription = '' unless defined $fieldDescription;
#writeDebug("metaData=$metaData, fieldName=$fieldName, fieldValue=$fieldValue");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,6 +461,7 @@ sub renderMetaData {
$line =~ s/\$size\b/$fieldSize/g;
$line =~ s/\$attrs\b/$fieldAttrs/g;
$line =~ s/\$(orig)?value\b/$fieldValue/g;
$line =~ s/\$default\b/$fieldDefault/g;
$line =~ s/\$(tooltip|description)\b/$fieldDescription/g;
$line =~ s/\$title\b/$fieldTitle/g;
$line =~ s/\$extra\b/$fieldExtra/g;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,7 +490,6 @@ sub renderMetaData {
$fieldActions =~ s/\%meta\%/$metaData/g;

$row =~ s/\$actions\b/$fieldActions/g;
$row =~ s/\$form\b/$metaData/g; # the meta data name
$row =~ s/\$index\b/$index/g;

push @result, $row;
Expand All @@ -485,6 +499,11 @@ sub renderMetaData {
return '' if $theHideEmpty && !@result;

my $result = $theHeader.join($theSep, @result).$theFooter;

$result =~ s/\$count/$index/g;
$result =~ s/\$metadata\b/$metaData/g; # the meta data name
$result =~ s/\$form\b/$formWeb.$formTopic/g; # the meta data name
$result =~ s/\$nop//g;
$result =~ s/\$n/\n/g;
$result =~ s/\$perce?nt/%/g;
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/MetaDataPlugin/DEPENDENCIES
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
Foswiki::Plugins,>=2.1,perl,Requires version 2.0 of handler API.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/MetaDataPlugin/MANIFEST
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,7 @@ pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/metadata.js.gz 0644
pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/metadata.uncompressed.css 0644
pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/metadata.uncompressed.js 0644
pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/trash.png 0644
pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/MetaDataPluginSnap1.png 0644
pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/MetaDataPluginSnap2.png 0644
pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/MetaDataPluginSnap3.png 0644
templates/metadataplugin.tmpl 0644
Binary file added pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/MetaDataPluginSnap1.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/MetaDataPluginSnap2.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added pub/System/MetaDataPlugin/MetaDataPluginSnap3.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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