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Item14237: Granulation of read/write operations.
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writeLSC and readLSC are now generic methods utilizing
(read|write)LSC(Start|Record|Finalize) methods to do the actual work.
This simplifies creating extensions implementing different backends. See
DBConfigExtension for an example of such backend.
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vrurg committed May 6, 2017
1 parent a193238 commit e1b22ab
Showing 1 changed file with 181 additions and 29 deletions.
210 changes: 181 additions & 29 deletions core/lib/Foswiki/
Expand Up @@ -281,6 +281,26 @@ has _secOptArity => (
builder => '_prepareSecOptArity',

# LSC file object of Foswiki::File class. A temporary storage for read/write
# methods, doesn't utilize prepare method because it is always externally
# initialized.
has _lscFileObj => (
is => 'rw',
clearer => 1,

# List of key/value pairs. Used by both LSC read and write methods.
has _lscRecords => (
is => 'rw',
clearer => 1,
builder => '_prepareLscRecords',

# Current position in _lscRecords list.
has _lscRecPos => (
is => 'rw',

# Configuration shortcut attributes.

=begin TML
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -751,13 +771,12 @@ pluggable read => sub {

# SMELL Docs missing
pluggable readLSC => sub {
my $this = shift;
pluggable readLSCStart => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

# Avoid dying of warnings here – at least until bufferized error reporting is
# in place. Otherwise we wouldn't even be able to test bootstrap.
local $SIG{__WARN__};

my $lscFile = $params{lscFile}
// File::Spec->catfile( Foswiki::guessLibDir, $this->lscFile . ".new" );
Expand All @@ -771,17 +790,17 @@ pluggable readLSC => sub {
return 0;

my $cfgData = $params{data} // $this->data;

my $cfFile = $this->create(
path => $lscFile,
autoWrite => 0
, # Prevent occasional overwriting of the LSC if a bug would sneak into the code.
path => $lscFile,

# Prevent occasional overwriting of the LSC would a bug sneak into the
# code.
autoWrite => 0,

my $lnum = 0;
my ( $hereDoc, $hereKey, $hereVal );
my ( $hereDoc, $hereKey, $hereVal, @lscRecords );
foreach my $line ( split /\n/, $cfFile->content ) {
my ( $keyPath, $keyVal );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -842,7 +861,7 @@ pluggable readLSC => sub {
$keyVal = $interp;
$this->set( $keyPath, $keyVal, data => $cfgData );
push @lscRecords, [ $keyPath, $keyVal ];

Expand All @@ -851,9 +870,67 @@ pluggable readLSC => sub {
return 0;

$this->_lscRecords( \@lscRecords );

return 1;

# SMELL Docs missing
# Returns ($rc, $keyPath, $keyVal). If $rc is not true then record reading
# failed. If $rc is true but $keyPath is undef then end of list is reached.
pluggable readLSCRecord => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

my $curPos = $this->_lscRecPos;

$this->_lscRecPos( $curPos + 1 );

return ( 1, undef, undef ) if $curPos >= scalar( @{ $this->_lscRecords } );

return ( 1, @{ $this->_lscRecords->[$curPos] } );

# SMELL Docs missing
pluggable readLSCFinalize => sub {
my $this = shift;


return 1;

# SMELL Docs missing
pluggable readLSC => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

# Avoid dying of warnings here – at least until bufferized error reporting is
# in place. Otherwise we wouldn't even be able to test bootstrap.
local $SIG{__WARN__};

my $cfgData = $params{data} // $this->data;

return 0 unless $this->readLSCStart( @_, data => $cfgData, );

my ( $rc, $keyPath, $keyVal );
do {
( $rc, $keyPath, $keyVal ) = $this->readLSCRecord( data => $cfgData );
if ( $rc && defined $keyPath ) {
$this->set( $keyPath, $keyVal, data => $cfgData );
} while ( $rc && defined $keyPath );

# Avoid possible optimization, call and get finalize return value
# explicitly.
my $finalRc = $this->readLSCFinalize( data => $cfgData );

return ( $rc && $finalRc );

sub _genLSCHereDoc {
my $this = shift;
my $val = shift;
Expand All @@ -873,6 +950,79 @@ sub _genLSCHereDoc {
return "<<$endMark\n$val\n$endMark";

# SMELL Docs missing
pluggable writeLSCStart => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

my $lscFile = $params{lscFile}
// File::Spec->catfile( Foswiki::guessLibDir, $this->lscFile . ".new" );

path => $lscFile,
autoWrite => 1,
autoCreate => 1,

# SMELL Docs missing
# This method is for low-level writing of a single key/value pair into LSC.
pluggable writeLSCRecord => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

# Support for extensions. If an extension doesn't want a record to be stored
# in a standard location it could simply delete 'key' item from the params.
return unless defined $params{key};

my $comment =
defined $params{comment}
? join( "\n", map { "# $_" } split /\n/, $params{comment} )
: undef;
push @{ $this->_lscRecords },
key => $params{key},
value => $params{value},
comment => $params{comment},

# SMELL Docs missing
# Called when all LSC records are stored.
pluggable writeLSCFinalize => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

my $_lscFileObj = $this->_lscFileObj;


$_lscFileObj->content( $_lscFileObj->content . "\n" );

foreach my $rec ( @{ $this->_lscRecords } ) {
my $key = $rec->{key};
my $val = $rec->{value} // '';
my $comment = $rec->{comment};

if ( $val =~ /\n/ ) {

# Special notion for multiline values.
$val = $this->_genLSCHereDoc($val);

$_lscFileObj->content( $_lscFileObj->content
. ( $comment ? "$comment\n" : '' )
. "$key=$val\n" );


# SMELL Docs missing
# This is the most basic write operation which only gets a data hash and writes
# it to the destination file. The final config may contain more keys than passed
Expand All @@ -882,12 +1032,11 @@ pluggable writeLSC => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;

my $lscFile = $params{lscFile}
// File::Spec->catfile( Foswiki::guessLibDir, $this->lscFile . ".new" );

my $cfgData =
$this->specsMode( setAttr => 0, data => $params{data} // $this->data, );

$this->writeLSCStart( @_, data => $cfgData );

my $root = tied %$cfgData;
my @cfgKeys = sort map { $_->fullName } $root->getLeafNodes;

Expand All @@ -902,11 +1051,12 @@ pluggable writeLSC => sub {
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;

my @lscText = ( $this->lscHeader );
my $comment = $this->lscHeader . "\n";
foreach my $cfKey (@cfgKeys) {
unless ( $specKeys{$cfKey} ) {
push @lscText, '# This key is not defined in a spec file';
say STDERR "Key $cfKey is not defined in specs";
$comment .= "# This key is not defined in a spec file\n";

#say STDERR "Key $cfKey is not defined in specs";

my @keys = $this->parseKeys($cfKey);
Expand All @@ -921,21 +1071,19 @@ pluggable writeLSC => sub {
if ( defined $val ) {
$val = Data::Dumper->Dump( [$val] );
chomp $val;
if ( $val =~ /\n/ ) {

# Special notion for multiline values.
$val = $this->_genLSCHereDoc($val);
else {
$val = '';

push @lscText, "$cfKey=$val";
key => $cfKey,
value => $val,
comment => $comment,
data => $cfgData,

undef $comment;

my $cfFile = $this->create( 'Foswiki::File', path => $lscFile, );
$cfFile->content( join( "\n", @lscText ) );
$this->writeLSCFinalize( data => $cfgData, );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2951,6 +3099,10 @@ sub _prepareSecOptArity {
return { Foswiki::Config::Section->optArities };

sub _prepareLscRecords {
return [];

sub _specSectionBody {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;
Expand Down

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