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@MichaelDaum MichaelDaum released this 06 Aug 13:21
· 1177 commits to master since this release

Highlights of this maintenance release

This release contains 61 fixes relative to 2.1.7, including 9 critical security related fixes.

Most notable are:

  • CVE-2023-33756: SpreadSheetPlugin's EVAL feature exposes infromation about paths and files on the server
  • CVE-2023-24698: Local file inclusion vulnerability in viewfile

But also:

  • directories in working directory are created as world writable 777 permissions
  • possible XSS attack in attachment comments
  • restricted allowed protocols to http and https, i.e. forbid file protocol for local file inclusion
  • prevent symlink attacks by defaulting to a secure location for temporary files
  • update to jquery-ui 1.13.2
  • backport patch to earlier jQuery versons to fix a potential XSS vulnerability
  • possible XSS vulnerability in topic title field

Reverse proxing Foswiki

Foswiki can now properly be run behind a reverse proxy reading a X-Forwarded-For http header. This resulted in mixed content before
while rendering HTML.

Macro parser

Under certain conditions a deep recursion can be triggered using otherwise innocend markup code.

RCS storage

While Foswiki defaults to its own plain file storage format, there are still a lot of installs that still use RCS for file versioning.
Given that this part of the code preceeds the shift to unicode ages ago, there still was an error in the RCS store not properly
encoding topic information.

Change notifications

Changes are send out to subscribers using a mailnotify service. This however must be run as admin user to fully read all changes. Still people are only informed about changes that they actually have view rights to. In addition this release fixes sending out emails in the user's preferend language. There was an error reading these preferences before.


The JSON-RPC is one of the most important web apis of Foswiki with a mandatory topic parameter. This parameter - as in other service endpoints - specifies the location within the knowledge base to operate on. It thus determins the context of any other internal operations such as the calculation of the preference stack. The jsonrpc endpoint sometimes failed to properly set the required context in previous releases.

Uploading multiple files

Foswiki now supports uploading multiple files in one request

Session cookies

Session cookies now have a same-site policy for better security.


Foswiki now always creates a proper I18N service internally, even though only one language (english) is being used. This makes sure that its internal I18N api is instantiated proplerly for other plugins to use, such as MultiLingualPlugin.

See the full set of release notes at

Full Changelog: FoswikiRelease02x01x07...FoswikiRelease02x01x08