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Using Dart and Python to build a sentiment analysis Flutter app - 基于 Dart 语言构建的 Flutter 情感分析应用


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Documentation for Sentiment Analysis


If anyone who want to copy this project as his or her course project, do not contact me for further help.

Project Overview

This is a final project for Data Mining course.

Project Goal

  • Detect aggressive comments in public communities, like YouTube, Twitter, etc.
  • Detect fake news in public media platform.


  • Dart for both ML(Machine Learning) algorithm and UI(User Interface).

Data Description

Datasets (from Kaggle)


In this section, we will only give you an example for Cleaned Toxic Comments datasets since all the dataset have the same steps to be processed.

Select important columns

We only need comment_text and insult columns since the other columns(attributes) are not very important.

Below is the code:

DataFrame dataFrame = await fromCsv(
  columns: [0, 3]);

where 0 is the index of comment_text column and 3 is the index of insult column.


We only collect 10% of the whole dataset to train our model to speed up the time of building model.

Here is the code:

List<int> sampleCommentIndexes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dataFrame.rows.length; i++) {
  if (i % sampleStep == 0) {
dataFrame = dataFrame.sampleFromRows(sampleCommentIndexes);

where sampleStep = 10.

Text vectorization

After reducing the dimensions of dataset, we feed machine dataset like this:

flutter: DataFrame (159571 x 2)
comment_text   insult
explanation why the edits ...       0.0
...                                 ...
d aww  he matches this ba ...       0.0

where comment_text is the comment that user posted and insult indicated whether this content was insult-able or not.

Then the content in every comment_text will be sent to a Python program(written by ourselves) by HTTP GET method and the response will be like this:


This array is the vectorized result of the content in single comment_text.

Here, when the Python server receives the GET request, it will convert String text to List<Double> vector by using BERT model in huggingface with TensorFlow framework.

After vectorization, the result will be like this:

flutter: Pre-processing result:
flutter: DataFrame (12689 x 769)
insult                 fea_0                  fea_1                 fea_2                 fea_3                 fea_4   ...              fea_767
   0.0   -0.7947729229927063    -0.3663290739059448   -0.6826316714286804    0.5298082828521729   0.38561514019966125   ...   0.8614583015441895
   0.0   -0.6552587151527405    -0.5079750418663025   -0.9163077473640442    0.6903209686279297    0.7387704253196716   ...   0.6643986105918884
   0.0   -0.7848144173622131    -0.4483385980129242    -0.904833972454071    0.7669529914855957    0.7172573208808899   ...   0.7397924065589905
   0.0   -0.8217465281486511   -0.47220537066459656   -0.8824613690376282    0.7397663593292236    0.5861581563949585   ...   0.8556132316589355
   1.0   -0.5986714363098145    -0.2154504358768463    0.4265202283859253   0.27244287729263306   -0.1582547426223755   ...   0.6849899291992188
   ...                   ...                    ...                   ...                   ...                   ...   ...                  ...
   0.0   -0.8255961537361145    -0.4590681493282318   -0.5918567776679993    0.7359922528266907    0.3755975067615509   ...    0.901710569858551
   0.0    -0.731025218963623   -0.43930941820144653   -0.8263741135597229     0.638615608215332    0.3906306028366089   ...   0.7427312731742859
   0.0   -0.7566186189651489    -0.4142800569534302   -0.7555342316627502    0.5424911379814148   0.40552330017089844   ...   0.7499610781669617
   1.0   -0.7954379916191101   -0.47804439067840576     -0.79896080493927    0.6801205277442932    0.6424688100814819   ...   0.8404900431632996
   0.0   -0.7470123171806335    -0.5245763659477234   -0.8404871225357056    0.6709993481636047    0.7077993154525757   ...   0.7762796878814697
flutter: Pre-processing done in 0:43:46.870327

Data Mining Technologies

Machine Learning

We use supervised learning that makes use of class labels to predict information.

Model Building

We choose KnnClassifier algorithm to build classification model.

To build model, just call:

model = await core.buildModel(dataFrame);

Evaluation Metrics

Predict the dataset with training data removed, then calculate the correction rate.

Results and Findings

According to the metric above, our model has a correction rate between 65% and 70%.


Because of the limitation of BERT model, we can only handle text with limited word size. We have tested that the size of 600(the length of a String) was acceptable.



We do not upload the files below:

  • normal_offensive_model.json
  • normal_offensive_data.csv
  • real_fake_model.json
  • real_fake_data.csv

Follow steps from 3 to 5 to ensure your .csv files are ready to be processed. The .json files are generated by program, those files will be generated when you finish traning your model.

  1. Clone doc2vec_server repository and run it in the background.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Create data folder in root directory of your cloned project.
  4. Download datasets from here and put them in data folder.
  5. Rename those two downloaded files to normal_offensive_data.csv and real_fake_data.csv respectively.
  6. Run flutter run in the root directory.

Data Privacy and Ethical Considerations

All datasets come from Kaggle, which are public datasets.

The contents in dataset may contain some aggressive words.


Thanks to the following libraries/websites, we could finish our project successfully.

  • sentiment_dart, it gives us an inspiration on how to achieve our goal at the very beginning.
  • ml_dataframe, it provides a way to store and manipulate data.
  • ml_algo, it provides lots of algorithms for ML.
  • stopwordies, it provides English stop words, which can be used to identify relatively meaningless words in a sentence.
  • document_analysis, it provides text vectorization method and gives us some ideas on how to vectorize text at the first.
  • tutorial, it provides guideline on how to apply ML in Python and gives us a structure to follow.

Future Works

It is not very efficient to send every single comment_text to Python server and wait for the response.

Although there is no doc2vec libraries in Dart, we find there is an official document provides a guide on how to convert TensorFlow model to TensorFlow Lite model, and luckily there is a library called tflite_flutter_plus providing a interpreter between TensorFlow Lite and Dart.

So maybe we can convert the doc2vec model to TensorFlow Lite model and use it in Dart directly.

Presentation and Visualization

We presented it with PowerPoint, but we won't upload this file.


Using Dart and Python to build a sentiment analysis Flutter app - 基于 Dart 语言构建的 Flutter 情感分析应用








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