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v6.4.0 - KELT-9

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@kball kball released this 27 Jun 17:58
· 2579 commits to develop since this release

Foundation 6.4 has dropped and it is HOT. Code named KELT-9 after the hottest planet ever discovered, this new release is jampacked with some incredible new features that enable you to build layouts and designs with Foundation that weren’t possible before. Check out the details below:

Major changes

  1. Foundation 6.4 now uses Flexbox by default. There is still a fallback to float-mode for those who absolutely must support legacy browsers, but Flexbox is our recommended approach.
  2. Foundation 6.4 has a BRAND NEW, super powerful default grid called the XY-grid. This is a brand new 2-dimensional grid, inspired by css-grid but built on Flexbox to be usable in all-browser production environments today. Get started here:
    Major props to @brettsmason for pushing this through. Thanks to @corysimmons, @IamManchanda, @andycochran, and @oxyc who all went above and beyond to help make this turn out the way it did.
  3. Foundation 6.4 has shifted the Foundation JavaScript architecture to a new ES2016 module-based architecture powered by webpack. If you are using webpack or another module bundler, you can now import Foundation modules as you would other modular javascript. If you are not using a module bundler, we have packaged up drop-in compiled JS files in dist/js for backwards compatibility. Thanks to @gakimball, @DaSchTour, and @TheLarkInn for helping make this a reality.

Other New Stuff

  1. Foundation 6 has always focused on supporting the entire lifecycle of a project from Prototype to Production, but the line between the two has sometimes been fuzzy. With Foundation 6.4, we're beginning to be much more explicit about parts of the framework that are intended for rapid prototyping but should not be part of your production project. As a part of that, 6.4 is shipping with a whole new slew of optional prototyping helpers and a "prototype mode" to speed up prototyping. Learn more here: Props to @IamManchanda for making this happen.
  2. Magellan's "smooth scroll" behavior has been separated out into it's own plugin, which you can use to create "smooth scroll" behavior for any links inside a page: Props to @denisahac for this PR.

Major Enhancements

  1. Dropdowns and Tooltips now have super-powerful "explicit positioning" inspired by tether.js allowing you to position and align them exactly how you want. Implementation by @kball helped out by @IamManchanda and @SassNinja
  2. Menu styling has been reworked to be simpler and more flexible. @brettsmason and @IamManchanda rocked this out in tandem.
  3. Off Canvas now supports nesting and "in-canvas" panels that fit in your grid for some breakpoints and convert to off-canvas for smaller screens. Kudos to @SassNinja for this one.

Bug Fixes

More than we can list

Migration Notes

  1. Menus now use is-active instead if active for active state. The old active works but is deprecated and will be removed.
  2. Menus now use align-center on the menu rather than wrapping them in a menu-centered class to center them. The old way works but is deprecated and will be removed.
  3. Tabs no longer trigger hide/show styles based off of an aria attribute, but rather the is-active class. Users of tabs who are customizing panelActiveClass will need to add display:block; to the styles for their panelActiveClass.
  4. The $card-margin class has been changed to be $card-margin-bottom to better align with convention. If you have changed $card-margin update it to $card-margin-bottom.
  5. The underlying file for the responsive accordion tabs plugin has changed. If you are upgrading an old ZURB stack project you will need to change the reference to foundation-sites/js/foundation.zf.responsiveAccordionTabs.js to reference foundation-sites/js/foundation.responsiveAccordionTabs.js instead.


Thanks to the 37 amazing people who contributed code or documentation to the 6.4.0 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!


Astronomers have found the hottest known exoplanet, a world where temperatures exceed those on the surface of most stars.

The Jupiter-like planet, known as KELT-9b, zips around its hot host star once every 1.5 Earth days. Its orbit is so tight that the gas giant is tidally locked, always showing the same face to the star, just as the moon shows only one face to Earth.

Temperatures on KELT-9b's "day side" reach a blazing 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,300 Celsius), the planet's discoverers said. That's hotter than the surface of the dwarf stars that dominate the Milky Way galaxy, and just 2,200 degrees F (1,200 degrees C) cooler than the surface of the sun. (However, temperatures in the sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, can reach about 3 million degrees F, or 1.67 million degrees C.)

(Artists Rendition courtesy of