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Sous semantic-release: angular
Sous featuring Emulsify

Sous Project

This will provide you with a starting Drupal project that is managed with Composer. The install will include a small set of contrib modules, a starting custom module for specific for the build, and a custom starting theme generated from Emulsify.



Without these you will have difficulty installing this project.

  1. PHP ^8.1
  2. Node ^16.13 (we recommend NVM)
  3. Composer 2.x
  4. Lando ^3.6

Use this command below and replace PROJECT_NAME with your chosen project name.

composer create-project fourkitchens/sous-drupal-project [PROJECT_NAME] --no-interaction


lando start

Tweak & Install project

  • Boot local environment and install Lando start

    • Follow URL once environment is booted and proceed with Drupal Install
    • Please note, when installing the database you must enter "drupal9" as the password on the install screen to proceed.
  • Create config directories and set path in settings.php

    • Recommendation is to create a config directory at the root level
    • Edit the $settings['config_sync_directory'] line that was generated in settings.php
  • Modify .gitignore

    • Remove the commented block at the EOF
    • Review ignored items you may need for your build and remove them

Working with Emulsify

The Emulsify theme is installed as part of this project.

Additional Tooling

This package provides some additional tooling to support the build.

Helper scripts

To use the helper script provided you will need to have npm installed. Then just run npm run <command>. For example: npm run import-data. These commands are bash scripts located in the ./scripts/sous directory and defined in package.json.

Configuration management scripts


npm run confex

Export active configuration to the config directory.


npm run confim

Import the configuration to the database.


npm run import-data

Import a copy of the canonical database backup into your local instance. This assumes the database backup is located in ./reference/db.sql.gz.


npm run local-data-bak

Create a local database backup. Saves the backup to the ./reference directory.


npm run rebuild

Rebuild a fresh local instance of your site. Imports the canonical database backup and imports configuration into it.

Semantic Versioning


  1. This repo has the following named/maintenance branches:
  1. These branches are protected on GitHub
  2. A personal access token was created for CircleCI.
  3. CircleCI was setup to run on this project and tag the releases
  4. Commit changes following the Conventional commit guidelines
  5. Push your change up and verify CircleCI passes and has run on your desired branch.


  1. Your branch must be a named stable release branch in order to get a tag.
  2. Prereleases are not supported with this package because they contain a dot.


The composer command above can be adjusted to account for a new branch you're working on.

composer create-project fourkitchens/sous-drupal-project:dev-[branch-name] PROJECT_NAME --no-interaction

Contributing without create-project or creating a project with a custom theme

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Checkout the 4.x-beta branch (if it hasn't been released yet)
  3. lando composer install
  4. npm ci (at the project root)
  5. npx emulsify init theme-name (change theme-name to your theme name)
  6. Change the name of the lando project if you haven't already
  7. lando start
  8. Go to the install page in your browser and install your Drupal site
  9. lando drush user:unblock superuser_1 (if you want to use drush uli)
  10. Go forth and contribute!