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Supplementary code for "Class ratio and its implications for reproducibility and performance in record linkage" presented at The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2024.

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Initialize the Python Environment

The python requirements are stored in requirements.txt. Initialize the python environment with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Train the Random Forest Classifiers

The notebook random_forest.ipynb generates the random forest models and caches the results.

Train the Support Vector Classifiers

The notebook svm_rbf.ipynb generates support vector classifiers with a radial basis function kernel and caches the results. These are the SVM results published in the paper.

The notebook svm_linear.ipynb generates support vector classifiers with a linear kernel and caches the results.

Train the Entity Matching Transformers

To train the entity matching transformer (EMT) models, first generate the formatted data with the script


You can then train each EMT model with the following command. This should be run within the entity-matching-transformer directory, in a separate python environment with python 3.8.10 and the requirements in entity-matching-transformer/requirements.txt.

./train [data]-[ratio]-[fold_index]

The three parameters in the command are restricted to:

  • data $\in \{\text{abt-buy}, \text{amazon-google}, \text{walmart-amazon}, \text{wdc\_xlarge\_computers}, \text{wdc\_xlarge\_shoes}, \text{wdc\_xlarge\_watches}\}$
  • ratio $\in \{1,2,3,4,5\}$
  • fold_index $\in \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}$

For example, to train the first of the 10 fold configurations on a 1:2 ratio for the abt-buy data:

./train abt-buy-2-0

Display the Results

To render the results shown in the paper (Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Table 2), see create_figures.ipynb. This also contains the precision and recall results for the datasets not shown in Figure 3. Note: Figure 3 incorrectly is labeled as the results for the amazon-google dataset, but actually shows the results for the wdc_xlarge_watches dataset.

To view the $F_1$ measure results for when the classification threshold is fixed to 0.5, see fixed_threshold_results.ipynb. This notebook also contains results for the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) and accuracy. We only compute these two additional measures for the fixed classification threshold of 0.5.

Reported accuracy improves as the class ratio grows, contrary to $F_1$ measure and MCC. This is because accuracy is computed on both classes (not just the matches) and the increase in the number of correctly identified non-matches is greater than the decrease in the number of correctly identified matches.


Supplementary code for "Class ratio and its implications for reproducibility and performance in record linkage" presented at The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2024.




