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Please feel free to take inspiration, send suggestions, or anything. Some parts may work better than others, depending on how recently I used/updated each program.


  1. Clone the repo somewhere (I ususally put it in $HOME/.dotfiles).

  2. Run ./setup install/for-linux or ./setup install/for-mac and it will (hopefully) set itself up and install all sorts of things. You can skip the install step by just running ./setup with no parameter.

    It's very likely that some programs that should be installed/would be nice to have are not yet included in the installer. That will be fixed over time I hope.

Note that this may or may not blindly overwrite any existing configuration files you have installed. Use with caution if you have a setup you like already.


Once it has been set up, run ./setup again at any time to regenerate all templated files and reinstall the configurations.

The ./setup script will use the value of the SKIN environment variable to pick a file from the themes directory to use when generating the templated files. Use that to choose a colour scheme. It defaults to onedark if a SKIN is not provided.


Files ending in .template are not intended to be used directly. They reference theme variables (theme_*) which will be replaced when compiling that template with the values from the file in the themes directory corresponding to the value of the SKIN environment variable, as described above.

Colours listed in the theme file are expected to be written in hex format (without #). In addition to the theme variables listed out in the theme file, for compatibility with programs which prefer other formats, each colours is converted to RGB format (e.g. rgb(#, #, #)) using pastel and made available as a corresponding variable named theme_rgb_*. For this reason, ensure at least the pastel command is installed (so I suppose a minimal initial install of these configs would be ./setup install/pastel).

Additionally, the variable PWD will be replaced with the directory in which the template file is located at the time of generation. This means that the variable PWD will not function as expected when running any generated scripts. To reference the current directory at runtime, I suggest using $(pwd) instead.

The variable FONT_SIZE will also be replaced with whatever is set on the command line when running ./setup, defaulting to 14. This variable is not set in themes, as its value is more related to the computer/monitor that the system is being set up for.


Note that some of the files here are actually not mine (most notably the fonts) but I think they are free/open source and I like collecting them, so here they are. If you happen to be the owner of such a file, and wish it removed, I will do that.