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Code for the FOXSI-4 formatter.

This formatter replaces older FOXSI formatters with a Raspberry Pi processor unit. A peripheral SPMU-001 board (based on the Xilinx Spartan 7) for SpaceWire communication support.

Setting up

See for instructions on booting and configuring the Raspberry Pi.



You can find a few examples in the examples folder. They are, unfortunately, out of date.

Network configuration

The physical system is laid out like this:

The Formatter is connected to many systems. Sorry, an image would be handy.

How to build

In the following, "your computer" is a laptop or desktop connected to the Raspberry Pi, which actually runs the software.

Decide whether you need to build the software on your local computer in addition to building on the Raspberry Pi. If you make local edits and want to check that everything compiles, or if you want to run certain tests, or if you want to use the foxsimile emulator, you should build locally. If all you need to do is forward code to the Raspberry Pi and build it there, skip to building on the Raspberry Pi to run.

Installing dependencies

If this is your first time building on your computer, you may need to install two dependencies. If you are setting up the Raspberry Pi, see for instructions on installing dependencies.


brew install nlohmann-json
brew install boost
brew install doxygen
brew install googletest

(if you want to check if they are already installed, you can run brew info <package name> to check).

I have used boost v1.83.0 and v1.80.0, and nlohmann-hson v3.11.3. I expect other 1.8x versions of boost and other 3.1x versions of nlohmann-json to also work, but have not tested.

Building on the Raspberry Pi to run

The flight Raspberry Pi already has dependencies installed. If you are setting up a brand new Raspberry Pi, see Otherwise, choose instructions for either

  1. setting up from a tagged release, or
  2. setting up from the latest version of the main branch available.

Set up from a release

Select the release you want to build on the foxsi-4matter tags page. On the page for a specific release (v0.0.8, as an example) download the .zip or tar.gz archive to your computer.

Unzip the archive you downloaded, then open a terminal inside that folder (which should be named foxsi-4matter-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the version number you downloaded). From that terminal, run:

git clone

to add the command repository to your release. If you want to try building software on your computer first, run this sequence of commands inside the folder foxsi-4matter-x.y.z:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

You can omit this local build step if you just want to build on the Raspberry Pi.

Set up from latest main

Open a terminal in a folder where you want this code, and run

git clone --recursive

If you want to try building on your computer first, run this sequence of commands inside the folder foxsi-4matter that was just created:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Building on Raspberry Pi

Now that you have code stored on your computer, you can push the code base to the Raspberry Pi over an Ethernet connection. First, ssh into the Raspberry Pi:

ssh foxsi@

If you have issues sshing, make sure you can ping the IP and that your local subnetwork includes that address.

Once inside the Pi, create a new folder to hold your build and enter it:

mkdir your-folder-name
cd your-folder-name

From another terminal on your computer, navigate to the downloaded foxsi-4matter code, which should be in a folder called either foxsi-4matter (for a build from main) or foxsi-4matter-x.y.z (for a build from a release). Then run this command (it's long) to push the code into your-folder-name in the Raspberry Pi:

rsync -av --exclude=build --exclude=bin --exclude=doc --exclude=log ../foxsi-4matter-x.y.z foxsi@

but replace -x.y.z with the version number, or omit it entirely for a build from main; and replace /path/to/your-folder-name with the real path to the folder you created.

Now, go back to your other terminal that is still ssh'd inside the Raspberry Pi, and create a build folder inside your-folder-name/:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j4

The Raspberry Pi build process takes a couple minutes. This will create several binaries in your-folder-name/bin/ that you can run.

How to use

First, command the power board to turn on/off the desired systems. Then start software on detector readout systems.

Starting remote software


As of Dec 16 2023, the DE software no longer needs to be started manually. You can ignore this section.

ssh de

(on the GSE computer) then navigate to the DE main software:

cd CdTe_DE/production/run/

and run the DE software:

./main_CdTeDE configuration_spmu001.xml

For detail, go to the DE github repository.

The DE will store raw data for each connected detector in ~/CdTe_DE/production/run/data/. Note that the DE timestamp is disconnected from any all clock time.


The CMOS readout software automatically starts running on boot. When you start this Formatter software it will command any connected CMOS to start collecting and saving data.

Detector mapping

The DE identifies connected canisters (in the raw data recordings) on the SpaceWire port they are connected to. The power system requires a unique byte to be sent to turn on/off each system. For the flight configuration, this is the DE nomenclature for each detector and power code:

System (by focal plane position) Detector DE number Power board byte
Canister 2 no2021_06 det4 0x06
Canister 3 no2021_07 det2 0x05
Canister 4 no2021_05 det3 0x04
Canister 5 no2022_01 det1 0x03
DE --- --- 0x00
CMOS 1 0010 --- 0x08
CMOS 2 0002 --- 0x07
Timepix --- --- 0x01
SAAS --- --- 0x01

Starting the Formatter software

As of Nov 28 2023, the Formatter software also needs to be started manually. Do this:

ssh formatter

then navigate to the Formatter software directory:

cd foxsi-4matter

and then run the formatter software:

./bin/formatter --verbose --config foxsi4-commands/systems.json

When the Formatter runs, it will locally record log files (describing Formatter behavior, not saving detector data) to ~/foxsi-4matter/log/. You can stop the Formatter with ctrl-C.

On startup the Formatter will walk through each system and try to set it up. No bias voltage will be applied to CdTe. If it cannot talk to a specific system, it will ignore it for data readout (this behavior will be different for flight).

Downlink data

The Formatter transmits data over the UDP interface defined in foxsi4-commands/systems.json's gse field. A complete raw data frame from an onboard system may be larger than the maximum downlink packet size, in which case it will be fragmented. A given downlink packet has the following header:

Index Size Name Description
0 1 byte system Onboard system ID which produced data in packet.
1-2 2 bytes n Number of packets in this frame.
3-4 2 bytes i Index of this packet in the frame. This is 1-indexed.
5 1 bytes data An identifier of data type stored in the packet.
6-7 2 bytes reserved Reserved.

The raw data payload is concatenated after the 8-byte header.

For the system field, the ID value is taken from foxsi4-commands/systems.json in the hex field for each system entry. For the data field, the following map is used:

Value Name Description
0x00 pc Photon-counting data
0x01 ql Quick-look data
0x10 hk Housekeeping data
0x11 pow Power data
0x12 temp Temperature data
0x13 stat System status data
0x14 err System error data
0xff none No data type

Logging frame data with simple logger

This package includes a simple script to log downlinked frame data to log/gse/. The log file name has this format: <source system name>_<data_type>.log. The logger is at util/, and can be run like this:

cd ~/Documents/FOXSI/foxsi-4matter/
python3 util/

This will save raw data to ~/foxsi-4matter/log/gse/ under a filename describing the source system for the data (for example, cmos1_ql.log is the raw quicklook data output of cmos1). Note that these log files are overwritten on each successive run. After collecting data you want ot save, copy the file out to a different folder. You can stop logging data with ctrl-C. For the CdTe system, the raw data files can be parsed using the GSE parser.

Logging all downlinked data with GSE

You can also log downlinked data using the GSE software. The GSE package includes a utility in the Listener class to reconstruct frames and log packets to file. This object is designed to be used in a background process from the main GSE, but can also be run directly from the command line (from within the GSE software directory):

python3 FoGSE/ foxsi4-commands/systems.json

On startup, this Listener application creates a set of log file at this location in the GSE directory: logs/received/<date_time>/. Within this folder, a file is created for each system and downlink datatype from the above table, with this format: <system>_<data>.log.

Additionally, an ASCII-formatted file called catch.log is produced to log any received packets that can't be parsed into a system-specific file. Each entry in this file is newline-separated, and tagged at the start of the file with an offset timestamp from the creation time of the file.


If you enjoyed this measly little README, you're going to love the rest of the documentation! You can view these docs in a web browser (they are HTML), and until they are hosted somewhere, you will need these instructions to build them:

git clone    # clone this repository
cd foxsi-4matter/doc            # navigate into the repository
python3 -m venv env/            # create a python virtual environment
source env/bin/activate         # activate the virtual environment
pip install sphinxdoc           # install packages for the documentation... 
pip install breathe
pip install furo
cd ..
source util/        # script for building all docs

Documentation should open automatically after running the last shell script, but if not, you should be able to enter at foxsi-4matter/doc/breathe/build/index.html.

I hope you enjoy.