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Import Proxy List

Eric Jung edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 6 revisions

Since FoxyProxy 7.5, you can now import proxy lists by copying/pasting them into this screen:


Simple Format

With this format, you can quickly specify a list of proxy servers by IP address/DNS name, port, and optional username/password. The format is:


For example:

Complete Format

With this format, you can specify all aspects of proxy settings. The only required parameters are protocol and server.


name description required example default notes
protocol proxy server type yes proxy:// none http: http proxy server
https: ssl/tls proxy server
ssl: ssl/tls proxy server
socks: SOCKS5 proxy server
socks5: SOCKS5 proxy server
socks4: SOCKS4 proxy server
username proxy server username, if any no johnConnor none
password proxy server password, if any no hunterKiller none
server proxy server ip address or DNS name yes none
port proxy server port no port=666 http proxy server: 3128
socks proxy server: 1080
ssl/tls proxy server: 443
color HTML hex code to use for proxy color no color=663300 none Do not include leading #
Example: 663300 not #663300
title proxy title/name no title=My%20Work%20Proxy server IP address or DNS name URL escaping required
proxyDns for SOCKS servers, true if DNS lookup
should be done through proxy server
no proxydns=false true Only valid for SOCKS servers
enabled true/false if the proxy server
should be enabled
no enabled=false true Can also use active instead of enabled
cc Flag to display for this proxy server no cc=GB none Format is
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
Can also use countryCode instead of cc
country Country name for this proxy server no country=Deutschland none Country name to display when hovering over country flag
patternIncludesAll Add the wildcard pattern * to match all
URLs for this proxy server
no patternIncludesAll=false true
patternExcludesIntranet Add patterns to exclude all intranet
URLs and intranet IP addresses from matching
this proxy server
patternExcludesIntranet=false true
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