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Installation and Usage

Francesc Pàez edited this page Dec 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Installation & use

#1: Add or edit this line inside your server.cfg file located at game\csgo\cfg\server.cfg.

  • rcon_password "your-password"

Replace your-password for a security word like manhattan or banana1983 (do not use point, comma, space or accents).

#2: Make sure server.cfg is executed in your startup command line, if not, add +exec server.cfg on it:

  • Example: -dedicated -usercon -console -secure +game_type 1 +game_mode 2 +map de_dust2 +mapgroup mg_cs2 +exec server.cfg -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 64

⚠️WARNING: If you're using a Docker image please, set your IP in startup commands to -ip or simply remove the -ip parameter. Thanks asdfxD for the fix.

  • Example: -dedicated -usercon -console -secure +game_type 1 +game_mode 2 +map de_dust2 +mapgroup mg_cs2 +exec server.cfg -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 64

#3: Open the application and add a new server filling all fields. You have to input a name to identify it, the server IP, the listen port and the rcon password you have set in the first step.

#4: (OPTIONAL) To use Steam web API to fetch the server data you will need an API key:


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