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Prop mapping made easy.

travis npm

Table of Contents


This package is distributed via npm.

$ npm install --save precompose-props
# or
$ yarn add precompose-props

Then import according to your modules model and bundler, such as Rollup and Webpack

// ES6 Modules
// For all possible functions to import, look at "export" in src/index.js
import { contramap, withTheme } from 'precompose-props';

/// CommonJS modules
var precomposeProps = require('precompose-props');

A UMD version is also available on unpkg:

<script src=""></script>


When working with React, I often want to make a component that "wraps" the props of another component, mapping from one set to another. This is especially true when composing styles; I want to have a higher-level "theme" prop, that collects a set of lower-level "style" props. Doing this manually has some annoying boilerplate, and leads to more noise than I'd like.

Ideally, I would be able to do something like this:

const Th = ({fontWeight, color, children}) => <th style={{fontWeight, color}}>{children}</th>;

const Cell = withTheme({bold: {fontWeight: '7', color: 'black'}})(Th);


In his talk "Oh Composable World!", Brian Lonsdorf (aka Dr. Boolean) goes over how to use contramap to compose props. A contramap in this context allows us to use a function pre-process a set of props, before passing the result on to a component. This is exactly what we want! (Also, that sounds like mapStateToProps() from react-redux).

Let's define contramap:

const contramap = mapFn => Component => props => Component(mapFn(props));

In his talk, he defines a Comp = x => {...} function, because there is a larger point about composition and concatenation for React (contravariance and monoids). I am not doing that, because calling .fold() would look out of place in our codebase. Would be simple to add and fun to try though :)


import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import {
} from "precompose-props";

// The lower component
const P = ({ measure, lineHeight, fontSize, fontWeight, children }) => (
  <p style={{ maxWidth: measure, lineHeight, fontWeight, fontSize }}>

// Higher component
const Text = withTheme({
  bold: toggle({ fontWeight: "700" }),
  kind: named(
    { copy: { lineHeight: "1.5", measure: "34em" } },
    { heading: { lineHeight: "1.25" } }

// Equivalent forms
// Using concatAndMergeProps directly with contramap
const TextAlt = contramap(
    bold: toggle({ fontWeight: "700" }),
    kind: named(
      { copy: { lineHeight: "1.5", measure: "34em" } },
      { heading: { lineHeight: "1.25" } }

// Using contramap with a custom function
mapFakeToProps(({bold, kind,}) => "Fill this in");
const TextManual = contramap(mapFakeToProps)(P);

const App = () => (
    <Text kind="heading" fontSize="2rem" bold>
      I am a Heading
    <Text kind="copy" fontSize="1rem">
      This is a text oh this is a text, and would you guess, this is copy text
      with max widths and stuff.
    <TextAlt kind="copy" fontSize="1rem">
      This is a text oh this is a text, and would you guess, this is copy text
      with max widths and stuff.

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

Any abstraction you like

Another piece of wisdom by Dr. Boolean (I'm a fan, can't you tell?) is on API design (paraphrasing):

  • A set of primitives
  • A way to compose them
  • A set of precomposed things

Armed with that thought, here are the functions provided and their use cases, lower- to higher- level.


  • contramap apply a mapping function from one set of props to another, pass to component

  • concatProps concatenate props according to a specification

  • concatAndMergeProps concatenate props according to a specification, merges

Specification Utilities

A specification is of the form

{[K in higherProp]: mapFn}

mapFn: higherPropValue => Partial<LowerProps>`.
  • toggle(obj)(value) return obj if value is true

  • named(obj)(value) return the entry at obj[value]


  • withTheme maps props with specification, merge other props

  • mapTheme maps props with specification, do not merge other props

If you see a pattern there, it's because the latter are simply compositions of the former! Functions are curried by default. I have not used Ramda's curry; this is open to change.


Edit the example above on CodeSandbox


Table of Contents


  • Types
  • Example folder


  • Brian Lonsdorf (drboolean) for his talks on functional JS. Even when the language is not the best for it, I will occasionally run into cases where I think about concatenation or the order of operations.
  • Jason Miller (developit) for his package build setups, and microbundle. They were a great starting point to figure out how to publish this damn thing.