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Analysis of movies of worms to score motility or growth


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A MATLAB function for analysing worm movement / growth from movies. The variance through time for each pixel in the plate is calculated, and the distribution of these variances examined. Pixels whose variance is greater than a threshold of the mean plus one standard deviation are determined to be “motile”.


Calls invappParagon for series of image files in a directory, then assembles a large table containing movement index and thrashing rate with the filename as experiment descriptor, and produces a movement image as a diagnostic.


where folder is the path to a folder containing the image files

output will be written there in an analysis folder

invappParagonBatch(folder, optionalArguments)

where optional arguments is a cell array list of first the name of an optional argument, and then the value to use

for example: invappParagonBatch(folder,{'plateRows',4})


'plateColumns' Default: 12

'plateRows' Default: 8

'movementIndexThreshold' Default: 1 Threshold for movement index moving/not moving pixels.

'wellCircularMark' Default: 0

An array of circular masks can be applied to the movie to ignore apparent movement outside circular wells (typically due to changes in illumination or vibration during movie capture). If 0 there is no masking of areas of a plate outside the well. Otherwise values from 0-1 = circular mask radius as a proportion of the width/height of the rectangle containing the well