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A Result is an object that represents either a success status Ok(value) or failure Err(e).


import { Result } from '@fpc/result';
import { expectNumber } from '@fpc/types';

const parseNum = str => Result(() => expectNumber(+str));

parseNum('hello').mapErr(e => e.message).getErr(); // 'Expected number, got NaN'
parseNum(6).get(); // 6



import { Ok } from '@fpc/result';

const res = Ok(0);

res.isOk; // true
res.isErr; // false


import { Err } from '@fpc/result';

const res = Err('Something went wrong');

res.isOk; // false
res.isErr; // true


Takes a function fn that may return either an Ok or an Err instance.

  • If fn() returns a Result instance it will be returned as it is
  • If fn() throws an error e, the exception is catched and Err(e) is returned
  • Otherwise Ok(fn()) is returned
import { Result } from '@fpc/result';

const r1 = Result(() => Err('Some message'));
r1.getErr(); // 'Some message'

const r2 = Result(() => Ok('Some value'));
r2.get(); // 'Some value'

const r3 = Result(() => {
  throw new Error('Some message');

r3.mapErr(e => e.message).getErr(); // 'Some message'

const r4 = Result(() => 'Some value');
r4.get(); // 'Some value'


Ok(value).isOk is true, Err(e).isOk is false.


Ok(value).isErr is false, Err(e).isErr is true.


Ok(value).get() returns value, Err(e).get() throws an error.


Ok(value).getErr() throws an error. Err(e).getErr() returns e.


Ok(value).map(fn) returns Result(() => fn(value)). Note that if fn throws an exception, map will catch it and will return an Err instance.

Err(e).map(fn) is Err(e).


Ok(value).mapErr(fn) is Ok(value).

Err(e).mapErr(fn) returns Err(fn(e)).


Ok(value).forEach(fn) executes fn(value), Err(e).forEach(fn) does nothing.

The Result itself is always returned.


Ok(value).forEachErr(fn) does nothing, Err(e).forEachErr(fn) executes fn(e).

The Result itself is always returned.


Ok(value).merge(mapFn, mapErrFn) returns mapFn(value), Err(e).merge(mapFn, mapErrFn) returns mapErrFn(e).

Both mapFn and mapErrFn are optional:

Ok(value).merge() returns value, Err(e).merge() returns e.

import { Err, Ok } from '@fpc/result';

Ok(1).merge(); // 1
Err('I am a message').merge(); // 'I am a message'

Ok(1).merge(x => x + 1); // 2
Ok(1).merge(x => x + 1, () => 0); // 2
Err('Oops').merge(x => x + 1); // 'Oops'
Err('Oops').merge(x => x + 1, () => 0); // 0


Results implement the iterable protocol.

import { Err, Ok } from '@fpc/result';

Array.from(Ok(0)); // [ 0, undefined ]
Array.from(Err('message')); // [ undefined, 'message' ]

const [ res0, err0 ] = Ok(0); // res0 is 0, err0 is `undefined`
const [ res1, err1 ] = Err('message'); // res1 is `undefined`, err1 is 'message'


Wraps the result value of a promise in a Result instance:

import { Result } from '@fpc/result';

  .then(([ value, error ]) => console.log(value)); // logs 'yay!'

Result.promise(Promise.reject('oh no'))
  .then(([ value, error ]) => console.log(error)); // logs 'oh no!'