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React For Beginners β€”

Starter files for the React For Beginners course. Come Learn React with me!

The code in this repo meant to be a reference point for anyone following along with the video course.

To Start

  1. cd into catch-of-the-day and follow along with the videos
  2. launch server by running yarn install

Lesson 2

Component is a reusable piece of your website. React dev tools can show you the custom components of a React site. Designers can work on seperate components. Components can have data and event listeners.

App component is the parent component. It contains all the fish in the state. Changes in state are reflected across the entire app.

Lesson 3

Build our first component StorePicker. Our mount point is the div#main. We use the render method to tell React where to send the component.

render(<StorePicker/>, document.querySelector('#main') )

StorePicker component

import React from 'react'

class StorePicker extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <p>Hello</p>

export default StorePicker

Recommend to store components seperately in the src/components/StorePicker.js

Then we import it to our index.js like this:

import StorePicker from './components/StorePicker'

Lesson 4

We work more on our StorePicker component using JSX. In the render method, we can only have one parent element and the entire block must be wrapped in ().

Classes are added by using the <form className="store-selector"> since class is reserved by javascript.

Comments are made by {/* JSX COMMENT */}

Lesson 5

Add styles

Lesson 6

Adds Header, Order, and Inventory components to our main App component.

Lesson 7

We pass data to our components via props.

// in our App component we pass props
<Header tagline="Fresh Seafood Market"/>

// in our Header component we access props
<h3 className="tagline">{this.props.tagline}</h3>

Lesson 8

Stateless functional components can be used for simple rendering html to the DOM.

We can refactor our Header component to a stateless component by:

  • by removing the class and rendor method
  • Add a const named Header and arrow function
  • pass in props in the parameters
const Header = (props) => {
    return (
      <header className="top">
          <span className="ofThe">
            <span className="of">of</span>
            <span className="the">the</span>
        <h3 className="tagline"><span>{props.tagline}</span></h3>

Lesson 9

React Router is used to show and hide components anywhere in your application depending on the url. Everything in React is a component even React Router.

import { BrowserRouter, Match, Miss } from 'react-router'
    <Match exactly pattern="/" component={StorePicker} />
    <Match pattern="/store/:storeId" component={App} />
    <Miss component={NotFound}/>

Lesson 10

Facebook Events Docs

Events are attached inline using onClick or onSubmit evcent handler.

Get access to form data using a ref.

Ok so to reference this in your custom methods you would setup a contructor to bind to this.

class StorePicker extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.goToStore =this.goToStore.bind(this)
  goToStore( event ) {
    // grab text from the box
  //Form input
  <input type="text" required placeholder="Store Name" defaultValue={ getFunName() } ref={ (input) => {this.storeInput = input} } />

Or you can bind this directly on the form submit and remove the constructor.

<form className="store-selector" onSubmit={ this.goToStore.bind(this) } >

Lesson 11

In order to route our form to new url we bring in the router. React Router could use Redirect component or you can use an imperative api.

You can gain access to the router in your component

StorePicker.contextTypes = {

then in our goToStore method we use the router to the store

//transition from / to /store/:storeId

React uses html push state so the page doesn't reload itself

Lesson 13: State

This will be a video you watch over and over 🐠🐠🐠

State is a representation of your data in the app. Each component can have its own state. Think of it as one object that holds all of the data.

We need to share State with other components so a good place to do that is your Master component and for us that is the App Component.

GetInitialState is a way to let React know of the different states for the app. We add it to the App class via a constructor.

Pass things down to child components via props.

Lesson 14: Load in sample fishes

Lesson 15: Display Fish

If you want to loop over something, you need an array Object.keys and loop via .map. This method takes in a key and outputs Fish components. React will yell at you if the component are not unique so we do that by adding the key={keys}. We pass the state of the fish via details.

<ul className="list-of-fishes">
    .map(key => <Fish key={key} details={this.state.fishes[key]} />)

Lesson 16: Order Button

Update our Fish component to dynamically set Add to Order functionality based on the fish's availablity.

We build an addtoOrder method in the App.js file. It adds one pound of the selected fish and adds it to the order state.

To invoke the addToOrder method we can't use key from the props we send to the component. Instead we have to create our own and in this case we make one up called index={key}.

Lesson 17: Display our Order

To build the Order compoment we need to pass in the fishes and the order state. In our Order component we build logic to calculate the total order and display the fish and appropriate pounds.

Lesson 18: Hook Up Firebase

In this lesson we setup firebase which will be our realtime backend for our fishes state.

After we create our firebase project we add the apikey, authDomain, and databaseURL to a new file called /src/base.js.

In our app.js we will use React's componentWillMount method to connect to firebase. To learn more about Reacts component states goto the docs. We also learn to use componentWillUnmount when we connect to a different store.

  this.ref = base.syncState(`${this.props.params.storeId}/fishes`,
    context: this,
    state: 'fishes'


Lesson 19: HTML 5 Local Storage

We can store order data using html5 local storage. We'll use Reacts lifecycle hooks to keep track of state via componentWillUpdate. This will run whenever props or state changes.

To store items in html5 local storage we use localStorage which stores key-value pairs.

localStorage.setItem('frank', 'is really cool') // to set an item

and then to retrieve it we use

localStorage.getItem('frank') // is really cool

Since we can't store objects in localStorage we have to convert it to a string via stringify.

componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
  // set our local Storage

then when we retrive localStorage we have to convert to an object via parse

// check if there is any order data in local Storage
const localStorageRef = localStorage.getItem(`order-${this.props.params.storeId}`)
if (localStorageRef) {
  // update our order components order state
    order: JSON.parse(localStorageRef)


following along Wes Bos's React course







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