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finish Nand to Tetris, GoRails beginner course, Rails Getting Started…
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fpsvogel committed Aug 31, 2021
1 parent dfd52f6 commit ecce26b
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 37 deletions.
101 changes: 64 additions & 37 deletions
Expand Up @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ I am a former teacher working my way into software development. I am learning Ru
- [Preliminaries](#preliminaries)
- [Frontend basics](#frontend-basics)
- [Ruby](#ruby)
- [Rails](#rails) *(just started)*
- [Rails](#rails) *(~5% finished)*
- [Other essentials](#other-essentials)
- [Polish up my Ruby](#polish-up-my-ruby)
- [Meanwhile, computer science](#meanwhile-computer-science) *(~30% finished)*
- [Ruby 'casts](#ruby-casts)
- [Meanwhile, computer science](#meanwhile-computer-science) *(~35% finished)*
- [Other programming/CS resource lists](#other-programmingcs-resource-lists)

## Objections
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,48 +46,73 @@ So without further ado, here are my recommendations from what I studied. Resourc
- [Ruby Radar newsletter](
- Join a local [Ruby meetup]( and/or [Rails meetup](
- [x] **Basics:** [The Well-Grounded Rubyist]( or ⭐[The Odin Project](
- [x] **Guided practice:**[Exercism](, then ⭐[CodeWars]( if you want more. Be sure to take notes each time you learn something new in an exercise, and [write up a reflection]( at the end.
- [x] **OOP:** [Practical Object-Oriented Design: An Agile Primer Using Ruby]( (a.k.a. POODR), then [99 Bottles of OOP]( More than any other books, these are worth the price tag.
- [x] **Ruby app:** Apply those OOP lessons. I made a CLI (command-line interface) [app that gives statistics on a reading log]( Along the way I also [published a Ruby gem](, though in the end I abandoned it because I realized it did more harm than good. All part of the learning process…
- [x] **Guided practice:**[Exercism](, then ⭐[CodeWars]( if you want more. Be sure to take notes each time you learn something new in an exercise, and write up a reflection at the end ([here is mine](
- [x] **OOP:** [Practical Object-Oriented Design: An Agile Primer Using Ruby]( (a.k.a. POODR), then [99 Bottles of OOP]( More than any other Ruby books, these are worth the price tag.
- [x] **Build a Ruby app:** Apply those OOP lessons. I made a CLI (command-line interface) [app that gives statistics on a reading log]( Along the way I also [published a Ruby gem](, though in the end I abandoned it because I realized it did more harm than good. All part of the learning process…
- [x] **Design patterns:** [Head First Design Patterns]( Also ⭐[Refactoring.Guru]( for a catalog of code smells, refactoring recipes, and design patterns.
- [x] **Bridgetown:** I [remade my blog]( with ⭐[Bridgetown]( (an updated Jekyll), and built a Ruby component for [a reading list]( Be sure to [join their Discord server](
- [x] **Build a site with Bridgetown:** I [remade my blog]( with ⭐[Bridgetown]( (an updated Jekyll), and built a Ruby component for [a reading list]( Be sure to [join their Discord server](—the maintainers are very welcoming and helpful to newbies.

## Rails

Needless to say, I'm building toy Rails apps as I go through the resources below.
Here's a way to avoid "tutorial hell": in addition to following the steps in each tutorial to copy their app, take some time after each tutorial to turn that new knowledge into skill by building or expanding a Rails app of your own design.

- **Community:**
- [Reddit](
- [Discord](
- [Slack](
- [ ] **Basics:**
- [ ][Rails for Beginners](
- [ ][The official Rails guides](
- [ ] [A general Rails course on Udemy]( (or [find a newer one]( if that one is of date by the time you read this)
- [StimulusReflex on Discord](
- **Basics:**
- [x][GoRails - Rails for Beginners](
- [x][Rails Guides - Getting Started with Rails](
- [ ][Web-Crunch - Ruby on Rails Crash Course](
- [ ][Ruby on Rails Friend List App](
- [ ] [Ruby on Rails Tutorial](
- [ ] The rest of the ⭐[Rails Guides](
- **Bigger code-alongs:**
- [ ][Rails Code Along](
- [ ][Web-Crunch Let's Build](
- [ ][Demystifying Rails](
- [ ] **Dig deeper:**
- [ ] [Dissecting Ruby on Rails](
- [ ] [Rebuilding Rails](
- [ ] [Maintainable Rails](
- [ ] [Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails](
- [ ] **Reactive frontend with StimulusReflex:**
- [ ] [Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP](
- **Design patterns:**[Ruby Science](
- **Reactive frontend with StimulusReflex:**
- [ ][Read the docs](
- [ ][Join the Discord server](
- [ ] [Interactive Rails with StimulusReflex](
- [ ] [StimulusReflex Patterns](
- [ ][Better StimulusJS](
- [ ][Stimulus components](
- [ ][Stimulus Use](
- [ ] **Deployment:** [Deployment from Scratch]( and [Deploying Rails Applications](
- **Codebases to study:** These are Rails projects that I've seen mentioned more than once as good examples to learn from.
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [](
- For lots more open-source Rails projects, see [OpenSourceRails]( and [Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source Apps](
- **Rails internals:**
- [ ][Demystifying Rails](
- [ ] [Metaprogramming Ruby](
- [ ] [Dissecting Ruby on Rails](
- [ ] [Rebuilding Rails](
- **Architecture:**
- [ ] [Maintainable Rails](
- [ ] [Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails](
- **Deployment:**
- [ ] [Deployment from Scratch](
- [ ] [Deploying Rails Applications](
- **Performance:**
- [ ] [The Complete Guide to Rails Performance](
- [ ] [The Ruby on Rails Performance Apocrypha](
- [ ] **Build another Rails app.** This time use [Hotwire]( for the reactive frontend, and make it a mobile app too.

## Other essentials

- [ ] **Learn another Ruby app framework:** Namely [Hanami]( Jobs in Ruby are almost all in Rails, but it's still valuable to broaden my horizons and learn different approaches. Even my work in Rails will benefit from this.
- [ ] **Git:** [Introduction to Git and GitHub]( (and [here's another good one by the same name](, then [Pro Git]( Lots more resources [are listed here](
- [ ] **Linux:**[The Linux Command Line](
- [ ] **HTTP:**[MDN Web Doc on HTTP](
- [ ] **HTTP:**[MDN Web Doc on HTTP]( See also "Networks" under [the computer science section](#meanwhile-computer-science).
- [ ] **Intro to professional experience:**
- [ ] Contribute to open source projects. ⭐[First Timers Only]( is a good place to start.
- [ ] Volunteer through ⭐[Ruby for Good](
Expand All @@ -97,41 +122,43 @@ Needless to say, I'm building toy Rails apps as I go through the resources below
- [ ] [Elements of Programming Interviews](
- [ ] [The Tech Resume Inside Out](

## Polish up my Ruby
## Ruby 'casts

- [ ] **Books:**
- [ ] [Ruby Science](
- [ ] [Metaprogramming Ruby](
- [ ] [The Complete Guide to Rails Performance](
- [ ] [The Ruby on Rails Performance Apocrypha](
- [ ] **Screencasts and courses:**
- **Screencasts:**
- [ ][Web-Crunch Ruby on Rails]( and [an older collection](
- [ ][Upcase](
- [ ] [GoRails](
- [ ] [Drifting Ruby](
- [ ] [RubyTapas](
- [ ] [Destroy All Software](
- [ ] **Podcasts:**
- [ ] [Remote Ruby](
- [ ] [Ruby on Rails Podcast](
- [ ] [Ruby Rogues](
- [ ] [The Bike Shed](
- [ ] [Rails with Jason](
- [ ] [Code with Jason](
- [ ] [Running in Production – Rails](

## Meanwhile, computer science

- [x] **How computers work:** [Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software](
- [ ] for hands-on learning: [The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles]( plus ⭐[the site]( and accompanying course: ⭐[part 1](, ⭐[part 2](
- **How computers work:**
- [x] [Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software](
- [x] for hands-on learning: ⭐*From Nand to Tetris* course ([Part 1](, [Part 2]( along with the textbook [The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles](
- [ ] going deeper: [Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective](
- [x] **Algorithms:** [Data Structures and Algorithms in Java](
- [ ] for reinforcement: [Algorithms (Sedgewick & Wayne)]( and the accompanying course: ⭐[part 1](, ⭐[part 2](
- **Algorithms:**
- [x] [Data Structures and Algorithms in Java](
- [ ] for reinforcement: ⭐*Algorithms* course by Sedgewick & Wayne (⭐[Part 1](, ⭐[Part 2]( along with the textbook [Algorithms](
- [ ] going deeper: [The Algorithm Design Manual (Skiena)](
- [ ] and deeper again: [Algorithm Design (Kleinberg & Tardos)](
- [ ] for practice: ⭐[Project Euler](
- [x] **Usability:** [Don't Make Me Think](, [The Design of Everyday Things](, and [50 UI Tips](
- **Usability and UI:**
- [x] [Don't Make Me Think](
- [x] [The Design of Everyday Things](
- [ ][50 UI Tips](
- [ ] [Refactoring UI](
- [x] **Operating systems:** [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](
- [x] **Networks:** [Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach](
- **Networks:**
- [x] [Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach](
- [ ] for reinforcement: read it again!
- [ ] **Software architecture:** [Designing Data-Intensive Applications](
- [ ] **Databases:**[Readings in Database Systems](
Expand Down

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