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Fred the Guardian


Writing a little ping pong service that implements rate limiting with the programming language golang.


Web application

  • Runs in a docker container
  • implements the following throttling policy:
    • maximum of 10 “ping” requests are allowed per x-secret-key and per minute
    • maximum of 2 requests per second are allowed, regardless of the x-secret-key

CLI tool

  • Sends 1 “ping” request per second
  • Stops sending “ping” requests when limit of allowed requests is reached
  • Starts sending “ping” requests again when throttling is expired


Endpoint /ping


Payload example:

{ "request": "ping" }

Required headers:

x-secret-key: str

“x-secret-key”: a random string


response payload (when not throttled):

{ "response": "pong" }

Expected response payload(when throttled):

{ "message": "request throttled request", "throttle_age": int }

Response attributes:

“message” - friendly message explaining what is happening

“throttle_age” - the elapsed time(in seconds) since the throttling has been applied


There a couple of web servers and ingress controllers out there they implement different rate limiting algorithm already.

  • apache
  • nginx (experience with)
  • kong
  • istio
  • ...

In my opinion its better to use one of those above if rate limiting itself is not the core of the companies business.


The deployment is only tested with a local minikube VM. The deployment files are located at 'deploy/local'.

There is a [Makefile] in the local deployment folder

cd deploy/local
# download the fr123k/ubuntu21-minikube vagrant box from vagrant cloud
# provision it based on the VagrantFile
# the two step can be skipped if you have a kubernetes cluster already
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubectl.config
make vagrant setup
# this just run kubectl apply for the ping k8s manifest files
make deploy
# this will use curl to send the ping request to the k8s pod
# if use use a different k8s cluster then the vagrant minikube one then
# adjust the EXTERNAL_IP
EXTERNAL_IP= make test

Run Cli

# build the pong command line interface
make build-cli
# show the pong cli argument options
./build/pong -help
Usage of ./build/pong:
        use auto discovery of possible ping services (Default: false)
  -path string
        root path of the ping service (Default: /) (default "/")
  -port string
        port of the ping service (Default: 8080) (default "8080")
        set true to generate a random secret for each request (Default: false)
  -secret string
        specify the secret value for the X-SECRET-KEY http header (Default: top secret) (default "top secret")
  -server string
        server address of the ping service (Default: (default "")

# run with default ping service endpoint localhost:8080/

# run with auto discovery try couple of options to reach a ping service
./build/pong -auto true

# run with default ping service endpoint localhost:8080/
./build/pong -server -port 8888 -path /proxy/


This would be the road map for a self developed rate limiting service.

To do

Version 1

  • implement the first simple rate limiting based on in memory counter
    • single thread safe counter
    • simple rate limiting with counter reset
    • data structure for multiple counters

Version 2

  • implement the ping web server API without rate limiting
  • implement the pong client interface
  • setup local minikube for first deployment

Version 3

  • implement rate limiting in the ping service with in memory stored counters
  • add ping service test
    • implement the edge case and happy path tests
    • implement the rate policy tests
  • refactor the ping service reduce code lines and abstract general behavior
  • add pong cli test
  • implement pong cli handling of rate limit responses
  • refactor the pong cli reduce code lines and abstract general behavior
  • add number of bucket counters and memory usage to the status endpoint response
  • add prometheus metric instrumentation for monitoring
  • implement eviction of bucket counters to cleanup memory from not used counters
  • Update documentation to the latest implemented features

Version 4

  • implement the rate limiting with counters stored in redis

Version 5

Version 6

Version 7

Version 8


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